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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56975583 No.56975583 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing chainlink

>> No.56975595
File: 247 KB, 451x554, Sminem_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a SMINEM thread. ignore all chainlink posts

>> No.56975601

I like how Deutsche Bank and Euroclear are openly shilling Chainlink and the mind illusion cast on the public is so complete that people can’t see it.
It’s like a Jedi mind trick, it’s the craziest shit. It’s like a Derrin Brown illusion on the entire planet and you need, like, severe autism to see past it.

>> No.56975609
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how does this relate to sminem?

>> No.56975612
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Commence le LINK pump

>> No.56975633

wonder why nobody is buying your scam spam? because you 4th world jeets cant stop spamming the board every 5mins.

>> No.56975656 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56975709

I click then find enjoy

>> No.56975843
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x753, donut01.d8e0739b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spam more!

>> No.56975912 [DELETED] 

>Dec 5 2020:
MATIC: $0.019
LINK: $13.50
BTC: $19000
ETH: $590
BNB: $29.73
SOL: $1.97
ADA: $0.15
DOGE: $0.003
TRX: $0.03
AVAX: $3.61

>Dec 5 2023:
MATIC: $0.81
LINK: $15.60
BTC: $43800
ETH: $2280
BNB: $232
SOL: $64.29
ADA: $0.42
DOGE: $0.09
TRX: $0.10
AVAX: $26.26

>> No.56976123

This image made me buy chainlink originally.
I have since sold and bought AVAX

Im pretty impressionable i guess, but avax had better numbers so simple as

>> No.56976147

whats there to discuss? the coin takes a month to break a dollar then dumps 3 dollars and spends the next 3 weeks creeping back up to previous month high, last week it struggles up the last 50 cents or so for a new dollar and repeat

in other words we're getting about 50 cents a month, which means by 2030 we have an issshhh 90dollar coin. Not accounting for the bear market that will come in 2026.

>> No.56976151

50 cents a month means I’m making $16,000 a month

>> No.56976213

So, you're only down $1.2million from ath? Can you recommend any good books on crypto investing?

>> No.56976227

I couldn’t even name a book about crypto investing. Do people read those?

>> No.56976232

Fucking lmao.

>> No.56976241

You should write one then. Only losing $1.2 million over 3 years is pretty phenomenal for an alt coin long term holder.

>> No.56976267

so how's your sex life?

>> No.56976280

I’m kinda more interested in the money I have than the possible money I could have if I was a magical creature that timed markets perfectly. I mean I could literally have quadrillions, but it’s a weird fantasy to spend time on.

>> No.56976309

>timed markets perfectl
Yeah, two radioactively obvious tops: one in sats, and then a year later in USD, is hard n' shit. But you're a pro alt coin holder, so this stuff is like easy as fuck for you, right?
>never sell
>lose $1.2million over 3 years
Any podcasts I should check out?

>> No.56976322
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Y-YOU HAD 3 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.56976325
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Normal bridges are naïve, they are built using a lock and mint wrapping smart contract on two chains, where a token is deposited and locked into a smart contract on it's native chain, a message is sent to another smart contract on the external chain saying mint this token, and then the smart contract produces a synthetic replica of the original token, usually called "wrapped" whatever. This is vulnerable to exploits where the smart contracts are fooled into minting and exchanging far more tokens than they should, creating accounting errors and worst case, causing contagious ambiguity to run through the network.

So CCIP is an interoperability protocol that tries to solve this using oracles as the basis for transferring tokens and messages. The problem is that oracles aren't cryptographically secured by anything, it's a trusted system. Data enters the blackbox, comes out the other side and we trust Chainlink that it's secure.

Hyperbridge in comparison validates the state of the external chain using Polkadot cores, so it knows natively, exactly how many tokens should be where, within both the external chain and Polkadot itself. Adding more bridges to other chains expands it's view because you're concurrently verifying the states of multiple chains on Polkadot. There aren't any trusted components so the risk of hacking is massively reduced - you can't lie to the bridge to mint more tokens on one side, because it knows exactly how many tokens there should be on both. Previously this hasn't been possible because the throughput of blockchains have been single threaded - meaning computation of the validity of an external chain would have taken up the entire blockspace of whatever other chain was trying to do the work. Now, Polkadot is multithreaded with 50 cores, so it can concurrently process both it's own data and other chains data to provide this service.

>> No.56976332

>Dec 5 2020:
MATIC: $0.019
LINK: $13.50
BTC: $19000
ETH: $590
BNB: $29.73
SOL: $1.97
ADA: $0.15
DOGE: $0.003
TRX: $0.03
AVAX: $3.61

>Dec 5 2023:
MATIC: $0.81
LINK: $15.60
BTC: $43800
ETH: $2280
BNB: $232
SOL: $64.29
ADA: $0.42
DOGE: $0.09
TRX: $0.10
AVAX: $26.26

>> No.56976339
File: 51 KB, 742x371, 6D868C74-6D9B-4891-A970-E62D8CBB7861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who got into crypto in 2017, I’ve outperformed fiat 100x, BTC and ETH holders by an order of magnitude, and everyone that went all-in on the thousands of 2017 coins that are now completely dead.
Also I’ve set up a zero cost apartment inside your mind.
How’s your folio doing, bud, you seething at LINKies from your yacht in Monaco?

