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56962168 No.56962168 [Reply] [Original]

How do brown people work so hard? Here in the city if you get on the subway at 5am, its all mexicans. Where are all the white chuds complaining how they got no future? Lmao they just went to sleep at 3am most likely after a playing vidya all say. Lower your tone, lazy goy.

>> No.56962187

Honestly have you ever had one of those mind numbing factory jobs where you have to turn off your brain just to make it through the workday? Browns are already disconnected. It’s easy for them they don’t even day dream or hold an internal dialogue.

>> No.56962397

>>can't refute claim
>>can only insult spics making a living while he doesn't

>> No.56963093

1) Family to support is a big deal
2) Lack of opportunities elsewhere, so they just deal with it
If you grew up even lower middle class in the 90’s you’d be aware of all the college and job opportunities that could make you easier money. They never had that, at best their children snd grand children might get a chance at most of the opportunities Westerners enjoy.

>> No.56963191

They’re low IQ so they don’t have some active imagination of a better life that tortured me while I sit and rot at my overnight security guard job.

I blew 40k that I inherited from a deceased family member on hookers and lounging around guzzling grey goose in the sun in Thailand for 15 months straight and now I I am completely fucking miserable.

I got a taste of a lifestyle that I will never be able to have because I’m too lazy and unmotivated to do what’s required to achieve it. I fucking hate this world and I wish I never got that 40k

>> No.56963212

Whites and browns have different kind of jobs.
Yes, mexicans are hard working blue collars, but if Humanity relied on construction workers to innovate and increase the quality of life you would still be living in a Favela.

Mankind needs thinkers, engineers, people that dream, so that they can build a better future.

Mankind does not need an over-staffed Pizza Hut with beaners lmao

>> No.56963214

>ID: Gay
Fuck you jannies

>> No.56963575

99% of whitoids don't have nearly enough iq to innovate in any domain

>> No.56963591


>> No.56963601

kikeoid nigger speaking a white language

>> No.56963638

(legal) immigrants tend to make it in the middle class because their work ethic that allowed them to thrive enough in their home country to get here counts for something, and they are willing to take on jobs where said hard work multiplies your outcomes, such as with manual labor which whites view as "beneath them"
unironically, the reason construction and manufacturing fell apart in first world countries is because first worlders are too fucking lazy, there is a ton of work that would NEVER get done, ever, without immigrants
you have only yourselves to blame for that fact

>> No.56963676

Immigrants BUILD the countries the migrate to, only ideologically-blinded /pol/yps think otherwise

>> No.56964817

you sound like a coping nonwhite.
thats ok, browns can also accomplish great stuff, but if you are coping already then you are ngmi

anyway, i'd like large fries and a big coke with my big mac thanks ;)

>> No.56965149

Unironically this. All the Mexicans are on meth. They get away with it because they have brown eyes and already look like shit.

>> No.56965164

Because they have a bug mentality, and will also be deported if they complain. Better than getting your dick cut off by cartels I suppose.

>> No.56965651
File: 136 KB, 615x680, 1687578977814251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the truth, also white people used to work just as much and do better work when we had our own countries, who do you think made the subways, the companies, and did all the jobs

also fuck OP

>> No.56965963
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1677704696380240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites make the mistake of thinking their privilege excuses them for lazyness, that obviously a spic works hard, they have nothing going up there, while they have oh big dreams and imagination, but they use it to be entitled on the internet and watch porn all day, that great creativity they have, because 99% of the whitoids who think like that havent done shit or invented shit in their short miserable lives, i respect the privileged on beoble because at least they've done something, lol

>> No.56966055

awwww poor baby has white envy thats so cute

>> No.56966095

they got stuck in 1800 and still think theyre the ones making the world go round while sitting on their piss and cum gaming chairs for years kek

>> No.56966102
File: 531 KB, 1286x1362, 1701799892436922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself and am seriously thinking about doing the exact same thing you did, (I have about 60k if I sell everything I own), except end myself when my account hits 0, do you have a any advice fren ?

>> No.56966151

their living is being a construction worker until they die and be proud of slaving themselves away forever, sorry i want to be smart instead

the biggest brownest cope

>> No.56966180

The shitholes that they come from are so horrible that those jobs are considered good to them. It's all about perspective.

