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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57005741 No.57005741 [Reply] [Original]

I'm leaving this shithole called the UK.
>work in IT
>no hope for ever owning a home
>no family
>england is a literal dump full of immigrants
>government cuts budgets all the time
>public transportation is dogshit
>police is retarded and crime is high
>wages declining (not stagnant) since 2008

Daily reminder that your average bong drives the equivalent of a a shitty fiesta granny car in the USA. I will be moving to Australia, already have my permanent residence.

Please give me some ideas on how to exit scam?
>max out credit cards
>take out bank loans

>> No.57005770
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I already have £80k in student loans (which i won't pay back lol), that's like $100k I think in USD. Need some more ideas..

>> No.57005959

Is the sky always grey over there?

>> No.57005981

I don't know about exit scamming, but after opening my limited company I was amazed at how easy it was to get credit. Yup, overdrafts and loans. Well, enjoy Australia

>> No.57006116

I'll look into that good idea.

>> No.57006144

no ideas. that's pretty epic though. but yeah, they shouldnt be able to enforce student loan payments, credit card stuff, loans, etc. in another country.

you will probably have trouble if you ever want to visit the uk. dunno if you give a shit about your family, but dont do this unless you really are sure you will never go back for the rest of your life

>> No.57006168

You literally just described California in that post.
>tfw when my ancestors left England only to help create another one on the west coast.

>> No.57006170

Yeah I'm never returning, my family is French, they live in France. I've read into some others who have done this, you just have to make sure it's not too obvious which country you moved to.

>> No.57006177

The debts in the UK are wiped after 6 years of no contact, unless the bank proves its fraud (which is hard) I can come back after 6 years.

>> No.57006185
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> Turned out brexit means exit the country

>> No.57006209

How did you end up in the UK in the first place? are you also french/a french citizen?

that's interesting. yeah, seems worth it if anything lel.

i don't really know if you can scam very much though. I'm guessing a few credit cards, 10-30k each, and just dont pay them off? what kind of loan would you be getting?

would you just be transferring this shit to a bank in australia? does seem trackable but i guess there's nothing that they can do if you're in aus. good luck. you can probably make like 100k off this

>> No.57006275

>How did you end up in the UK in the first place? are you also french/a french citizen?
Born in UK but my family moved back to France after Brexit. So yeah british and french citizen.

>> No.57006284 [DELETED] 

California may be shit also, but also they make up for it with that big tech salary.

>> No.57006287

California may be shit also, but they make up for it with that big tech salary.

>> No.57006306 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 1024x683, LowIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of Polish and Czech migrants, now we have hordes of Africans and Indians. Brexit means Brexit.

>> No.57006805

similarly related to OP in that I'm trying to leave leaf land and go to the states, any idea on how to get a visa or something?

>> No.57006813

You literally just fly to Mexico and walk through

>> No.57006822

E-2 Visa

>> No.57006823

Fuck off we're full

>> No.57007232
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Apply for as many scummy lender typer credit cards as you can and max them all.
Buy a new car and sell it for cash.
Don't pay for your TV license.

>> No.57007340

yes. even at night

>> No.57007354

nowere can you find a good place to stay. its not the worl its you. your kind are useless.

>> No.57007367

no its britain. it really sucks that bad.

>> No.57007370

buy a business with a long history, can be a company that does nothing, its just registered
take up the biggest loan possible
leave the country
bonus points for "selling" the business to a homeless paki before leaving the country

>> No.57007424

Why are British diaspora people so disgusting everywhere in the world?
>chubby fat or obese
>ugly faces
>dress like trash
>no skills

>> No.57007434

>moves from one brown infested shithole to another

>> No.57007466

It's the same shit in Australia now

If there's a good Western country left I don't know what it is

>> No.57008901

>>government cuts budgets all the time
That's literally your only chance of being able to afford a home, dumbass.
You can only blame them that they aren't doing this fast enough.