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56988288 No.56988288 [Reply] [Original]

>had my first encounter interviewing with HR roasties today
I bombed hard in a position I'm overqualified for. As soon as I said certain words in response to their questions, I knew I had stumbled. They even had a "dei" question and I couldn't believe it. I stupidly thought that was more of a fear mongering thing that didn't actually happen in real life, but I was wrong. I'm going to have to take a lower paying job while I do certifications or school I guess. I actually miss the military.
This was an awful learning experience. To all of the anons looking for work, I wish you all the best in this stupid and faggy world

>> No.56988314

Wtf is dei

Stop applying to companies that do that shit, at some point they have to change their course, or drown in browns

>> No.56988333

I applied for a government job. I know they were reading from a set of prepared questions, but I can't help but feel it would have been completely different if it was two dudes interviewing me instead of two middle-aged women.
I am demoralized

>> No.56988497

applying for jobs is humiliating, so guess what I'm not doing it!

>> No.56988509

wtf is dei? and sucks you bombed their whatever tests thru questions anon. not even sure what happened since you're being so vague about it tho. explain for the anons who arent currently going thru this or never have yet

>> No.56988513

also I think that menial labor will be in such high demand in 10 years that they wont give a shit about HR compliance, so it's all going out the window

>> No.56988533

I've been in the same job for 10 years, if I ever have to leave then I will start my own business or something. I will not go through an interview process again.

>> No.56988541
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>I'm overqualified
>I'm going to have to take a lower paying job while I do certifications or school I guess

>> No.56988544

How much of an actual diagnosed retard do you have to be to not be able to come up with some bs about dei


>> No.56988553


>> No.56988604

I came up with some bs about empathy towards others, but I feel like I was obvious about not being apart of 'the movement' or whatever. I swear, I'm basically a normalfag, but I have never had to sit down for an interrogation with a couple of regular roasties before.
As far as bombing a government interview goes, I thought I had it in the bag because I'm a 10 point veteran and I'm generally good at talking to people, but Im pretty sure I used language that these women would consider as "too aggressive" when reflecting on past experiences or hypotheticals. I don't know, I just don't want to be unemployed too long

>> No.56988653

Ok but are you attractive though?

>> No.56988689
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Anon, you need to realize that interviews are a game and the rules are simple.
>Look good
>own the room

If you do that, you can literally be a Nazi and they'll still hire you. I turn the interview around on the interviewer. Ask them questions like:
>If you could go back in time, would you take this job all over again?
>what do you dislike about working here the most?
>What incentives can you provide to keep me engaged with this career?

Put them on the spot. Push them around. You want to project that you are the asset they want. This same mindset will take you places in life in lots of different domains (dating, investing, etc.). Own the fucking room, anon.

>> No.56988710

>thinking lower paying jobs are exempt from DEI crap

>> No.56988712

>Wtf is dei
It's a NPC check like in Skyrim to prove you love niggers.

>> No.56988731

>I stupidly thought that was more of a fear mongering thing that didn't actually happen in real life, but I was wrong.
Hardly. I'm a hiring manager for a role (in the UK), and the HR roasties take charge of the initial filtering process, and present me only with retarded niggers literally living in Nigeria, because it's "diverse".

>> No.56988801

How did you fuck up dei after coming from the military? You could just regurgitate that "we're all green" speech they give you in basic and make them cum
How do you feel about the strategy of contacting HMs directly

>> No.56988854

lol job interviews

>> No.56989022

The interview process is retarded for practical roles. There should be tests and if you can pass them, then you've proven qualification.

Though, to play the game the HR roasties play, you gotta learn the canned DEI answers. You're not proving your qualified for the role; you're proving your qualified to be PC enough so there's no harassment litigation, both inside and outside the company. They're treating how well you can play their game. Also, the Supreme Court made trannies a protected class. So you must love trannies too.

>> No.56989027


>> No.56989058

lol the constant stream of illegal immigrants says otherwise
menial labor will always be cheap as new slaves continue pouring into the country

>> No.56989142

Lol my classmates cousin was raped urinated on and murdered on a church steps 16 years ago by an illegal Mexican. 3 years ago my cousin died. OD from fent. They aren't turning off the flow of illegals anytime soon, anon.

>> No.56989194

Dear OP,

Consider yourself lucky, you avoided succumbing to the ritual humiliation game.

You can find work at any number of companies which don't have retarded and totally obsolete hr roastie interviews.

Places which actually hire and need vets don't put you through that. If you were honorably discharged that's the only proof they need of your conduct while working for the government.

Don't put up with it and don't settle for a company that treats you like that because on the job would be intolerable.

As a vet with qualifications and experience, you can and should find a company that will bend over backwards to suck your dick.

