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57009546 No.57009546 [Reply] [Original]

Having a lot of crypto is stressful as fuck. How do you deal with it? Veterans only.

>> No.57009577

Keep buying. Stop checking the price. Forget that you're in crypto.

>> No.57009841

Just say "neat" when you lose everything, and move to the next coin. After a few bulls, you'll literally be dead inside

>> No.57009849


>> No.57009913

>Be Dead Inside
no, this.

>> No.57009926

I smoke weed and never sell, also I stake so I CAN'T sell and fuck myself over. My timeline is much longer than 99% of people in crypto.

>> No.57009936

I went through a phase of deep depression that lasted about 2 years. Then I realized I’m either going to make it or I’m not but either way I’m done being a wagie and these things don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

>> No.57009983

I just don't care

>> No.57010135

Nothing comes for free

>> No.57011155

pick up some hobbies
cycling for hours helps me stress less

>> No.57012349

If you're nervous, you invested too much.
1. No more than 1/2 net worth in crypto
2. No more than 1/2 in any given coin
3. Always keep some BTC as insurance
4. Get fucking paid

>> No.57012395

>1. No more than 1/2 net worth in crypto
Gay. You won't make it with that approach. The only things I don't have in crypto are:
>spare cash
>pension that I don't have a lot of control over and can't access for decades anyway

After putting most of my NW into crypto I was nervous about it for like a week. You just have to power through it. Anxiety literally goes away if you just don't act on it.

>> No.57012621

sweating starts when u are mid to high 6 figs invested if ur stressing at 4 fig nw ur like a teen surely

>> No.57012633
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Gooning. Lots and lots of gooning.

>> No.57012799
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I put all of my spare cash into crypto in 2020 before the bullrun and made out like a bandit, I would've been significantly poorer if I held out just because of some feels. Literally didn't sleep for two nights at first because it was all of my money but fuck anxiety, it's cringe monkey behavior leftover from humans as Neanderthals

>> No.57012908

I‘m looking for a storage solution currently. Since ledger got exposed i want something else but i dont want to switch to trezor or central custody like coinbase prime. I need something enterprise-grade because i‘m almost 9fig. Thinking about getting a cybersec company to build me my own solution with a Thales HSM or something like that but then again - why would i trust them.

>> No.57012924

Buying up more, driving my cost down, and praying to our Lord for salvation kek. Already gave FUN surge last week, aiming for Ocean and INJ this one

>> No.57012995

4 figs is the most stressful by a mile, the poorer you are the fewer opportunities you have, even wins are small, nothing to fall back on if you miss the bull or get rugged.

At 6 fig you can lose a 5 fig or even 6fig sum and still be well above what would be considered a millionaire in a lot of countries.

As for OP, if you’re just holding bags waiting for the bull, look away. Coins are gonna crab dump and pump randomly for probably a few more months. The more you look the more you stress and you read more fud and doom posting.

Simply, look, away. Have an alarm for certain prices so you don’t miss a moon or pitfall.

>> No.57013018
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Hot Yoga

>> No.57013105
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Buy good shit like iqt and kaspa and literally forget about it. It's that simple. No shitcoins, no worries.

>> No.57013126

you are not cool for repressing your feelings like a bunch of faggot teenagers.

>> No.57013135
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who the fucks uses half their net worth in fucking crypto. do you have zero self respect?

>> No.57013137

>IQT and Kaspa
>Good shit
Anon, I... I don't know how to tell you this, but...

>> No.57013146

4 letters

>> No.57013148

Videogames do not count as a hobby by the way. If anything you'll feel even more stressed

>> No.57013153

I usually put a pillow over my face and scream in despair until I drown out my pain, other times I take xanax.

>> No.57013158

Big wins, big losses. After enough of these u just say meh. Time in crypto made me numb asf

>> No.57013162
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>good shit

>> No.57013170

hot yoga? what do you mean with hot yoga?

>> No.57013172
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only sensible answer in this thread.

>> No.57013176

I am holding BTC and ETH and still suffer from stress, your point is stupid.

>> No.57013178
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So much this. My heaviest bags are ethereum, injective and iq protocol and i literally sleep like a fucking baby.

>> No.57013186

I cashed out a lot of things and paid my house off. Now I need $800 a month and the stress and pressure is just gone. I don’t get stressed out at work, I don’t worry about the economy, I don’t care what happens with the markets. My life is on cruise control and everything I make working is invested and I still have a nest egg that most people will never have.

>> No.57013190

16 fag here .. sell as much as it takes so you sleep at night. Investing 101: Psychologically we are affected by losses more than gains.
Or if you have good gains ..sell as much as it takes to recoup your original outlay. Then your speculating with the houses money and relatively unconcerned

>> No.57013286

I've seen things. Crypto has been like an electron microscope peering into the mass collective psyche of the human condition. I've been around a long time anon. You have no idea how fucking horrible 90% of the 'people' and 'projects' in crypto really are. It's gonna change the world. At one point I was certain it could only be for the better. But now I know it is truly a battle of good vs evil.

>> No.57013297

Are they going to be using this new RAPE HATCH to be poisoning my food in my room even if they stop poisoning at the store?

>> No.57013391

It’s a process you will have to go through, initially you will have severe emotional reactions but each time it numbs you and eventually you feel nothing anymore.

t. Held through the most recent bear market

>> No.57013446

nice b8, made me reply, now go back to r3ddit to cry about it

>> No.57013465
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>How do you handle the stress?
I simply live with the stress

>> No.57014569 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57014703

Best advice ITT.

I’ve learned to basically just build a folio and look away. People will always shill appealing projects, there will always be coins that do better than yours, there will be the FOMO, but you just need to borderline forget you even own anything until you hit your price targets, then sell. Till then? Close your eyes. Stop checking the price.

>> No.57014922

Read book about burnout
Dont scalp.

>> No.57015668 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide

>> No.57016172


>> No.57016385
