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56983974 No.56983974 [Reply] [Original]

how much will you pay for christmas lunch with your family, anons?

>> No.56983987


>> No.56983998

I'm European and I hate america

>> No.56984004


>> No.56984118

no one cares

>> No.56984144

1000 bucks because I'm moving as far as I can from them and will never speak to them again
>but bro not having a family sucks
It sucks but it's better than having a family that always works against you.

>> No.56984169

Good, now get to the frontline

>> No.56984175

of course a jew charges her family for dinner

>> No.56984270

How much for milky mommy

>> No.56984282

I care and a lot too

>> No.56984310

>It sucks but it's better than having a family that always works against you.
How have they attempted to sabotage you?

>> No.56984318

what the fuck is wrong with white women?

>> No.56984355
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>> No.56984364

At this point I'd pay not to go, love some of them but certain ones are treat everyone abusively and I'm tired of dealing with it.

>> No.56984392

did they tip?

>> No.56984413

just imagine her in a leather armbinder and thigh high boots.....

>> No.56984434

jesus american boomers are the worst

>> No.56984442
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man of taste I see...

>> No.56984452

My family should pay me if they want me to attend their Christmas dinner

>> No.56984511
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I'll be working offshore during christmas and making double the regular rate because it's a holiday.

>> No.56984535

She is poor; they are having christmas dinner in the kitchen..
If it's too much of an expense to her, then there is nothing wrong with asking the guest to chip in. The only mistake she made was sharing this fact, it's not something she should be proud of, in fact a slight feeling of shame should be the appropriate feeling; yet here we are with a dedicated article.
It's akin to those sharing their fetish or sexual escapades, "It's the current year, and we shouldn't be ashamed to talk about sex..". There is nothing wrong with the fetish (broadly speaking), it's the need to share it with the world and plaster your grinning and full name next to it.

>> No.56985377

nose checks out

>> No.56985748

No you hate America because it’s inherently Jewish

>> No.56985777

I wonder what would be of jewish existence if money didn't exist

>> No.56985876

Nothing, I will be helping with cooking it as I practice being a boywife

>> No.56987406


>> No.56987445
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>> No.56987495
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You are the American Patriot sought after by the Chinese Romans in 1835. Know your role.

>> No.56987717

its like they're genetically made to be greedy

>> No.56987756


>Hey 4chan! Antisemitism lol am I funny yet do I fit in?

Gosh... this place is so tiring.

>> No.56988186

So, go back

>> No.56988231

GOLY GOSH ANON!!!! Just go back.

>> No.56988232

I was merely meme-ing, i'm also an angry racist virgin myself

>> No.56988239
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>> No.56988244
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Cool story, Mr rabbi. Here's your (YOU) >>56987756

>> No.56988252

How much do you charge your kids for the christmas dinner, Ms Shekelwitz?

>> No.56988270
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>How much do you charge your kids for the christmas dinner, Ms Shekelwitz?

>> No.56988271

post nose (You) filthy kike

>> No.56988489

every time. hi, i'm a kikess who loathes crhistmas and the goyim we fooled to celebrate that pagan ritual even though the real jewsus died sometime during the spring equinox. i really celebrate hannukah. i just wrote this troll article so i can read the comments with the goyims who agree and we all light our menorahs and LMAO at our manure cattle subhumans

>> No.56988502

*the real jewsus who was born during the spring equinox" mean. oy vey

>> No.56988607

You idiots know Steinberg wrote the article about another woman right? Caroline Duddridge was the woman who charged family for Christmas, not her. Here's another article on the same woman.

Jesus Christ guys, no wonder most of you suck so much at trading. Can't do basic research even when all it takes it looking up an article.

>> No.56988629

so a kikess praised a goyim for acting like a kikess? damn. i guess i was wrong. all this time i thought the jews wanted us to blow up our credit cards every christmas and keep us enslaved by debt. i apologize, sir

>> No.56988667

I love how they've got the kids in the picture, blurred out.
>[glass halfway to mouth]
>That'll be three dollars seventeen cents
>[puts glass back down]

>> No.56988676

>then there is nothing wrong with asking the guest to chip in.
Including a 3 year old grandchild?
>pay up, lil mar fukka

>> No.56988695

>wojak shitter
>complaining about incels
Get off the computer, rabbi. You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.56988697

LMAO please be bait

>> No.56989002

>nefarious nepotists look out for their own that's how they rule the world
>nefarious individualists would even fleece their own children for a sheckel
Ever the contradictions and this from people who rail against taxes and governmet, the means to building a society, something greater than the self and also while performatively being anti elite they de facto condone policy shaped by corporate bribes. Call yourself what you will, you're nazi scum and deserve to die.

>> No.56989032

>Despite being less than 2% of the population, they represent 99% of the jewrnalists
Deboonk this Jidf

>> No.56989055

Be silent lil vatnick

>> No.56989061


>> No.56989106

I'll not have you praising Russians while replying to me.

>> No.56989244

>family christmas lunches
Haha, yeah they’re just awesome. Ha.
As far as Jewish boomer women go she’s honestly not bad at all.

>> No.56989264

About the price of 1 chainlink a person, or the cost of 1 big mac each

>> No.56989280

Eh the fuck researches articles? Its just for keks idiot

>> No.56989433

I'm assuming since she has a tidy haircut and smart shirt on that means she's also waxed smoother than a 747s wings.

Never trust assumptions though. Particularly those kind.

>> No.56989512

(((Antisemetism))) is a made up word by your people. There’s no such thing.

>> No.56990423

The fact that she wrote this is a little antisemetic.

>> No.56990685

You settle debts with people you have no connection to, that you never want to see again. She's making Christmas dinner a transaction, like she's running a restaurant. There are no ongoing ties between herself and her own family. Don't do things like this. If you don't have enough money, ask people to each bring a dish like a potluck.

I read about the following in "Debt: The First 5000 Years" by David Graeber:

Ernest Thompson Seton, a naturalist and founder of the Scout Movement, was given an itemized bill for his entire childhood, including the expense for his birth. Seton paid the bill and never talked to his father again. The debt was settled and their transactional relationship was completed. His father wanted nothing to do with him, only recompense for child rearing.

>> No.56990691


>> No.56990782

Slava ukraini!
Israel is our greatest ally!

>> No.56990943

I'm making a strip roast (4 lb NY Strip steak) with au jus and horseradish cream sauce, mashed potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts for Christmas dinner. I'd like to get oysters for an appetizer but I live in the mountains now.

>> No.56990989

I thought people with names like that don't celebrate C****tmas

>> No.56991747

Good thing for you naps are free

>> No.56991806


>> No.56991819

You are Arabic

>> No.56991823

I want to rip those marvelous khazzar milkies out

>> No.56991928

why is a jew hosting a christmas dinner

>> No.56992864

See >>56988607
The second article is Caroline writing about herself.

>> No.56993273

I already pay, or did you think the cost to buy all the food is free? we split the cost.

>> No.56993309

>Can't do basic research even when all it takes it looking up an article.
It's irrelevant who charges their kids for the Christmas meal, what Jews do is take any abnormal, subversive behavior publicize/promote it and try subtly encourage it in the goyim, that is the purpose of the article posted by the Jew in Jew media outlets, to spread it. Just like they did with tranny shit.

>> No.56993534

This won't make Israel a legitimate state anyway, you know

>> No.56993678

That is an unequivocal jewish phenotype. I am not deceived by her husbands surname

>> No.56993800

you see it clear

>> No.56993886
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>> No.56994247

typical white american crackers

>> No.56994689

You will never be a woman