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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 261 KB, 1280x720, reef tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56998814 No.56998814 [Reply] [Original]

What materialistic would you buy? Yea yea many of you want to spend money on drugs and vagina and travel but in this thread we are not talking about those things.

For me: I would build a house with one specialty, a fucking seawater/reef aquarium. Came across with those on youtube and holy shit now I'm obsessed to get one. If you want a big one, you have to kinda build your house around it.

And yes, I would probably finally buy a new car. How about you?

>> No.56998823
File: 483 KB, 1024x684, reeftank2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnngh I need one.

>> No.56998837

a nice car jaw surgery and a hair transplant

>> No.56998879

This is why you are not going to make it even if you do make a couple million.

>> No.56998908
File: 478 KB, 1078x856, 1632642168107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What materialistic would you buy?
an eternal 18 yo gf

>> No.56998915

GOING TO ZERMATT https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=591464451&q=zermatt&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc-aeN2pODAxWURPEDHTkyAdIQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1366&bih=650&dpr=1#imgrc=7gdP9aZvuWC__M

>> No.56998929
File: 60 KB, 597x525, d (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built a reef tank when I made it in 2004

>> No.56999137
File: 64 KB, 618x451, indoor-water-features2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aquariums and a bunch of indoor water features. Ever since i saw them in a splinter cell mission i've wanted some, They just look so refreshing to drink from

>> No.56999143
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>> No.56999160
File: 520 KB, 626x417, water feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56999167

really just a bunker for shitposting in desu. a nice bunker though with art and fine wines, vintage games like sealed tombi ps1. sealed crash bandicoot. a cigar humidor. large ish fish tank. lazy boy obviously, probably a side room with a hydroponic setup where i can grow vegetables and an underground chicken farm.

>> No.56999229

Not spending any money is not really MAKING IT. I have already accomplished a position where I don't have wagecuck for living. And no I'm not someone who sits all in on massive unrealized profit and now thinking about quitting job etc. I got realized gains too. Just not yet enough to have that giga comfy life where I can/should actually spend some extra extra.

This one kinda cool. But I prefer that reef tank over this. Both look awesome but that reef tank would be also "a small science project" for me. So it would be a small hobby too to get that fucking awesome reef flourish on my house lol.

>> No.56999287

Mang I just want a house on a few acres and the ability to give my kids a nice little head start.

>> No.56999511

Maintenance would be hell and you'd get bored of it after a few days

>> No.56999859
File: 54 KB, 345x517, Permaculture-Chickens-in-Food-Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy some land and create the garden of eden for chickens. It would be a food forest specifically designed to mimic the natural habitat of red jungle fowl (wild chickens) and provide the chickens with the best life, health and happiness as is chickenly possible. Open grassy areas where they can sunbathe and forage insects, plenty of fruit and nut trees for them to eat, old rotten logs to scratch through, piles of leaf litter, great dust baths, a nice water feature. It would of course produce a ton of food for humans too, but the main goal is for it to be chicken paradise. And the chickens would be living naturally too, like a dozen hens and a rooster on like an acre of this.

>> No.56999865

I would get a place that was acoustically engineered so I couldn't hear any fucking noise from the outside world.

>> No.57000057
File: 300 KB, 1280x960, 3261FA2D-1E99-4C39-B3C7-62CF9A29375D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy a used Porsche from the dealership, redorcate my apt, upgrade my laptop and get my cat a new cat tree, maybe a friend for him too.

Then I'd keep my job for another 1-3 years depending on how fast my money grows. Then go pay off my parents mortgage and live between there and my apt.

>> No.57000214

Pest control would be an issue. You make it a chicken eden, it also becomes a fox/coyote eden

>> No.57000330

There will definitely be maintenance but it is part of why I like this idea so much.

>> No.57000341

Btw. Both of those tanks are on youtube. They show the room next to tank with all the required equipment etc.

>> No.57000467

Large apartment in my favorite neighborhood. Larger TV. Rolex. Pretty simple stuff.

>> No.57000496

>Ever since i saw them in a splinter cell mission i've wanted some, They just look so refreshing to drink from
>Internet Historian voice
>Ah, yes, welcome, Mr Bond. Feel free to take a refreshing drink from this stone waterfall.
>Its only the finest most pure glacial water
>Zero salt content, only healthy minerals
based autist

>> No.57000767

You got the autist part right that's for sure

>> No.57000897

My reward is in heaven

>> No.57002019

Im a bit of a psycho. I had $1.2m and didn't cash out even though I live a rotter lifestyle. I don't think im attracted to luxury stuff and feel dirty eating expensive food or staying in expensive hotels. I want large sums of money so I can go back to school for engineering. I have done some napkin math, but I believe I can build a new type of aircraft that could potentially open up a new multi-billion dollar market. Theres also some smaller things I want to work on, but this is what I believe would be my magnus opus. I don't see a lambo or anything like that as the finish line. The finish line is changing the face of global prosperity and security.

