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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57000590 No.57000590 [Reply] [Original]

Or do you just wing it?

>> No.57000600

Just wing it

>> No.57000615

I wing it, I have a rough estimate of a full on "consoooomer" level of spending for a month versus a frugal level of spending. Even if I go full on retard spending I'll still have a quarter of my take home pay to buy Bitcoin with.

>> No.57000629

I'm the most autistic person when it comes to finances, you'll ever meet. I'm not even joking

>> No.57000694

I stopped tracking my expenses and autistically "saving" once I realized one 2x or -50% on anything will instantly wipe out every gain I ever made shopping for groceries with coupons or buying the off brand thing instead of the name brand to save $.50

>> No.57000701

I report my individual expenses in a spreadsheet at the end of the month and I make subtotals by categories. I have done that every month since 2017.
My spreadsheet is also connected to a crypto and stocks api so it calculates my net worth in real time.

>> No.57000737

Did this ever lead to actionable results?
Did you change your spending habits based on your spreadsheet?

>> No.57000800

Yeah I optimize a few things almost every month. I cancel subscriptions I don't use for example. If i didn't do this little exercise every month I would likely be carrying useless subscriptions for months or years because it's the only time I look at my bank accounts.
Also It's fun to have a graph of my monthly expenses by categories over several years.

>> No.57000827


>> No.57000831

Yep, I add up the price of each individual item when grocery shopping in my head. Almost never buy anything that isnt discounted.

>> No.57000997

Yes. I use money manager ex and track every cent over several accounts.
Shame it doesnt have crypto support yet.