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56996613 No.56996613 [Reply] [Original]

How do I hide my money? I have dual citizenship (USA & EU country). They cannot get me if I just leave the country and have everything on my ledger, right? Plan is to find a foreign gf and deposit small amounts of money in her bank account (enough to pay monthly bills). Will this work?

>> No.56996624

>find a foreign gf and deposit small amounts of money in her bank account
they never learn..

>> No.56996631

a cuck. not surprised, being bearish must be tiresome since the trend of humanity has only ever been up.

>> No.56996637

I need a bank account that isn't under my name so I can cash out and buy shit. Depositing 2-3k/month in her account is for my own personal expenses

>> No.56996688

marriage cucks are just like that, they just have to let the state into their lives like the little cucks they are they just can't help themselves

>> No.56996702

It's already too late to hide money if divorce proceedings have started. Or even are about to start. You're going to get audited, effectively, so you need to be hiding money WAAAAY before the divorce starts.

What you CAN do, is withdraw all cash from joint accounts and spend it on junk. Selling large assets is tricky, since cars and houses are tracked, but you could certainly go through "your" /shared/ closet and sell all the extra shoes and clothes and take the couple hundred bucks you get and blow it at the bar. Will it look shitty in front of a judge? Only if you admit it. Just maintain ignorance, and nobody can prove your wife wasn't the one who sold shit. Wives can do this to husbands' collectibles/vidya/TOOLS, so I feel it's fair game.

Anyway, playing games like that is only good for spite. If you want to just protect your assets, you need to go the lawfare route. Go consult with every divorce lawyer within a hundred miles so they can't work for your wife due to conflict of interest (this is expensive, but worth it) and make sure to hire the absolute best divorce lawyer firm you can. Deprive your wife of good counsel and things will be a LOT easier for you.

Kids is trickier because judges are utter faggots about keeping kids with moms, even when it's outright abusive for the kids. Pretty much the only way to guarantee custody is to have the wife put in prison, which is difficult to do, again, because judges are utter faggots about holding women accountable. This is where having the best legal counsel possible is crucial, because it'll help you obey retarded judge's orders regarding custody, and lets you build a case over time to get shared custody and eventually full custody.

tl;dr consult a lawyer, or to be spiteful sell everything in the house that doesn't have a title or deed and blow the money on booze/partying.

ps don't forget to max the credit cards in her name to tank her credit

>> No.56996710

Don't trust a Western woman at the very least

>> No.56996744

Are you white? The state will not rest until you're raped of your belongings. If you're some globohomo identity, you might have more pull. Identity as a troon in court or something.

>> No.56996762

>I need a bank account that isn't under my name
ever heard of crypto?
just kys already

>> No.56996779

Are you retarded? I'm contemplating putting all my assets into crypto, keeping it on my personal ledger, and selling 2-3k/month worth, depositing it in someone else's bank account so that they cannot freeze my account and/or steal the deposits

>> No.56996834

Make sure you use XMR, purchased without kyc, and work with someone you trust for cashing out. But be warned that divorce lawyers WILL spot that you hid whatever amount you hid, and they WILL be checking for receipts for expenses, and the courts WILL demand that you produce that amount of money and give half or more to your wife, and the judge will be annoyed at you for making him/her spend more mental effort on your case because you tried to hide money.

Just get the best lawyer you can and take his advice on asset protection. You're not going to "trick" divorce court. You have to play the game.

>> No.56997103

Depends on how much you stand to lose, how vindictive you want to be, and whether or not you're willing to never step foot in the US again until your soon to be ex wife has passed away. If you really wanted to go scorched earth you could for example get a third citizenship/passport in a Central, South American or Caribbean country for probably 200-300k (you would apply for this citizenship as a European not as an American). With the right lawyers they can apply for a name change simultaneously which will effectively give you a new identity. From there you could add an extra layer of protection by forming an IBC with offshore accounts, and funneling whatever assets you manage to liquidate into them. I'm not sure which countries are best for this but you would want somewhere that extradition isn't possible. Keep in mind you'll probably not be able to see your kids again until they're grown up, if they want to come visit you wherever you decide to fuck off to.

>> No.56997129
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>everything is on my reddit stick
Pay up paypiggie

>> No.56997145

Or just stick it all on a Ledger and go somewhere without an extradition treaty before they cancel your passport.

>> No.56997174

>Getting divorced
No. No. No. Try and reconcile with her by taking a romantic sailboat cruise in the Gulf of Mexico. Bring an extra anchor.