>> No.56976361

Kinda like the token, nice strong edges, tasteful shade of blue. 8, MAYBE, even a 9 out of 10.
Their old logo was maybe a 6 or a 7, though it had a definite touch of sovl.

>> No.56976403

Are you saying:
>The secret to success is making life changing money on an internet token gamble, then letting it ride down 90% over 3 years in a hyper inflationary macro environment.

Which Twitter should I follow for more crypto alpha? I have $50k that I'd like to turn into an inflation adjusted $25k over the next year or so.

>> No.56976442

post your portfolio

>> No.56976465

post buy and sell orders, brownoid

may we see those perfectly timed entries and exits? no?

surely you MUST be a billionaire by now, no?

>> No.56976482

This post is seething unlike anything ive seen in a good while

>> No.56976505

>I have $50k
You’re sneering at someone who has a lot more money than you

>> No.56976513

<1 link token has been deposited to your community advocate account
Thanks for keeping blue cubes prominently featured on /biz/ despite it being a last run altcoin bleeding sats for 3 straight years! Rando 1pbtid "call for backup" posters are the real heroes of this story.

>> No.56976522

>doesn't post portfolio
yeah that's what i thought

>> No.56976533

It's true!
You've lost more money than most people will ever dream of having. We have so much to learn from you.

>> No.56976539

What we really need is this real anon >>56976339 who got into crypto in 2017 and immediately entered a closed ICO making him a multi millionaire to post his address for us. What a story, im interested in all those details.

>> No.56976540

><1 link token has been deposited to your community advocate account
Imagine saying this as the holder of the highest pbtid count itt.

>> No.56976550

>still can't post portfolio
lmao. have fun with your 50k poorfag

>> No.56976568

Hi, you're very welcome on your first day here and it's scary (i know) coming from reddit and getting a little lost without usernames. However I'll help you out as say you can use the colour coded (zany!) code at the top of messages to see who has posted what. Thanks and happy channing!

>> No.56976577

Your argument is that someone with $100 million, who used to have $1 billion, is doing worse than someone who has only ever had $10, because the former person is further from their personal all time high.
Just clarifying that that’s your position.

>> No.56976587

your ids are the same color and i didn't bother checking. kys

>> No.56976607

I'm looking to build a crypto portfolio.

How can I lose half of my money adjusted for inflation like the other guy? If I buy and hold link, like him, can I also cut my networth in half over 3 years?

>> No.56976628

I'm not making an argument. I'm here to learn from you. You're a top performer. You lost $1.2million over 3 years. How can I do as well as you in crypto?

>> No.56976631

>Are you saying:
>>The secret to success is making life changing money on an internet token gamble, then letting it ride down 90% over 3 years in a hyper inflationary macro environment.

kek this projection

>> No.56976635

Going 100x against fiat would probably put me in the top 1% of retail investors globally from 2017 to now.

>> No.56976650

Do people only count absolute ATHs of their portfolio? My folio was at ATH in 2018 and 2021 for mere minutes, seems counterproductive to constantly agonize over that blip in time. On that same note, is your portfolio currently at ATH, anon?

>> No.56976668

As a top performer crypto investor who's lost $1.2million in nominal value over 3 years, and has had his purchasing power devalued by half in the same period of time, how can a retard like me do what toys done?
>make it
>lose it
>break even in usd
>but have usd be worth half of what it was when I started
>keep posting about it on an abandoned anonymous chinese cartoon board for over half a decade
I'm thinking of cutting my actual buying power in half by 2026. What's your pro advice?

>> No.56976685

I’m up 100x+ in USD, where does
>break even in USD
come from?

>> No.56976699

I should have just bought AVAX. Fuck all of you.

>> No.56976726

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought a pro investor like you would understand I was talking about since the top.

Like how if someone bought doge for a penny, they'd still be up 700x, but they lost $11million from the top, because DIAMOND HANDS. How can I do awesome like that?

I just want to make sure that I'm buying something that misses 3 bullruns and still has half a /biz/ catalog at all times. Making it is the sponsored threads we had along the way, right?

>> No.56976756

Being up 700x is an insanely good performance even if that person is 99% down from their personal ATH. Market performance is not measured from tops, it’s measured from what you put in, to what you have now. This is such a bizarre angle for you to take.

>> No.56976777
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This is what pure, unadulterated seething looks like. The snarky sarcasm of the no linker is laid out for all to see.

>> No.56976802

Checked and yeah I almost feel sorry this anon kek

>> No.56976810

So the best crypto investment strategy is to hold as long as you can past all time high?

I thought it was about cashing out for lambos and islands and stuff. I'm learning so much!

>> No.56976820

Weird thread, anon. I hope you had fun.

>> No.56976831


>> No.56976850

Learning how to lose $1.2million in 3 years with chainlink has been pretty amazing desu senpai.

>> No.56976892

So, you're saying two huge fmi's are shilling it, but the public is, we might say you are saying, hypnotised.
Now, anon, who finances those who do the hypnotising?