>> No.56966260

Read Marx and Lenin. The bourgeoisie had to give up a lot of concessions due to the threat of revolution. Child labour laws, minimum wage laws, the welfare state, all of these things were invented to make capitalism bearable. Part of that process also involved moving industries to shithole countries with oppressive governments that wouldn't hesitate to use guns against their own people if needed. Thus the working class could be kept in line. With industry gone, the traditional blue-collar working class in white countries was replaced by the service worker. The few jobs that couldn't be moved -- such as low level service jobs and construction -- were filled by immigrants from those very same countries where industry had moved to. The class divide solidified along racial lines.

>> No.56968024

this. browns just go through the day with their brain off.

>> No.56968061

Tolerating being shat on isn't something to proud of

>> No.56968556

i fucking hate browns they like to work too hard for shit pay and ruin the whole labour market

>> No.56968796

I know a few guys who work long hour blue-collar jobs. They're all drug addicts.

Who's responsible for China's construction boom then? Aliens?

>> No.56969234


>> No.56969371

>all this white cope
I am white and I also work a dead end brainless dishwasher job.
Pol garbage keep shilling this majestic super smart and rich white race while living with mom like I am lol

>> No.56969374

Brown l construction workers were imported and underbid white contractors. This has led to declining quality in our civic and personal infrastructure as well as everyone's quality of life.

White men should be starting businesses and preparing for the happening, which should be less than a year out now depending on location and political circumstances. But I mean this quite literally I will never work in even semi-skilled labor again for someone else, with the brown masses you have imported and anyone who supports our current immigration system is the equivalent of AIDS. Also you deserve AIDS.

>> No.56969452

White people are coddled they have mommy and daddy living In a nice little suburban 4 bedroom house with garage and lots of space and they let Timmy play Xbox all his growing life

Now Timmy is lazy and weak and complains the girls don't like him

Browns grow up facing hate everywhere they go at an early age. They are faced with struggle at every turn. This will make them like an anime superhero. Nothing can stop them

Source: me.

>> No.56969479

That's the problem with Timmy he just day dreams about his videogame/ marvel/ Lego autism for 30 years until he becomes Chris Chan (though he's totally a disciplined nazi warrior though, honest)

Lmao. Don't worry though the system will let you eat mommies tendies whilst you day dream away until 50

>> No.56969494

Mexicans are Master Race. Not ghost white, but not nigger black either. We are the correct combo. Women of all races were built and designed for MBC (Mexican Big Cock)

>> No.56969669

Kek goes on a rant about being replaced and then says he won't work the labor jobs again BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.56969709

I've always seen the "mexicans work harder" argument as propaganda to demoralize whites and to enforce the idea within mexicans that they essentially have to be neo slaves within America.

>> No.56969808

>american is white language

Nice try, red neck

>> No.56969845


>> No.56969977

T. Playing sonichu bibeogaymes in mommies basement

>> No.56970011

>talk about European Americans and Mexicans being exploited
>you start seething
Ok jew

>> No.56970038

>Mention soninchu bibeogaymes

>Manbaby is cry

Every time

>> No.56970075
File: 379 KB, 1170x1181, IMG_2228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at 2am and work with almost all Mexicans, I’m in CA. My job is pick up box, walk over box, but box down. Repeat 500 times and clock out. I can only survive with audio books. Music gets old after about 30 minutes, podcasts are ok but again they get old. I save over half my pay with the hopes of breaking the chains.

You are right about them being low IQ. They all drive nice cars, 40k plus. The deepest conversation I have had with them was anything relating to Mexico. They love talking about how great it is there even tho their biggest fear is getting deported. They also listen to god awful mariachi music which is just a loud cacophony of noises blaring way too fucking early. Still, I always humble myself because while they all waster their entire check while I save I still am working side by side with them so how much better can I be

>> No.56970086

Because the wages in those jobs are low, recent immigrants are the only ones who will tolerate them. The government has an active interest in keeping the wages for such jobs low, same with farming. There'd be a lot of angry college grads if they had to pick crops or clean toilets for a living even if it paid well.

