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56972637 No.56972637 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies hate crypto so much?

>> No.56972652

That dumb redditor is just salty he sold his bags.

>> No.56972653

He ain't that wrong.

>> No.56972673

Can't blame him for that. You can only blame him for not admitting he's a retard

>> No.56972710

hey profit is profit, after all no one knows when a tech demo such as btc will fail, or even if it will fail

>> No.56973054

Hes right tho. Bitcoin was only fun when you could pick up 10,000 and use it to buy LSD

>> No.56973115

>dude drugs bro! just live in the moment have fun!
ultimate cringe reddit opinion.

>> No.56973148

In case you havent noticed, the time period I am describing was almost 10 years ago.

>> No.56973170

Most people hear the word "crypo" and automatically think scam. NGMI

>> No.56973326

Normies follow the rules and do what they are told to. Naturally, they expect to be rewarded for their good boy behaviour. When they see a "rebel" outperforming them by behaving in non-usual or politically incorrect ways,they get angry,frustrated and envy.

It forces them to face the possibility that they are wrong,got played and their lifechoices were a mistake.

this happens with college,wageslaving and even dating.

>> No.56974067
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>forces them to face the possibility that they are wrong,got played and their lifechoices were a mistake.
Yes exactly, great post. It shatters the considerable ego-investment made in "buying into the system," which is constantly reinforced by all of the media they consume.

So far, this cycle has been good to me. But my eventual goal to acquire Caribbean real estate could cause 2-3 nervous breakdowns in my friends/family. Sad.

>> No.56974070

They don't hate it, I literally heard my coworkers talking about it yesterday.

>> No.56974104

They hate it because they've been told to hate it. Soon they will be told to like it, then they will like it.

>> No.56974228

Reddit is full of people that "did the right thing" their whole life. They turned in their homework on time, they went to bed at curfew, they ate their vegetables, and now that they're adults they put money into their 401k, get an annual physical, and follow all the social rules about what you're supposed to think and do. But they haven't been rewarded for it. The implicit agreement for "doing the right thing" is that you will be rewarded for it down the line, and people who don't do the right thing will be punished. And naturally this sort of compliance leads to very mediocre people. They aren't rich, they didn't get the girl, they aren't cool. When they see people succeeding by doing the opposite of what they sacrificed to do, it angers and confuses them. It's not right that we should make money on shit coins, when they are struggling to pay their college debt. It wasn't fair that PUA guys got pussy when theres a nice guy redditor waiting to hold the door and pay for dinner after youre done fucking her.

Getting rich off of crypto isn't supposed to be how it works. You're supposed to do your homework, go to a good college, get a good job, and slowly pay off all your debt and a 30 year mortgage so you can retire at 65. To them, we're cheating and we should be punished for it.

>> No.56974233

Their strategy in life is compliance. Thats what they do in every aspect of life, look for authority and comply with authority. They believe if they comply hard enough, they'll be rewarded for it. So whenever anyone doesn't comply and they get rewarded for non compliance, it causes cognitive dissonance, envy, and anger.

Everyone has heard of the fight or flight reflex to danger. But not as many know there is a third strategy called "freeze". Rabits and other prey animals have an instinct to freeze when they are in danger in the hopes that by being very very still the predator will overlook them. Thats what redditors are, they're prey animals that freeze in the hopes that the hawk will take a different rabbit and leave them alone.

>> No.56974242

Because the majority of crypto is scams.

>> No.56974261

Seethe chudright zoomer virgin

>> No.56974317
File: 106 KB, 445x330, 646557ee455c3e16e4a9c2_4BLOCKLORDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause its something they dont understand, as libertarians, or all those boomers complaining about crypto games not being a real source of income n shit.
I wonder if they actually live under a rock and haven't seen shit like blocklords, not even IDO and its already super popular on epic.

>> No.56974413
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underrated post

>> No.56974425

>hate crypto
he's talking exclusively about shitcoin (ticker: btc) same as Jamie Dimon (who is bullish on DeFi). and they're both right. cope.

>> No.56974484
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Normiods are retarded, that's all there is to it.
Speak of the devil. Fiat isn't Money, it's currency, it's transactional, it can't perform the functions of Money. Core to Money is the store of value, but of course you can't actually store value. So how does money accomplish this function? By being a difficult thing. If I only trade my goods and labor for something I know is difficult to produce/procure, I stand a good chance of being able to trade that thing for roughly what I paid for that thing in goods/labor. I am storing the value dispersed within the economy. It should be obvious that while any difficult thing can be money, only some will be well suited and very importantly, have the network effect, to develop significant monetary value (premium over it's difficulty cost). Bitcoin is simply better Money than what we're had to use, gold & equities (Equity Premium "Puzzle" is the product of partial monetization of equities post-gold standard). Network effect guarantees BTC will be The Money as it's the oldest and most difficultest, BTC will continue to grow because it's useful for Economy to have a good Money and a good Money needs a large capitalization.
>but it can't scale!
It's Money, not currency, it doesn't need to scale, it doesn't need to be used transactionally. Currency gains from being made of Money, but Money gains nothing from being used as currency. All of global finance will be Bitcoin's L2.

