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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57019118 No.57019118 [Reply] [Original]

Is fishtank a good business and finance investment?

>> No.57019129

yes, but only if you take good care of it.

>> No.57019130

>be Sam Hyde
>have gay sex

>> No.57019132

horribly over-valued
love the show and sammy

>> No.57019167

It's an amazing grift but doing it twice a year feels a bit greedy.

>> No.57019189

Can I get a qrd?

>> No.57019354
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The first season had 2 cute pale skinny Jewesses

>> No.57019386

The only value of buying the 24 hour access is ability for creepshots like this, you can always watch the edited version on jewtube.

>> No.57019502

World Peace 2 will be a better investment.

>> No.57019830

you always have 24hour access the season pass is to harass them and live chat

>> No.57019857

Good Lord that man is ugly.

>> No.57020484
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a lobster tank is better, you can eat tasty food constantly or sell it if you don't feel like it
I'd like a lobster right now, after all I've been eating rice for weeks just to keep my $corn bag nice and fat

>> No.57020990


Forgot to link this xd

I have 1 or 2k to spare...

>> No.57021060
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Can I get the /biz/ translation on this?

>> No.57021140

I would but Sam said to put it all in Bitcoin.

>> No.57021200

no sus

>> No.57021234
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Paying $1000 for a broken site? Or $10000 for a date with the fish of your choice? Nah

>> No.57021317

Man hairy pitts are gross. Even on a cute kikess

>> No.57021345

Anyone that gives Sam money is an absolute retard.

>> No.57021921

This. His "advice" is 50% bullshit, 50% common sense.

>> No.57022209

Sam is a known scammer. Why would you willing give him money when there's countless videos of him talking about his scams made by himself? "Give us money and maybe you'll see a return on your investment." Right...