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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5696450 No.5696450 [Reply] [Original]

BTC's difficulty adjusts upward 2.81% in 5 and a half hours. BCH is currently 1% more profitable to mine according to Fork.lol

This probably doesn't mean anything at all, but I want it to mean BCH is bitcoin. Suck nuts corecucks.

>> No.5696466

I remember when that big "correction" happened, a lot of /biz/ was freaking out. Pink wojaks galore. Screenshots of people who sold the bottom. I bet there were even suicides.
At the time, there were a lot of naysayers who claimed that the dream was dead.
"Bitcoin will never recover" they said. "The bubble has popped, and we have nowhere to go but down."
Where are you now, naysayers?
Now that BTC is recovering? Now that alts are mooning? Now that the percentages are green as a spring meadow, and profits are as easily picked as flowers from a field?
Where are you now, you skeptics?
Whining from the sidelines, spreading your FUD, watching enviously as those of us who genuinely believed are reaping the rewards of our fidelity--that's where.
You said BTC was an antiquated technology that would needs be dethroned by something better.
You pointed to the hundreds of thousands of unconfirmed transactions, the high fees, the massive amounts of electricity the BTC network is using, and you said, "Look, look! This coin shall surely perish!"
But guess what?
BTC did not perish.
The market has recovered, and is aimed at the sky.
Just as it was before.
Just as it was prophesied.
There will be no crash.
Only green wojaks. Only increasing gains.
We are back on track. We are going to the moon.
Yes, yes, it is true, though you dare not believe it...
We have finally
>returned to normal

>> No.5696492
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Don't try and argue with cories, they're delusional

I think most of them unironically believe bitcoin cash has crashed and not recovered

>> No.5696561
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Nobody fucking knows how profitable it is to mine something. Maybe somebody pays nothing for electricity. Only thing we know bitcoin requires and STORES huge amounts of electricity unlike fiat coins like ripple

>> No.5696611


I'm sure you understand that no shitcoin fork will ever supplant Bitcoin as the top dog. Can't find buried treasure in a spot already dug

>> No.5696732

>bitcoin stores electricity