>> No.56974500

how do people like this criticize crypto without pointing out all the issues with fiat? i dont get it

>> No.56974653

perfect analysis

>> No.56974681
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They hate freedom.

>> No.56974863
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Because they all bought the top of some stupid dogcoin in 2017 or 2021 and haven't gotten over it

>> No.56974948

>I don't have a counter-argument so I'll just post this butthurt basedjak picture on his post
many such cases

>> No.56975399

the added problem is that the baseline changed
you see back in the 90s with the dotcom bubble which was functionally similar there wasnt this level of seethe
why because the rewards of buying into the system were still good, you could get a materially decent life as a wagie and there was a caste of losers under you so the normie can justify their compliance as thank god i listened and i am not those guys
those people that got rich of tech stocks they got lucky are super smart start up guys they deserve the reward for the risk they took, at least igot my middleclass lifestyle

fast forward to today and they rugged the middleclass lifestyle from out of everyone in limitless greed, there is no material reward for complying and even worse the normie loses his status bonus over the losers so they lash out in anger everywhere around them
rather than attack the ones that are actively inflicting this on them they lash out at their fellow man, because to the normie mind a leader of man is like a different species to him and above simple reproach but a normie making it hits twice as hard for it confronts them with their own inferiority since coming from the same start they didnt make it, this feeling is more important than the purchase power to them

even so this behaviour is well known so the retards on top that rugged society this hard are really fucking stupid for ever doing so, in this regard india is exactly organised pretty well in ensuring there will always be a fixed caste below the wagies so they can think themselves better for it

>> No.56975405

1 bitcoin is worth 1 bitcoin

>> No.56975425

missing out hurts.
even i feel pain every time a coin i dont hold pumps

and whats worse crypto is so volatile that you can lose everything in a heartbeat

>> No.56975516 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56975528

i dont care about its concept, i dont care about its value.
All i care about is a line going up and making bank.

>> No.56975541

The same could be said to fiat, the only underlying value of fiat is that its backed by countries, you could say as bitcoin needs to be mined that it actually has more underlying value than any fiat which is completely imaginary

The strongest defines what is money and what its worth, very similar to middle ages where kinga and lords made up their own currenca every so often

>> No.56975543


>> No.56975594

You realize bitcoin is literally fiat too? It just has a capped supply.

>> No.56975681 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56975696 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56975699


Only way to make crypto valuable is make it capped and make investment hold its returns.
Pow does not. You need more and more hashpower. Pos does. Btc is fucked.

>> No.56975701

>get rich from stocks, shares, hiring jew advisors

"wow so prudent anon, what a go-getter!"

>get rich from crypto

"getting lucky on them incel coins doesn't count"

>> No.56976682 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56977727

>invents digital scarcity
>Interesting tech demo HURURRRRR

>> No.56977764

no lol. Fiat is forced on people by the government or ruler. All other money result from natural demand for the currency due to aspects of the currency that are beneficial to the individual users. Fiat is the only form of money that can actively fuck the users because they have been forced to use it. Bitcoin is not fiat.

>> No.56977887

he's completely wrong because the invention of an intangible financial instrument with inherent scarcity is revolutionary. But its revolutionary as a social innovation, not "tech." The tech used to implement it is actually pretty old. Bitcoin is a revolutionary way for people to cooperate without trusting each other or a centralized intermediary.

Bitcoin is not bytes in a database, those are just the implementation. Just like a check is not the piece of paper its written on, and fiat money is the not the paper its printed on, and gold as money is not just metal, its a credit that others acknowledge has value. The metal is just the method used to prevent forgery / dilution. The block chain is just the implementation, bitcoin is a credit that has value because it is recognized by the network of people who use it.

>> No.56977912

Because token not needed. That and the space is saturated with scams, more now than ever before. No one cares about this shit except the people who already own bags.

>> No.56978044
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1615260289445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are 80% lefties which means they have a deep seated rage against those who have more than them. My normie friend hates me because my bag of $CZ pumped, he called me "a bourgeois" because i told him about my trip to italy next month. They're just retarded

>> No.56978640

Unfathomably based. So few are able to visual this

>> No.56978701
File: 5 KB, 225x225, jamesjani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot and his gay little "documentaries" on youtube are the reason why. Oh I forgot about Coffeezilla too - another grifter btw.

>> No.56978842

when /r/buttcoin was made, bitcoin was about two hundred dollars

>> No.56978888

so your strategy is to be a miserable pile of slob until your shitcoins increase in value and then be a social mistfit but with money? sounds terrible, what you think is envy and anger is actually bewilderment and pity

>> No.56979130

>buying into the system," which is constantly reinforced by all of the media they consume.
this. they have no ability to be rebellious or question what theyre told to do. they just do it and make up a reason that convinces them they decided it themselves all along.