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File: 449 KB, 402x623, trades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56995249 No.56995249 [Reply] [Original]

Is trade school worth it?

>> No.56995325

Absolutely not. Just work a wagie job for a year and buy ICP and LINK

>> No.56995335

>its good that slavery is more inclusive and now everyone can be a slave

>> No.56995437

Only if it’s less than 1 year. Anything else is a scam. Trade work is learned hands on, out in the field.

>> No.56995446

Such a cope for being lazy faggots lol!

>> No.56995454

I did trade school for electrical. The work is ass and so is the pay. Unions are not easy to get into either. Very labor intensive and the stress is high. FUCK the trades. RN nurses basically have the same schooling (for the associates to be an RN) and they make what a journeyman makes right out of school. You have any idea how depressing that is?
Don't do it

>> No.56995472

>muh work ethic
Absolute retard spotted. What the FUCk is the point when the pay is SHIT? Fucking RETARD
This is the kind of brain dead dumbass you'll be surrounded with btw, op.
Forgot to mention how fucking ghetto it is. You feel like a lower class citizen in this field. Also trade school is basically boot camp. You get yelled at everyday. I was the too student there (instructor made me teach others) and even I got yelled at daily. It's ASS

>> No.56995474

Young 80iq chuddie who's in good health today but can't comprehend the damage time does to his body detected. Most tradies start breaking down in their 30s and are completely broken by 40.

>> No.56995693

I work in a low col, rtw state as a commercial hvac tech and I’ll close the year by making just under 100k with very little overtime. The work is cake. PM / service work only, no installs or duct work. I don’t pay for the work vehicle that I get to take home. I have a company issued phone that I use as my personal phone. No degree needed. No daily meetings, no sitting in front of a screen all day, not buried in paper work, not dealing with phone calls, etc. been slaving for 15 years now and no knee or back injuries like the collegecucks would like you to believe is what happens.

>> No.56995706

You have like a top 1% job in the trades. Most are what I described

>> No.56995735

Tradecucks think they’re the smartest guy in the room because they got the owner to let them run the lathe for $20/hr for 45 years

>> No.56995743

Is 24 too late?

>> No.56995755

Lol, neet here, this was funny

>> No.56995764

It would be worth it to learn electronics, pneumatics and just the basics if you're at 0 for knowledge.
I don't think it's the right play if you're 35 but if you're young, yeah like the one guy said. 6k, 1 year, and then go build roofs.

>> No.56995775

Posts like these are what taking the drowning rat out for a few seconds is for tradies. It gives them useless hope to keep going, not knowing they’ll be back in the water for GOOD next time.

>> No.56995782

85k is nothing

>> No.56995822

Curious, what is your profession?

>> No.56995847

Tradies is a meme. If it was so good there wouldn't be people trying to convince you to do it.

>> No.56995854

I fell for the tradie meme. It sucks ass. You're at the bottom of the totem pole next to the janitors. Get the 4 year degree.

>> No.56995855

yes. you can get a lifetime of comp just from having a skid call on your toe

>> No.56995938
File: 7 KB, 533x497, 1645138988508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make $28.65 in a medical field with a 2 year degree. HR is filled with drooling idiots and tech guys who dont give a shit so that is why if anyone leaves their computer logged in and walks away, in two clicks i can see their hourly rate by accessing their hr portal. This poor woman with a four year degree and years more experience than me makes only $2 more per hour to do the same exact work.

>> No.56995962

>he thinks his office body is going to be healthy at 40

>> No.56995994

Manual work will definitely break you down overtime anon, don't be dense, it's the sole reason why I've been in crypto for the last years, the desire to avoid such fate

>> No.56996023

News flash. You will broken down regardless. Office cucks will have heart attacks in their 50s when their widowmaker dislodges after the elevator fails.

>> No.56996033

my little cousin has a six fig job lined up with lockheed martin doing machining, and he isn't done with school yet. But on the other hand he's already seen a guy get crippled for life by one of the machines, so there's plusses and minuses to everything

>> No.56996181

Boomers are still kicking it and they are the OG office wagies keep cooing

>> No.56996216

I have a niche union trade and make $100k a year. plus benefits, job security, safe working conditions, internationally certified. only cost about $10k total; including cost of living during school.
Worth it for me

>> No.56996232

If you arent a supervisor by 40 youre probably so lazy and retarded that you cant be hurt anyway

>> No.56996241

This is the way

>> No.56996245

How come office cucks think any form of exercise results will result in injury and a dysfunctional body but sitting at a computer screen all day isn’t harmful at all

>> No.56996256

The pay isn’t shit if you are doing skilled trade labour especially if you operate under your own business. You can easily bill $3-4k worth of work a day

>> No.56996321

What the fuck is this lying bullshit? Why lie like that?

>> No.56996464

I know that ICP is going to absolutely blast off, but I'm not so sure about LINK

>> No.56996498

>oh no a thread lying about the trades is lying FOR the trades

>> No.56996522

apparently, cleaning portable toilets pay a lot too and i think thats the same tier as a trade, so why dont people do that?

>> No.56996526

I never understood the trade meme.

No way in hell am I going to wake up at 3 AM and go do labor intensive work surrounded by bullies in the freezing cold.

I wouldn't do that for even $100 an hour.

>> No.56996542

trades have always been meant for "low" people.

>> No.56996562

You can make ez money without much school as a nurse

>> No.56996569

its ez money if youre poor or low iq. no high value persons works as a nurse.

>> No.56996609

Our company in Minnesota pays journeyman electricians $50 an hour. I hit $103k for the year on my last check, it's done very well for me. Bought a house and have a nice vehicle. Trade school was $18k but I paid it all out of pocket. Got my masters and contractors license recently and will be attempting to strike out on my own in March

>> No.56996724

You're an idiot. They make 60-80 an hr depending on location which is more than 95% of jobs in those areas