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56963345 No.56963345 [Reply] [Original]

Amerimutts take their cards out of their wallets when they want to pay for stuff

They don't even know what Apple Pay is

>> No.56963348

true never falling for your dysptopian convenience

>> No.56963352

NPCs literally believe in cashless monkey money

>> No.56963365

Samsung has the same shit bro, calm down.

>> No.56963412

Most freethinking Europoor

>> No.56963424

As an Euro, explain to my what is the benefit of Apple/Google Pay over a card?
Also, you do realize Apple is American? So you using it just gives them more money to spend

>> No.56963447

I exclusively use apple pay unless the ghetto card reader can't into nfc.
I believe in a cashless society, paper is obsolete, when I travel to germany I am always highly annoyed at their insistence to reject cards
>uh here let me count out some smelly ass sweat soaked coupons for you that 1,000 people have stuffed in their pockets already
Disgusting and antique pilled.

>> No.56963459

>using anything but cash.

>> No.56963818

No shit mutts are fucking retarded
I'm European and I hate them so much it's unreal, real life demons

>> No.56963823

>t. every immigrant

>> No.56963840
File: 101 KB, 717x576, THE MISSION IS CLEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use cash. I am not a hum-ant scurrying around a concrete hive.

>> No.56965922

Louisiana hererosexual here, the only point of sale using apple pay is the air/vacuum vending machine in the hood.

>> No.56965947

only boomers here try (and fail, holding everyone else up) to use crapple pay

>> No.56965957

Itoddlers and yuropoors take it up the ass from surveillance states, no surprise here.

>> No.56965966

is this a crypto ameriburger making fun of other ameriburgers?
apple play is not that widespread in most real countries
unless you think of weird places like finland or whatever
i'm a frog and i pay with cash most of the time, else credit card
imagine trusting amerifat silicon valley companies with your money...

>> No.56965992
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Fucking loser. The fact you own Apple shows how much of a fucking sheep you are

>> No.56965994

garmin pay europoor reporting
taking out my phone and unlocking payments is more effort than using the garmin watch on my wrist or the physical card's nfc chip
using a phone for payments is literally suboptimal

>> No.56965997

All of the hallucination threads you have made about Americans combined wouldn't be nearly as pathetic if true, as the frequency in which you think and seethe about Americans. It isn't making your own country any less of a hopeless crazy shit hole without a future.

>> No.56966245

Conveniencefags are useful idiots. Seriously.