>> No.56970093

Gamble it all on avax.

>> No.56970111

Sorry they don't want to talk about politics astrophysics and science you dumb dweeb lmao

>> No.56970125

It’s just because lefty WASP’s, Jews, and their Mormon derivatives sacrificed the non-denominational white middle class to their own ends. “Oh wow look at how every white who didn’t grow up in a stable blue Jesus household is now in complete decay ahaha”

>> No.56970142

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.56970180

Hi im from poor country and i need to give me opinion since im recently in here.

USA best country for money, you work 8 hours you go home, some time you stay extra, YOU GET MORE EXTRA MONEY! Pizza as well one time.

Work is easy as roofist, you place the black things in roof people give you money. 20 by hour, KACHING!!! $$$

House is cheap if you drive an hour to work, food costs cheaper then in my country. COSTCO MORE CHEAPER THAN IN MY COUNTRY!

Police once lets me go if I have no license, didn not have to give them money, they free me for no money.

Black people lazy white people afraid, if you work more versus them (easy) they call you things. No matter hah, they will not be live for too much (police encounters).

Overround, Americans are complainers, I like USA very much

>> No.56970185

>Mommy!!! Let me play my bibeogaymes all day!!!!

>10 years later

>Nooooo it's the Mormons fault I'm a loser!!

Every time

>> No.56970203


>> No.56970208

I benefited from the “blue Christian” boom, and I’m here to tell you they fucking cannabalized white America. I hope the granite countertops were worth it though

>> No.56970211

Kek you feel like your entitled to a 6 fig job like it was bestowed upon you by your white god,no bitch you either go construction ,warehouse worker,or give out blowjobs to the actual rich whites

>> No.56970242

What is a blue Christian? Is it a Christian who votes Dem, like an Episcopalian for example?

>> No.56970264
File: 333 KB, 1242x863, IMG_1859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praise muh African American loving Jesus of infinite white guilt removal
>receive granite countertops in return

In a nutshell

>> No.56970271

I don’t need deep conversations but my god it’s soccer, Mexico, and food. That’s it. They also have all lived here for over 10 years and barely speak english

>> No.56970300

I see, so it's like a Christian but their "faith" is actually just antiracism and worshipping black people? That's basically Episcopalianism. I wasn't even aware that there was a "Blue Christian boom" >>56970208. Must've been a Southern or Western thing.

>> No.56970306

The problem arises when you aren't just trying to make money to send back your home country. There are Americans who live here, and want to raise families and have a culture that isn't about making money and all the bullshit america is known for.

>> No.56970344

This is white people conversation


>> No.56970357 [DELETED] 

I take it back, you sound like a seething spic.

>> No.56970405

Sorry I forgot the other one

If they are low iq

>Who is buying alufowutunde in the sports game next season

If """""high IQ""""" (even worse)

>Meaningless prattle about their pointless wagecattle made up job that produces nothing of value
> they become a jobsworth acting like the organisation is important and anyone gives a shit about its inner workings KEK

cringe every time

>> No.56970406

I consider it more subtle than that, I consider it the victory of softer more blue forms of Christianity over the classic hardline red Christians. It’s hard to put a finger on really unless you’ve lived it, I just have seen a “boom” in many churches trying to be more blue, and the type of people operating those institutions now are different. They grew up one way, yet espoused a different way of life, and even yet blame others if their decisions turn out poorly despite having espoused it.

If you need any more proof this is happening, look to reddits favorite pope for the Catholics hopping on the bandwagon later than everyone else

>> No.56970427 [DELETED] 

who the fuck are u?

>reported for racism

enjoy your ban! hahaha! So long gay bowser!

>> No.56970448

>If you need any more proof this is happening, look to reddits favorite pope for the Catholics hopping on the bandwagon later than everyone else
It's been funny to watch the Catholic Church do the same sort of about-face that mainline Protestants did in the 20th century, Traditional Catholics are shat on daily. I'm honestly surprised that people didn't try to blend left-wing politics and Christianity earlier, since the former is derived from the latter.

>> No.56970480

Whoops. Did he actually get banned??

