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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5700267 No.5700267 [Reply] [Original]

Greetings and a Happy New Year to my friends at /biz/.

I've successfully reached levels of wealth untold this past year thanks to the advice of this board and now I'd like to make a proposal for the greater good.

I am seeking qualified individuals to assist in the promotion of a specific altcoin. The coin is currently under 15 satoshis and rising quickly.

My trade and speciality is in SEO and content creation. I am skilled in simplifying technical concepts for the general public. What I need help with is spreading the content, seemingly in an organic way.

I am prepared to write detailed and high quality DA 90+ articles about the features and functions of the coin. The volume is absolutely massive--you'll be able to purchase 500,000 coins with a $100 investment. This leads to a low entry price still to be gained and decent marketing materials exist.

I am fully skilled in the entire Adobe program suite and plan on creating video, graphics, and even a quality e-book for bringing the new masses into this coin.

I am part of a local cryptocurrency group and the general response from first time buyers is shifting--they all want alts but are unsure how to buy them.

If you'd like to join me on the mission, I am prepared to offer bounties in Ethereum. I am also fully prepared to get this coin to .05--which means absolutely massive profits.

Please respond in this thread with your email, interest level, and skills available.

Thank you all for the information this year and may your 2018 be a 100 foot tall green candle.

>> No.5700318

Pump snovio you fucking faggot soyboy

>> No.5700354



interest level is high, skills include 24/7 shilling and marketing promotion

>> No.5700399

I'll shill your coin day in and out on /biz/

>> No.5700542

I think my shilling skills would prove incredibly useful to you. I have a philosophy degree and an English masters, and so am similarly trained in wrestling with difficult concepts and articulating them as clearly, concisely and simply as possible. I am also a very persuasive writer and arguer. I could be the master shiller you are looking for.

Here is my email: clofruclot@hvzoi.com

Contact me whenever with more information. Happy New Years.

>> No.5700601

shameless shiller

>> No.5700651
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Thanks guys, I'll send emails tomorrow to everyone who leaves one. Enjoy the new year!

Proof of crypto gains attached: me flying around Denali in a private jet.

Were going to get rich as fuck my friends.

>> No.5700664

just pay people in third world countries a few cents per post to post on here, reddit, twitter with hashtags, etc.

Shouldn't cost more than $1000

>> No.5701338
File: 604 KB, 594x432, 1514679197190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Bro, grats on your gains.

I've been lurking biz since about june of this year and I'd be happy to shill this coin here or anywhere else, it sounds like fun to me. I graduated from a liberal arts (lul) program a few years ago and I'd like to think I have a good grasp of the English language as well as the ability to research like a maniac. I even did a little freelance copywriting last year. Hit me up anytime, email is below:


>> No.5701456

I'm a bit new to actually trading crypto but I am a quick learner. Have some basic programming experience. Give me something to do and I'll figure it the fuck out. I promise that. Hope you give me a shot.


>> No.5701546

Sounds good.
My email is miketyke53@gmail.com

>> No.5701607

nigg@ers.com My name is Thom and I can't wait to make it big someday. I just heard about this place from my friend.

>> No.5701674

shilling from eastern europe, shilling on twitch, let me know what you need. contact me uberyzator@o2.pl

>> No.5701673


will shill all day long

>> No.5701743

I'm interested to hear more about this


Happy new year guys :)

>> No.5701874


>interest level
Very interested.

Project Management, Marketing, Copywriting, Business development, app co-founder .

Let's do it, OP.

>> No.5701936


skills: i shill coins all day long on twitter, /biz/ and bitcointalk. i have hundreds of accounts

i about to make 2-4 million by end of january

always up for a pump and dump

>> No.5702112


High Interest


>> No.5702180

Extremely interested
Skills: facebook ads + huge network in German online-marketing and crypto-scene
Mail: phst2@gmx.de

>> No.5702211


High interest level. Ready to turn massive gains into godly ones.

Professional web developer (php, node.js).

>> No.5702316


Interested level:
Very interested

UI/UX design, graphics, logo, illustration

>> No.5702328

Just post the details in here faggot seems sketchy that you want our email addresses

>> No.5702419

>interest level

i sit on the sofa watching charts all day every day, I wanna make some motherfucking money

>skills available

buying high and selling low, high school diploma, manual labor wagecuck since the day I turned 15, sliding cars into curbs, making Ramelettes, I could go on and on


>> No.5702420

Hey Anon I'm one of the biggest shiller in western europe, I would love to do /biz/ness with you, good sir. You see my abilities are unmatched.

>> No.5702425


Very interested

HTML, PHP, Photoshop, Illustrator

>> No.5702503

Accounting finance degree. I have learned how to program VBA in my free time and created multiple programs my 200+ employer company has put out to the whole PM team saving over 10000+ hours in manual repetitive tasks.
Very driven and willing to learn whatever it takes to succeed. Let's go brahs

>> No.5702544
File: 937 KB, 1500x1000, cactus (1 of 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys,

Due to the awesome response I'm getting the base website ready for the coin. Having to do some graphic updates real quick but expect an email.

Not trying to be 'secretive', im just looking for a tight group that can work together. Expect an email soon.

>> No.5702612

> I have learned how to program VBA in my free time and created multiple programs my 200+ employer...

Are you me?

>> No.5702653

Haha if you wanna swap programs I'm down. Always willing to learn new tricks. Also it's interesting to see what people have created. Shoot me an email

>> No.5702739

splickz@live.com I have years of web dev exp

>> No.5702821


-> work at bank
-> in IT, good connections on all sides
-> expert in SEO

>> No.5702830


Acg, Federal Taxation (Masters Degree), html

>> No.5703381

I've got extensive experience in community management which I can back with proof and references if required.
Just started up my own business for tax purposes in this regard, but i'd be happy to be considered an employee if it's easier.

Shoot me an email so we can discuss the project further.


>> No.5703438

Apologies, forgot to add that my interest level is moderate-high. I would like to know more about the project before I can say I'm 'all in' in that sense.
I look forward to your email

>> No.5703465

Hey mate, sounds good to me.


>> No.5703491


>> No.5703503

Very interested, I can produce video content shilling/memeing this coin, glad to help.


>> No.5703552

Interested. Proficient in community/project management. Worked with a few crypto startups in the past.


>> No.5703565

Studying computer science, in crypto since 2016, Languages: Spanish, English.
Can get circulation in latin american media.
Contact: crusludocr@hvzoi.com

>> No.5703605

My VBA career transformed into something different long ago, so nothing at hand, sorry.

Glad that someone is not ashamed to mention doing VBA. Everybody hates it, yet it is so useful in corporate environments.

>> No.5703660

Very interested, have a few grand to contribute
I can meme and shill
Have a bachelors degree

Not trying to be a dick, but how do we know this isn't a p&d scam?

>> No.5703711

I'm an engineer and I'm very skilled at making complicated things more complex. Can I help?

>> No.5703734


>> No.5703892

Can shill on biz and in 15 different discord groups