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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57018013 No.57018013 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57018022


>> No.57018023

this is my favourite thread during a dump
don't ruin it for such a small dump faggot

>> No.57018068
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>> No.57018084

They really bullied Martin shkreli past the point of no return in this movie

>> No.57018252

There will be blood really is a underrated /biz/ movie. I has:
> Mining
> Oil Drilling
> Real Estate
> Scamming
Im gonna watch it again. See if i can get it at /t/

>> No.57018421


>> No.57018469

I can hear youu..

>> No.57018499

I would have killed this faggot with my bare hands for the damage he did to the ecosystem

>> No.57018533

I drink it up

>> No.57018673
File: 121 KB, 1200x527, wolf finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga powered USA gainz for like 100 years. Fuck the ecosystem.

>> No.57018795

I second this. Nature can destroy us anytime it wants. The plants could just stop cooperating with us like that m night shalaalala movie

>> No.57018849

You're not my coin. You're just a bloddy basterd from a bhenchod basket .

>> No.57019052
File: 348 KB, 498x498, amzaing blowjob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day I sell all my SPX is going to be the day I retire, the day I will have given up hope, or the day I will have gotten married

>> No.57019065


>> No.57019183


>> No.57019435
File: 165 KB, 1280x533, qc2a7qo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said let's pump the price and dump on newfag redditors

>> No.57019974

blessed thread

>> No.57020835
File: 6 KB, 215x285, 1691248150021489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ABANDONING the ship right after it dumps a tiny little bit, fucking weak if you ask me, if ur good at reading charts you know if a coin is ngmi but after a lot of time here and discord and beoble i know ur just a bobo fag and you're gonna regret this

kys before whatever coin you dropped goes up again and you get cucked

>> No.57020890

Ok, How can I profit from this?

>> No.57020901

hes so based for that to be honest

>> No.57020909

not EVERYTHING is about profiting here anon e.e

>> No.57020915

I really don't get why it's so praised. Yea good acting but it's not even based on a true story. Picking the most boring plot

>> No.57020925

>gets in an arragement that will drain all his money and time for the rest of his life
>abandons a possibilty for passive income

zhe retardation surpasses any logic lol

>> No.57020926

if this is a gay porno i want source

>> No.57020934

I want whatever youre inhaling too please

>> No.57020942
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youll see him in like three weeks crying about doing that shit lol

>> No.57020951

congratulations anon now be free, go get a job, buy a house and get a trad wife, we will be waiting for your updates on how that goes

>> No.57020952


>> No.57020963
File: 71 KB, 994x662, 1512510114466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything on BUSINESS & FINANCE happens to be ABOUT Profiting, WICH IS THE MAIN OBJECTIVE of fucking BUSINESS.
Fucking retarded tranny.

>> No.57020979

Money is a useful illusion but the only way to be truly "rich" is to have land--enough that you can completely support yourself and your family on it, independently. The amount of land required to feed a family for a year varies greatly according to climate and fertility of the soil, but generally speaking, we're talking 1-2 acres and 50% of it dedicated to crops and/or animal husbandry.

If you can attain that, you're rich. You just need a bit of an income to cover property taxes, utilities, tools, etc. If such a property could support 2-3 adults and 2-3 kids, 1 adult could work outside the home for an income, and then the other people are basically working for their own sustenance.

If the family could eventually achieve an account large enough to pay enough dividends to cover all expenses, you'd be effectively liberated from capitalism, which is the highest level of wealth achievable.

>> No.57021508

Is it praised? I never heard of that movie before I intentionally started searching for /biz/ movies

>> No.57021970

i saw it in the theaters and walked out not knowing what the think of the movie and thoroughly unimpressed.
Daniel is justified in all his "shitty" decision, and kills that dude with a bowling pin cause the writer needed something interesting to end the movie with.