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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 683x668, dxyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56967305 No.56967305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56967326

As a European I'm feeling euphoric looking at that chart
God I hate america

>> No.56967337

What are the odds they blame bitcoin when the dollar truly does fail?

>> No.56967345
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It's still worth $1.

>> No.56967365

oh wow down 0.5% the world is ending

>> No.56967378

pretty low, americans will blame atheism, homosexuals, and jews.

>> No.56967385

oh also muslims and africans

>> No.56967389

That actually sounds accurate though

>> No.56967392

Something is actually happening

>> No.56967410

0.5% for the worlds biggest currency with a market cap in trillions in 2 mins............ is quite a lot yes

>> No.56967423

but of course going from 90 to 110 was nothing.

>> No.56967428


>> No.56967433

Exact opposite. They'll blame Cristians, climate change, and racism.

>> No.56967439

do you know what "acceleration" is?

>> No.56967440

no the blame is always the same. its due to the person creating that circular saw in the department store, the wood furnishings and all those products. they didn't create more of it or if they could create more they didnt because they were greedy and waiting to price gouge customers by halting supply production. they only supported the scalpers and only would sell products to them. the cause of all our problems is due to pure unregulated unrestricted and just capitalistic greed

>> No.56967483
File: 1 KB, 125x93, noooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last administration printed the lion share of the money supply in a single term, republicans largely ruined this nation with reprehensible legislation that slowly transferred the wealth of middle class to select few and now these same people are using your disenfranchisement to puppeteer you.

>> No.56967530
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what part of the "cash is king in 2023 and buy my hoodie!" you didnt understand?

>> No.56967562

This. They're known as The Great Satan for a reason.

>> No.56967608
File: 1.68 MB, 1424x1270, Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 2.48.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>republicans decoupled the dollar from gold
>republicans introduced the fiat system
>republicans deregulated wall street, relying on a finciaoized economy
>republicans destroyed the manufacturing sector
>republicans gave china manufacturing sector
>republicans control military
>false flags
>republicans staged 9/11 on their own soil
>republicans used war as a pretense for drug smuggling and human trafficking
>Republicans destroy the dollar by printing trillions upon trlillions, in retrospect using a pandemic as a pretense
>republicans issued biggest wealth transfer in history
>Mom and Pops cant operate but corporations can just because
>make America great again

>> No.56967626
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>> No.56967632

It went from$103 to $103. Can someone explain the significance of this?

>> No.56967665

It means, 2 weeks

>> No.56967689

That's weird, I literally never think about any country in Europe ever.

>> No.56967699

American here. A while ago I would have told you to go fornicate yourself with a broom handle, but now I see you're right. Feels bad.

>> No.56967738
File: 3.78 MB, 2088x1422, Screen Shot 2022-11-16 at 9.13.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that white pweople mostly decsned from serfs and toothless peasants but their slave mentality is the literal reason from this countries destruction, they make heroes out of the same men that sodomize them and subciously love it, a nation of bottoms that would wear latex outfits to wash the dishes and mow the lawn.
Because deep down, the only thing on the back of their mind is cock and a glass of milk

Should've kept your beds shit in your europe,now the world has watch the heathen and suffer for it

>> No.56967845

Their obsession with us is unreal.

>> No.56967879
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Gold bros... we gonna make it.

>> No.56967884
File: 77 KB, 1630x648, 2023-12-13T20:41:30+01:00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out. also DXY is just USD versus a bunch of other fiat currencies. if they all fail simultaneously then DXY won't change a bit. and that is what is about to happen.

>> No.56968092

What's up with the blatant bot posts

>> No.56968161

Wait what happened

>> No.56968204
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, c6386bd5-91c4-4859-94b5-0c672943fccd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cry macodonoraduro cowboy? Soon your money will have mao on it. China number one!

>> No.56968338

It’s literally over

>> No.56968350

real ameribros will know it's this
goylems will agree with the media on this

>> No.56968386

We are not in a recession
The USD is not losing value
There is no marxist agenda in education and media
There is no inflation
There is no white replacement
The US isn't being flooded with invaders from latin america
Your taxes are not going up

Watch more Tik Tok and Netflix, and order some doordash.

>> No.56968391

American here and I agree
part of the reason why things got so bad to begin with is because people would rather cope and play pretend about how we're the best country on the planet, instead of accepting the reality that our best days are long behind us

>> No.56968392

but now they didn't so

>> No.56968550

Bear trap
Prepare your anus for total dollar domination

>> No.56968856
File: 69 KB, 1024x797, e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz ur a mutt and never think about anything

>> No.56970024

You losers are in for a big fucking surprise.

America isn’t going anywhere Europoor losers. In fact we have basically destroyed our geopolitical enemies in one fell swoop.
And as for you useless Europeans who produce nothing, have nothing, and are good for nothing. What is the hate? You want China to be in control, believe me you stupid fucking euro trash will be sobbing and wishing for America if that happens.

Btw 7 of the 10 biggest banks are American, 39 out of the 50 biggest companies are American. Without us you stupid fucks are back in the dark ages, no tech, no innovation, and no money. Plebs shitting in the streets and complaining.

Btw morons a weak dollar is actually good for investments and manufacturing, why do you think all the factories were built in China over the past 20 years? The Yuan is worthless so dollars, euros etc go a long way.
Kys losers we have a population problem

>> No.56970054

the dollar is worth $103

>> No.56970092

Nice reddit pasta

>> No.56970100

Kek someone got assraped when they we're young. We know who hurt ya and we dont care.

>> No.56970502

>his mind jumps to anal sex for no reason
You're just a homosexual faggot projecting

>> No.56970505

It doesn't have to be all or nothing: he can be right and still fornicate himself with a broom handle

>> No.56970516

m8 that began during the franklin roosevelt presidency

>> No.56970536

corporations and journos will do that, but everyone who lives outside city limits will know it the opposite

>> No.56970551
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Still voting Trump nigger

>> No.56970695

Rent free

>> No.56970758

This and giga based

>> No.56971558

Up, shoud i buy some euro instaed?