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56999874 No.56999874 [Reply] [Original]

Camel Mujahideen promised us CCIP general access “later this year”.

Where the fuck is it you mudslime terrorist?


At 4:00

>> No.57000007

>we're aiming to have ccip general...
kek fuddies

>> No.57000020


>> No.57000022

>haha we still don’t have a working product take that fuddies
You sure showed us

>> No.57000023

it will be releast on december 31 at 11:59:59 pm, but it will be only version 0.0.1

>> No.57000026

It’s already at v1 retard.

>> No.57000042

Allahu akbar….

>> No.57000069

>Camel Mujahideen
Holy fuck are these the people that are getting paid off our backs?

>> No.57000107

Ummm fudsisters? Which threads are we gonna keep bumping?

>> No.57000223

No linkers and jeets in a complete meltdown like despair because they missed the boat with their $100 a few years ago. Lmfao.

>> No.57000237

Kill yourself

>> No.57000267

Ok so you’re just fine with them continuously leading you on with a carrot on a stick that never actually comes to fruition? They’ve done this countless times and half the time the product doesn’t ever launch and just gets shelved, or turns out to be a total piece of shit nobody uses.

>> No.57000290

it's not a "carrot on a stick" unless you don't understand English
Maybe get your handler to teach you the meaning of the word "subtlety" in your next lesson as well, so that you do less of an embarrassingly shitty and sloppy job every day as per >>57000107, you unwashed brownoid nopooler cockroach.

>> No.57000319

It is a carrot on a stick, you’re a fucking retard and just flagged yourself as one. What exactly do you think that means, anon?

>> No.57000340

kek jump working overtime. bullish.

>> No.57000353

>It’s already at v1
that's just v0.1 of v1, the real v1 will be great though and will be complete at the end of next year

>> No.57000391

>"N-no you're a retard sar. I think everything I hear is a promise so... so it's a carrot on a stick!"
Saying that something is a "carrot on a stick" implies that an outcome is being offered or promised in exchange for favorable behavior. They're discussing what they're working on for the benefit of devs, so that they can look into working on products to be ready for more features / sources to be added to ccip. That's it. But again, you're way too fucking stupid to understand any of this and you're definitely not the target audience - seeing as you're clearly just a dumb animal that deserves a captive bolt pistol to the head anyway lol.

>> No.57000444

the game being played is the following: chainlink earns their money by selling tokens. it's a big company, this model is very successful as the margins are low. to sell tokens, they have to tell buyers that the price of the token will rise. they can't do it outright, because that would violate securities law. since their buyers believe in the tech angle, that's the best hype generator: tell them about the things that they will build to make tge token more valuable. you see: it's all carrots to eitger attract more buyers or keep existing customers from entering tgeir market, i.e. selling tokens, competing with them

>> No.57000478

holy fuck bagholders in hardcore denial

>> No.57000485

>Discussing what they're working on and what they're aiming for without making any promises = a carrot on a stick in the mind of a third-world fudcuck
Yeah, so you are a dumb animal like I said kek.

>> No.57000487

I need the token (sexually)

>> No.57000494

>we'll be releasing staking and CCIP this year
>not dangling carrots
>we aim to release CCIP general access later this year
>still not dangling carrots
the absolute state of bagholder denial ladies and gents

>> No.57000525

0.2 did get released. They have been working on CCIP, which was released with limited access earlier this year. Now kill yourself you retarded ESL fag.

>> No.57000542

>I swear guys they aren't dangling carrots on a heckling stick kys esl fag reeeeeee
pathetic and cringe

>> No.57000555

>Doesn't have an actual argument anymore
>Too scared to even reply directly now
Lol, satisfying. I accept your concession fudcuck.

>> No.57000572

>oh no he stopped giving me the (You)s I need to fulfill my daily quota
>fuck, I should double down on my retardation and bait him for more (You)s!
>reeeee muh arguments reeee anal gay cuck sex so satisfying reeeee derp

>> No.57000591

any man who must say "i won the argument" is no true winner at all

>> No.57000651

dude, how dare you ignore the baggie's arguments about delivering muh beta 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 staking versions instead of the full thing, or muh limited access CCIP almost a year and a half after Sergey himself promised "CCIP release this year" in January 1st 2022, or when Kemal said they "aim to release full CCIP for realz later this year!"
his stellar arguments absolutely destroy muh bad-faith argument about carrot dangling!1

>> No.57000659
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>Dumb animal can't argue it's way out of a wet paper bag
>It has clearly given up
>I point this out
>"Oh um well someone who won wouldn't say that"
Yep. This is the exact level of intelligence I expected from brown "people" who think that spamming biz with fud fulltime is going to actually do anything.

>> No.57000683

>thread stalking to the point he actually replied in less than a full minute after I posted
>PLEASE, give me (You)s and ARGUE with me
kek, looks like desperate shills in charge of damage control are working overtime this weekend
btw, you don't even have any arguments you retarded baggie

>> No.57000713

>damage control
>working overtime
holy projection kekfuddie
checked and they really arent sending their best

>> No.57000736

>telling people on social media just stake and get build rewards (soon)
>telling people on social media huge features are about to launch (soon)
>nothing ever happening
You don’t blast on social media inner business dealings, all of that is a show for the bag holders. You’re an absolute brainlet try hard with no real world experience.

>> No.57000743

and here comes the samefagging
it's amazing how pointing out simple truths, like the OP does, makes stinky linky baggies lash out in seething rage
>nooooooo the team is not dangling carrots reeee stop saying that you filthy animal

>> No.57000755

>we still don’t have a working product
Price feeds since 2019

>> No.57001083

im surprised you or anyone even bothers to waste time on them

they literally spent like a few thousand hours last year collectively trying to fud link and the early access pool filled up in under 6 hours anyway

theyre subjannie tier lifeforms, thats how much they failed

>> No.57001108

ready not released kek
When something is ready you don't have to release it if you don't feel like it.

>> No.57002089

ngl, amazing mental gymnastics

>> No.57002167

they do it because they know they'll always get a few (yous) as long as it remains a link board

>> No.57002363
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>> No.57003101


>> No.57003713
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Just 2 more weeks link xisters.. The switch will be flipped and your "real life" will finallt begin. HODL diamond hands marines!

>Dec 15 2020:
LINK: $13.25
TRX: $0.029
DOGE: $0.003
SOL: $1.69
AVAX: $3.34
ADA: $0.15
MATIC: $0.019
BNB: $29.94
ETH: $589

>Dec 15 2023:
LINK: $15.00
TRX: $0.10
DOGE: $0.097
SOL: $74.80
AVAX: $39.32
ADA: $0.64
MATIC: $0.87
BNB: $251.20
ETH: $2280