>> No.57002139

$1.2 million is unironically nothing. it’s enough to start working on your real project / career etc while not having to worry TOO much about day to day bills. that $1.2 million wouldnt even be enough for the startup funds for most ventures, anyways, we are talking just housing and feeding yourself so you can dedicate your time to your work

>> No.57002174

Thats basically what I was going off of. I would be back in middle upper class society too where funding would be a little bit easier. I think I have some pretty good connections, but when you don't have work or bills as obligations then you can focus on bigger things. I would maybe try a $5m play before that one with another idea I have and then go for a home run. People would want to see that im capable of creative engineering and not just a shitcoin degen.

>> No.57002179

exxactly 1.2m gets you out of the NPC game, you can't call that nothing. It's a strong foundation which is the most important part of any building

>> No.57002213

Buy a mountain cabin and live off divvies. Renounce the world completely

>> No.57002232

that looks comfy but you need a mexican coming into your house and cleaning that thing every couple of weeks.

>> No.57002267

Dumb motherfuckers got psyop'd by Doomers and larpers here into not cashing out because muh "$1mil is nothing" gay meme

Kys fags

>> No.57002297

for me, it's a hot hooker every day being delivered at my door

>> No.57002361 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1024x682, 1986491864644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where your head is at, but that's not for me ultimately. The maintenance on it would just annoy the shit out of me on principle. Every time I'd see a bill coming in I'd be like "these fucking fish are costing me what?!" I'm autistic like that. What I'd probably do is do some new construction some place tropical. It would be maybe a 2 story townhouse type setup. 4 units on the first floor and a penthouse unit on the top. I would kit the place out to the max, basically have it be a fortress. I'd take the penthouse and then I'd rent the 4 units on the first floor out at my leisure. The penthouse would have an interior design sort of like pic related minus the animatronics and shit and a lot more real, low maintenance, air purifying plants rather than all plastic ones. Basically I'd want to be able to trick my brain into feeling like I was outside, even when I was inside working. Get a really damn good kitchen setup that maybe extends into an outdoor rooftop patio that you can see the ocean from. Do one of those really nice rain showers in the bathroom. Basically the goal would be scaled down luxury living with the peace of mind that it's also pumping out some revenue semi-passively.

>> No.57002391

Even keeping a small saltwater tank less than 1/100th that size requires a ton of maintenance. This looks amazing, but it would be a nightmare to have to be in charge of upkeep on this thing

>> No.57002404

One of those huge estate houses far enough out there I don't have to hear anyone ever again, but close enough to civilization that getting groceries isn't a pain.

>> No.57002405

>Entire house smells like sewer
>Have to spend 3 hours maintaining that shit
>Water costs go through the roof

no thanks, aquariums are a meme

and people who give a shit about fish are weird autists

>> No.57002433


>> No.57002547

>he fell for the FUD
aquariums are lower maintenance than any dog or cat
balanced and well managed aquariums have no smell
water costs are a function of balance, you can run entire aquatic systems with minimal water changes and even reduce evaporation to reduce topoffs to near 0.

>> No.57002564
File: 781 KB, 967x500, 585034355a872.image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am surprised no trainfags have come in to say
>Entire house with 1 room devoted to every major train system in the world
Trainfags are for sure the most obsessed

>> No.57002571

>aquariums are lower maintenance than any dog or cat

no shit retard nice argument

>> No.57002687

Its honestly not a lot. If I would have cashed out I would have also got hit with $600k in taxes. In hindsight I wish I cashed out. You put $600k in context though and you are basically at what a working professional like a doctor or small business owner might save in 5-6 years. Nothing to sneeze at but you are upper middle class at best. I rather be lower middle lifestyle, but working on a business that could put me in the global elite of the top .05%

$1.2m might be cool for a consumer fag that wants a boring consumer lifestyle. My normie friends would be over the moon. I want to reach higher. I took one step back as I was already there, but it set things into perspective.

>> No.57002719

>seawater/reef aquarium
I just want an indoor hot tub, that is all. It helps my back pain.

>> No.57002755

Even though this is AI, it would look amazing IRL. Water features like this, waterfalls/jungle scapes would be awesome to have, aquariums seem gay in comparison

>> No.57002831
File: 9 KB, 256x171, 3CC74F64-0935-48C1-AF23-25A4874062FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would customize a home with trippy lighting, fountains, waterfall going into a pool, and plants everywhere. Also I'd want a basement for my basement. My secret training room. I'm not that materialistic, but I would like a badass home like this