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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 814 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20231213_003329_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56959649 No.56959649 [Reply] [Original]

And now this. This fucking stinks, I'm out.

>> No.56959879

Lmaooooooooo "delay" is coming, see you niggers in march if you havent roped

>> No.56960924
File: 17 KB, 300x100, 216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean?

>> No.56960965

Insiders are getting ready to sell the moment the news drops

>> No.56960979

Conveniently cut off that 9600 transfer which is them moving all of that OFF of coinbase. NIGGER

>> No.56961017

Not delay but complete denial. Btc to 10k

>> No.56961033

They are buying alts

>> No.56961044

it means I was right. and everyone who disagreed gets to BLOW ME.
because I was right.
etf denied. do not pass go. do not collect $200. go STRAIGTHLY to sucking me off, HOMOS.
don't enjoy it too much you faggots.
>but my btc is going to be worth $200k
no it won't. not now. not ever.
hell, it won't even break $100k.
you stupid bitch.

>> No.56961060

check this 8 for being wrong

>> No.56961062

but also digits so maybe

>> No.56961071

> 10k
I swear if I see anymore of you Capo faggots....

>> No.56961219


>> No.56961304

Insiders are driving the price down so that they can get their hands on cheapies.

>> No.56961328

Insiders selling to USD before USD drops like a rock

>> No.56961350

Delusional take.
They're getting money into the exchange to front run the alts they're about to get into an ETF after BTC is approved.

DOT, SOL, INJ, maybe NEAR.

>> No.56961365

Lmao moonboys are something else

>> No.56961435

we're going postal if the ETF isn't approved right?

>> No.56961442

You should be grateful is is not approved you dumb fuck

>> No.56961468


SEC ruling signals to normies if crypto is essentially real currency or not

>> No.56961472

This was scaring me. Ty for pointing that out

>> No.56961477
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1559516898803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this as "SIS meeting with Blackcock"

>> No.56961498
File: 199 KB, 400x534, 1699577666251168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never see profits like in the past is ETF get approved, you like your x2000? Never again because that is "shady" and goes agaist the will of those who control the shady bussiness of market manipulation, do you really REALLY think CZ getting tomatoed is for the good of the market? Only absolute brainlets tjink ETF are the harbringers of the golden bullrun you will regret greatly you whatever, you do you

>> No.56961528

>You will never see profits like in the past is ETF get approved
doubt. etf approval is what boomer old money is waiting for. the market will explode if approved.

>> No.56961543
File: 26 KB, 598x335, Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 21-39-54 (1) Whale Alert on X 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 9 600 #BTC (398 359 511 USD) transferred from #Coinbase to unknown wallet https __t.co_lu7H0ywJpK _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is a faggot

>> No.56961556

>BTC to BTC transfer
>coinbase third party

>> No.56961569

i mean i have ideas but what would be the main reason for this?

>> No.56961581

hope you bought

>> No.56961582

You are taking a huge gamble here, there is not much to win and a fuckload to lose, I rather have slimy weasels like CZ and jew fridcunt around than slimy suits who work for the fed, at least the first you can read and only get burnt if you are an absolute moron.
>boomer money will pump my bags
BTC is not gold, you wont see the cascade of boomer money you think is awaiting it will be boring and quite anticlimatic

>> No.56961590

what an absolute waste of bothering to write in perfect punctuation and use words like harbringers when the content of your post is just fucking retarded

>> No.56961630

Your money man, if ETF pass im out after it starts to boomerfy, enjoy your 5% growth...yearly.

>> No.56961773
File: 10 KB, 225x225, pumpordump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom signal anyone?

>> No.56962200

I cant think of anything. Tell me your idea and I'll tell you if youre right or not.

>> No.56962212

Omg $800 million?! No way!

>> No.56962267

When is the meeting?

>> No.56962429

OTC sale?

>> No.56962501

>ETF is ROTH IRA eligible
>100% tax free gains
when boomer money realizes this the rip-up will be breathtaking. enjoy staying poor.