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56978089 No.56978089 [Reply] [Original]

My journey with Chainlink had been nothing short of a rollercoaster. The challenges of pushing technological boundaries were ever-present, but there was one aspect of my work life that had taken an unexpected turn: the bizarre behavior of our CEO, Sergey Nazarov.

It all started innocently enough. Sergey, with his seemingly boundless energy, would occasionally stroll into the developers' room, a space dedicated to focused work and collaboration. At first, we welcomed his interest in our projects, thinking it was a sign of genuine curiosity about the intricate details of our work.

However, as the weeks went by, a peculiar pattern emerged. Sergey would enter the room with a smile, armed with a question about some obscure technical detail. It could be anything from the inner workings of our code to the architecture of our latest project. The questions were random, almost nonsensical, but we obligingly answered, assuming he was simply trying to stay informed about the technical aspects of the business.

>> No.56978095

However, as the weeks went by, a peculiar pattern emerged. Sergey would enter the room with a smile, armed with a question about some obscure technical detail. It could be anything from the inner workings of our code to the architecture of our latest project. The questions were random, almost nonsensical, but we obligingly answered, assuming he was simply trying to stay informed about the technical aspects of the business.

The real twist came after he got his answer. Instead of engaging in a discussion or offering insights, Sergey would unleash a series of horrendous farts. The smell was unbearable, and he would make a hasty exit, locking the room behind him. It became a bizarre routine, leaving us bewildered and stifling laughter amid the unpleasant odor.

At first, we dismissed it as a quirky CEO eccentricity, something we would learn to live with. But as time passed, the novelty wore off, and the constant disruptions began affecting our productivity. It was clear that Sergey's actions were deliberate, and the line between eccentricity and outright disrespect had been crossed.

Frustration simmered among the developers, and I couldn't ignore the toll it was taking on our team. Something had to change. I decided to gather my colleagues and confront the issue head-on. We documented instances, recorded dates and times, and prepared a carefully worded letter expressing our concerns about the impact on our working environment.