>> No.56977415

>just make perfect trades bro

Yeah man its ezpz why doesnt everyone do it

>> No.56977505

>perfect trades
I know right?!

You'd have to be a psychic or something to sell at literally any point over a 3 year period to stop a 90% bleed.

Honestly, the best any of us could hope to do is lose $1.2 million, and talk about how we're still up slightly from our lunch money investment 2 bullruns ago.

>> No.56977599

>slightly up from our lunch money investment
>100x+ in USD
Post trades

>> No.56977618

>I bought at the literal bottom, trust me guise!
good for you, and I bought BTC at $0.06

>> No.56977626

meant for>>56977599

>> No.56977636

You sound genuinely upset that other people didn’t sell.

>> No.56977669

>gamestop general style (you) denial
Am I a Bulgarian hedgie shill?
I am Hal Finney's uploaded consciousness running on an ipod nano. My penis is a bitcoin faucet.

>> No.56977677

Why do fudders get so hung up on this? Do you really not believe many anons bought Link around late 2017?

>> No.56977697

You sound like a genuine airplane mode advocate 1pbtid replying late in the thread to spoof organic interest in your last run shit token as you casually miss a third bullrun.

>> No.56977729
File: 84 KB, 1200x1200, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really not believe many anons bought Link around late 2017?
Yeah we believe it. They sold in 2020. That's why the chart looks like this.

>> No.56977801

>can't produce any proof of his perfect picobottom-buying and picotop-selling entries/exits
yeah little man tell us more about how much imaginary money you have won in your mind kek

also, i almost forgot

>> No.56977847

Cool post! Thanks!

Yeah, you'd have to be psychic to sell at literally any point in 3 years to stop a 90% bleed. I admit, I'll never be a pro trader like you or the other 4 ids you're posting as itt.

>> No.56977852

>you'd have to be psychic to sell at literally any point in 3 years to stop a 90% bleed
So why didn't you?

>> No.56977911

Me? Oh... this awkward.

I actually made money on my investments since 2020. I guess I'm just shit at crypto. I came in thinking you were supposed to do a 10x during a bullrun.

Nobody told me that my investments were supposed to get knocked back to 2018 in buying power. I would've played the game different.

>> No.56977958

>Nobody told me that my investments were supposed to get knocked back to 2018 in buying power.
So why didn't you sell instead of getting knocked back to 2018?

>> No.56977972

hey look, it's the chain link chart

>> No.56978029

you don't seem very confident. You made a great investment if we want to call it that, but basically you bought a winning lottery ticket and let it go to your heard. This cost you massively since '20 where you've been outperformed by everything

>> No.56978056

>How can I lose half of my money adjusted for inflation like the other guy?

you should look for coins that have very emotional cult followings, and chart wise, look for a massive peak followed by crash. A few to look at: Shib, ADA, IOTA, XRP

>> No.56978079

>So, you're only down $1.2million from ath? Can you recommend any good books on crypto investing?
muh you still made money why you mad
faggot i invested in cryptographic truth not to chase dollars gains. Sergey is a fat lying cocksucker

>> No.56978096

lmao link culties getting absolutely buried. You'll notice they never address the factual part of the argument (90% loss) and become obsessed on "winning" a semantics battle because you're "mad" or something.

Apparently it's a win to lose millions of dollars over an online cult because the other guy is mad. This logic doesn't make sense to most people but then again most people aren't trapped in echo chamber cults

>> No.56978150
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culties stuck in 2017

>> No.56978157

So why didn't you sell when it was obvious to sell?

>> No.56978210

I did, what now?

>> No.56978213

>centralized shitcoin

>> No.56978234

if chainlink is so good, why is the price so low?

>> No.56978240

I'm only asking the massive seethers.

>> No.56978306

Lmao it's the same unhinged fuddie with over 80 posts in the other thread

>> No.56978351

I probably sold my shit token stack to you.

Did you come in from Wall St Bets and buy a bunch of literal dogshit at ath by any chance? You silly goose! Are you keeping all of my tard tokens warm?

>> No.56978363

You wouldn't be seething in here if you had actually sold.

>> No.56978364

I sold at $17 not sure if I should buy back now or wait for a possible btc dump

>> No.56978544

>people who sold shit tokens for a profit 2 years ago stop using 4chan
>people who are up 100x from an ico buy 6 years post 40 threads per day
Let's play tummy sticks!

>> No.56978556

>>people who sold shit tokens for a profit 2 years ago stop using 4chan
No, they don't seethe for hours about missing the selling window.

>> No.56978600
File: 230 KB, 1076x1434, 40c3bd048230bbd4e946153704b2e6ead38b249a4db12d491caceb4526d64d16_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me on this anatomically correct picture where my seethe is.

>> No.56978621


>> No.56978883

Reminder to all fuddies that this page is what you want to look at. December 26 we will see how many people unstake.

>> No.56979098
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>> No.56979362
File: 59 KB, 917x455, CCIP Revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm guise what does it mean that CCIP just had a single day with more revenue than the last 2 months combined?

>> No.56979384

It's a "glitch" that keeps happening. Almost like Eric is shorting Link.