I feel bad now :<

Sorry /b/rother

>> No.56970493

Absolutely nothing has changed about the Catholic Church this new gay pope is not the first and won’t be the last shit pope. Doesn’t change the church.

>> No.56970513

Within 50 years you will have female clergy, in spite of it being dogmatically impossible in theory. Wouldn't be surprised to see gay marriages blessed too. Catholicism operates on a lag relative to Protestant denominations. If anything the next Pope will probably be more left wing since the College of Cardinals has been stacked.

>> No.56970547

>fails to refutr brownies not having a basic human function.

It's your move, chud.

>> No.56970558

Working and supporting your family is the pinnacle of human function

Not daydreaming about sonichu you fat twerp lmao

>> No.56970570

They're too stupid to realize the money doesn't actually get them anywhere. It's not enough to pay rent. It's not enough to pay for college to get another job, it's not enough to cover any illness.
You're paying to work, but you're inumerate so you don't mind.
Slavery is the natural state for brown people, they just can't live any other way.

>> No.56970577

>racism towards white people= good
>racism towards mexicans= reported and banned

/biz/ has the worst jannies on this entire site

>> No.56970599

I worked that hard when I was broke and didn't have any choice. Now I'm not broke and I don't work that hard.

>> No.56970622

Sounds like beans stole another job from whites

>> No.56970646


Are you seriously crying about it?

>> No.56970650

Sounds like they are enjoying life as you scrimp and save for the fantasy you can one day escape this hell.

>> No.56970656

About shitty jannies and butthurt mexicans? Yes.

>> No.56970681



>> No.56970696

I have never met a competent brown person.

>> No.56970722

Well yeah you never leave mothers basement!

>> No.56970744

isn't that the opposite of a jobsworth? sounds like you're describing a "company man", where a jobsworth is there to clock in, do the minimum required to not get fired and nothing more, then clock out without giving a fuck about the larger organization.

>> No.56972196

Yeah I suppose but I do have an exit plan and I have over 100k saved while they have a Tesla with $1k car notes so I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.56972232

>Who's responsible for China's construction boom then? Aliens?
Fraud mostly.

>> No.56972448 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56972626

Churkas are making 1000+ dollars on a construction site while Russian Vanya is working for 400 or lying on the couch getting a pension.

>> No.56972743

If you noticed, cities are mostly working browns and extremely wealthy whites who don't need to wake up to work at 5am.

>> No.56974350


>> No.56974387
File: 93 KB, 750x724, IMG_0792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean yea just go to pattaya and creampie 19 year old teens maybe you’ll find a new lease on life

>> No.56974449

>google pattaya
>see this while scrolling
Hotel staff will straight up let me know if I picked a lady boy by mistake? How much more based can a country get?

>> No.56974454
File: 616 KB, 1125x1803, IMG_7903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image lmao

>> No.56974464

All in on bayhorse

>> No.56974485

>Browns grow up facing hate everywhere they go at an early age.

>> No.56974493 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide



>> No.56974511

Hate to break it to you gringos (white boys) but your women love MBC (Mexican Big Cock)

>> No.56974548
File: 34 KB, 466x466, IMG_8144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but could be any denomination. i grew up catholic but my family is also pretty lib with most things outside the church

>> No.56974562


>> No.56974571

>They get away with it because they have brown eyes and already look like shit.
lmfao true. when a mexican is acting up like dumb and wide eyed and erratic, he just looks normal.

>> No.56974587

A jobsworth is a company man but worse. They take the menial job too seriously and act like anyone gives a fuck about it

A person who clocks in and out and does the minimum is based

>> No.56974599

That's the plot of "Leaving Las Vegas". Watch it.

>creampie 19 year old teens
Without a condom? That'd be incredibly risky.

>> No.56974671

Brown migrants are a an economic disaster.
They drive down wages, make up huge amounts of social security recipients and they send all their money abroad.

Now the browncels here actually think they aren't just kike puppets, sad to see.

>> No.56976258 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56976957 [DELETED] 

Are you broke and have only 10 bucks to invest? Then check this guide https://pastebin.com/YzfdC2vu

>> No.56977628

Brown people don't work hard. You're just a bitch.

>> No.56979464

Paid content