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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56968474 No.56968474 [Reply] [Original]

that way you won't lose half the shit if you divorce right?

>> No.56968490

Somehow unattractive

>> No.56968519



>> No.56968534

Just don't get married. Have kids and if you get separated at least child support is going to your offspring. You need to be on top of that though so she's not buying expensive shit with your kids money. Look up common law though, normally just in shit states

>> No.56968561

even now judges are already invalidating prenups left and right. in ten more years they'll be unenforceable as a matter of law.

>> No.56968617

I'm 20k in debt, if anything she should get a prenup lol

>> No.56968652

Bad descision. Its basically stating already you dont respect the marriage or trust your spouse. Same energy as saying you shouldnt invest in anything because risk is involved.

>> No.56968667

Set up a trust before you even meet a bitch
Or you will be fucked
in 15 years I haven’t lost a single dollar after the fact for any piece of ass

>> No.56968669


>> No.56968679

Looks like it escaped Area 51

>> No.56968685

Because the dumb idiot husband thinks printing off a page from some website and having both of them sign it makes it a valid legal document. Both parties need separate counsel to review the document before signing. Also depends on your jurisdiction.

>> No.56968693


>> No.56968698

Make it 100 pages long and sneak being able to beat her ass in there

>> No.56969631


>> No.56969731

No, do your financing through your mom.

>> No.56969743

There was a footballer who did that, his wife got nothing in the divorce because he gave all his money to his mother

>> No.56969786

>open LLC
>pay yourself through LLC
wow, now wages aren't garnished anymore. ez pz.

>> No.56969842

what country? You have to check for cohabitation laws as well, and common law marriage bullshit.

>> No.56970122

and who owns that LLC?

>> No.56970555

Prenups get thrown out and ignored by the court in modern day late stage feminism

>> No.56970634

Are they?
Is it?

>> No.56970639

If I got in a divorce I'd just donate everything I have to charity, and this charity is for helping men that lose everything to divorce, so after the divorce I'd get help from this charity to reinstate all of the stuff I lost

>> No.56970649

She looks like one of those girls you fall for after you do homework together for a year or two.

>> No.56970667

You need to make sure your wife and her lawer don't understand any of that and don't have any way to understand any of it (including via subpeona) because they'll drag you back into court and once they do that the judge can look at and just tell you no.
Better is to just move it all into bitcoin and then "overpay" for a mechanical keyboard.

>> No.56970697

>you have to get married!
>what!? how can you expect to get married when you don't even trust her
its all so tiresome these normie games

>> No.56970737

Do you have any idea the ordeal involved in getting to the point of having a judge maybe reaffirm your prenup?

You have already been arrested by the police for sexual assult and spousal abuse, barred from going near your home and children, and been trying desperately to save your bank accounts while paying jbloodsucking jew lawyers out the ass. Marriage is now for the dirt poor and elite, nothing inbetween.

>> No.56970747

If you think you need a prenup, don't marry her. Nothing wrong keeping a concubine, but not all women are worthy of being a wife.

>> No.56970759

With child support she is legally entitled to spend that money as she sees fit.

>> No.56970778

Fuck off Stacy

>> No.56970832


>> No.56970897

American problem.

>> No.56970913
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They don't hold any weight. There are lawyers that specialize in breaking prenups. They predicate challenging prenups on the basis of circumstances having changed, for example, now she has a kid that consumes her life because she has to watch it full-time... or she didn't understand what she was signing... or she was coerced into signing... take your pick the bitch will always win.

Lookup Committed Intimate Relationship. In WA it's a big thing. You don't have to be married for a bitch tot ake all you have, just share investment in projects like buying a house, working on the yard, buying a car together or having a child together. Net effect being that you get fucked as though you were married and the bitch wins again.

Here's how you win: reveal nothing about your finances from day 1. Don't tie yourself to regular banking in the sense of a checking account tied to your name. Setup a registered agent in Wyoming and use that business to setup a bank account. Keep your cash in that bank account and your real estate assets (land she doesnt know about) tied to the trust under the WY company name. Keep gold buried somewhere on that land. It sounds simple pimple but it isnt.

This game is hard anon.

>> No.56971240


That's a problem anon

>> No.56971441

This is unironically one of my favorite trans girls to fap to.

>> No.56971496

What other states put up with this BS? I just read about it but it sounds like mainly just WA so far?
I am in Colorado and from my understanding we just have common law marriages but you have to go out of your way to establish you are married, such as presenting yourself that way and joint accounts etc.