>> No.56989268

some of the dei stuff has cooled off at my job, though it’s still there. they still have “affinity groups” ie groups separated by race that minorities join for self-dealing purposes. a few years ago my department would hold these racial discussions (this was after George Floyd) but those have at least stopped. Around the same time we were told that attendance at “voluntary” dei sessions would be a factor used when picking people for promotions. I never attended one of them because it just wasn’t worth the risk. you’re gonna hear so much bullshit that it puts you on tilt and you might say too much.

>> No.56989298

>3 years ago my cousin died. OD from fent. They aren't turning off the flow of illegals anytime soon, anon.
wow, that's crazy.
can't believe those dirty browns forced your cousin to do fentanyl.

>> No.56989395

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

>> No.56989411

I get really nervous and spaz out at interviews if they go on long enough. The whole interview process is the same everywhere and it's designed to sniff out people who aren't normies.

>> No.56989425
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>How much of an actual diagnosed retard do you have to be to not be able to come up with some bs about dei
I'm a terrible liar.

>> No.56989536

same shit happened to me two weeks ago
been unemployed for 3 months now

>> No.56989585

Funny how we never had a problem until we started letting in the shit skins and chinks by the millions

>> No.56989913


I pray this happens to your family member or child. Take care, for the karma you put into the world will return to you.

>> No.56989929

These words are useless unless you vote democrat.

>> No.56990064

Are you under the impression that democrats are anti-immigration?

>> No.56990076

HR roasties are the worst. Have yet to meet one with an IQ higher than retardation.

>> No.56991296

>Ask them questions like:
Huh I've never thought of seriously doing that, thanks anon. I'll give it a shot next time
>How did you fuck up dei after coming from the military?
Honestly, my experience with the military wasn't very "dei". Sure it got a little worse after the saint Floyd riots, but prior to that it was fairly normal. I remember the first time we did an all hands training about trannies, our CO, who was running the training, kept saying "I know guys, I think this is kinda fucked up too"

>> No.56991327

>menial labor will be in such high demand in 10 years that they wont give a shit about HR compliance
I'm sorry, do you see a fucking deficit in mindless nigger mechanical turk jobs? There's millions of these jobs open and guess what, they all pay exactly how you'd imagine for a job whose qualifications include "Can open and close hands" or "can walk in straight line for extended length"

>> No.56991346

I take propranolol because I get symptoms for physical anxiety really bad, works great.

>> No.56991394

afaik they're the ones stomping it in the coke. My roommate's buddy died in my garage off of one line of it

>> No.56991434

AKA DIE fabric of society

>> No.56991470
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How to answer any DEI question.

>I want to diversify my cock with equity so that it’s inclusive to you Miss Roastie.

>> No.56991510
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I honestly answer that shit in the most normie corporate speak possible.

>I think diversity is our greatest strength
>Equity is just fairness and justice
>Inclusivity just helps us as a company

Whatever other lip service bullshit it takes. Then basically never speak to these people outside of work again.

>> No.56991522

There was plenty of heroin in America before then. Listen to a velvet underground album or read a william burroughs book if you've never come across an old reference to heroin lmao

>> No.56991547


its scary how far race obsession has gone in major globohomo corporations

>> No.56991698

>look up DEI
Jesus Christ, that seems incredibly racist. It's like asking how good you are at dealing with children or dogs

>> No.56991801

You're not supposed to lie, you're supposed to talk shit.

>> No.56991832
File: 396 KB, 800x450, IMG_0542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have job interview
>I'm a tall, well groomed handsome man wearing a tailored $6000 suit bateman af
>enter the conference room
>HR roasties stare at me like goats at a fresh salad
>one of them literally stares at me with her mouth open the entire time
>they begin the interview and ask me all kinds of things about the job that I can easily answer because I'm not retarded
>not even 5 minutes in and she tells me I'm hired
>tell them I will call them back
>main HR roastie gives me her card with her private number on the back
>on my way out throw it in the trash and never return

and thats how I declined a job at JPM

>> No.56991859

I didn't want a job once so when the HR lady asked me if I thought I was better my job than she would be at the same job (which should be obvious since she's an HR lady and I was applying for a specific job that was not HR) I told her I was. Unsurprisingly I didn't get the job. You literally have to lie and tell HR ladies they're better at your job than you are in order to get work.

Also there's always such a massive difference between male hiring managers and hr ladies. With men it's always like "we have this shitty job, can you do shitty job okay you got shitty job see you on first day" meanwhile with women it's an endless parade of bullshit and 2-4 planned interviews with the phone screen.

I hate women and truly hope a virus that targets women makes 99% of them extinct.

>> No.56991873

This is 100% the case. The women support the state and regurgitate cancer. They are the reason your life sucks and you have problems.

>> No.56992850

Like other people have mentioned, the bullshit does serve a real purpose. They already know you're qualified to do the work itself before you even show up to the interview, so the main purpose of their questions is to see if you're the sort of person who can work there without doing or saying something that will put the company at risk of a lawsuit. One chud slipping through the HR gatekeepers and saying something to the wrong idiot can start a shitstorm that ends up costing the company millions.

>> No.56993172

okay faggot