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File: 37 KB, 246x251, 126E3C78-09D2-4C07-8C62-93A2851CA5D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56963702 No.56963702 [Reply] [Original]

amerimutts don't even know where Slovenia is on a map

>> No.56963719

Do you know where the USA is on a map?

>> No.56963722

Of course, I'm not an obese retarded amerimutt goblin mutant like you

>> No.56963729

Slovenians can't even point to Laos on a map

>> No.56963736

Exactly. Your nation is insignificant, the USA is not. I don't need to know where you live because it's a shithole that doesn't affect me.

>> No.56963746

exactly. we dont care at all about you while we live rent free in your heads 24/7. americans are modern truman, the entire world envious as they creepily watch our every drama hanging on every word wanting to know every gossip all of which is manufactured by Buffet to sell them products

>> No.56963834

just admit you and your brown countrymen are retarded subhumans you fucking brown faggot

>> No.56964046

They couldn't even tell you what continent it's on. In fact that word might confuse them too.

>> No.56964066

I thought I knew where it was but it was Slovakia I was thinking of

>> No.56964072
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I'm from Russia, I had a classmate, she didn't know where the USA is on the map. That was georaphy lesson. The whole class was confused, the teacher was shocked too.

>> No.56964088

And we were like 17-18 years old

>> No.56964166
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Yeah, It's over by Hungary somewhere.

>> No.56964172

Not needed sir as we are the greatest country in the world/universe

>> No.56964180

because you can drive through that oompa-loompa country in 1 hour kekeci jednj

>> No.56964216
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It's time to show your /int/ /biz/ knowledge lads.

>> No.56964241
File: 230 KB, 319x358, 1626184972945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerimutts dont even know basic cryptocurrency literacy on the fucking cryptocurrency board do you really think they are smart enough to know where slovenia is in the map? I was talking with another anon yesterday about $CZ and he literally told me it was a "no name shitcoin" lmao go figure

>> No.56964249

nobody gives a shit about slovenia, it, and all of its people could be wiped off the face of the earth and nothing would change.

Sorry your country is a third world shithole that doesnt matter, keep being jealous of the modern day Roman Empire

>> No.56964260

can you explain what use that is to anyone?
and how can we profit?

>> No.56964261

was she hot? videochat industry is making millionaires

>> No.56964294

That's like saying the French don't know where El Salvador is on a map. They're both irrelevant shitholes that you only know about because you've seen a map of your own continent more often.

>> No.56964308

lol at you blaming americans cuz america lives rent free in your head cuz you're a europoor seething at a 15yr old getting paid 19$ an hour in america while you shovel shit for your dads cart vendor service and make 1$ every 14hrs. stay seething and rent free europoor

>> No.56964311
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She was decent, maybe 5/10, 7/10 with makeup.
Her head shape was like the head shape on the pic

>> No.56964400
File: 842 KB, 1657x930, IMG_1145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have travelled to many of these countries I missed, just goes to show how much I care about them

>> No.56964526
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Very nice, impressive. HOWEVER

>> No.56964575

Slovenia is really beautiful and the people are great. I would live there over muttmerica without a second thought.

>> No.56964600

Im only gonna say this to you amerimuts. I have a friend who is Slovenian born in the USA. He has double citizenship. Guess what country he decided to raise a family in when he turned 30? Thats right Slovenia. Ive also been to the states several times in my 20s. Not gonna lie you people know how to party in excess, I had great times but thats it. I wouldnt move to that shithole you call a country if you paid me to. In Slovenia we have peace and prosperity, something you mutts can only dream of having. Your country is going down the toilet with all those niggers running around and you know it!

>> No.56964613
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amerimutt here, got 168/196, it's always those fucking islands

>> No.56964725

Oh also I was in USA visiting this same friend with my family in 2000. I was 12yo and they let me go with him to school for one day. They fucking stood up at the beginning of class and pledged allegiance to their fucking flag and thats some North Korea type shit hahahahahahahaha i couldnt believe my fucking eyes. Also their map of the world had Americas in the middle of it hahahahahahaha fucking retards

>> No.56965041
File: 352 KB, 1344x1400, 1688154660571482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutt here

I tried to guess where Slovenia was on the map, I actually guessed Hungary by mistake but they're right next to each other and they're literally shaped almost the exact same wtf

>> No.56965057
File: 129 KB, 670x676, yuropoors law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56965089

Do you know where Idaho is on the map ?