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56956653 No.56956653 [Reply] [Original]

I’m gonna be 40 in 10 years

>> No.56956673

ill be 39 in 10 years. I wasn't even 20 when I started browsing this site

>> No.56956679

I will be a man in 10 years

>> No.56956687

And what's the problem ?

>> No.56956706
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I bought my house when I was 35. It took me 10 years to save for the down payment. It'll be paid off in 10 years. That's when things will get better.

>> No.56956717

I am gonna be 40 in 2025.

>> No.56956738

the 30's are chill, you will realize what a faggot you've been all the time and finally start doing your own thing. except if you're a terminal faggot, then it's completely over.

>> No.56956743
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I’m gonna be 40 in 6 months.

>> No.56956758 [DELETED] 

>he thinks he's gonna make it to 40

>> No.56956792
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>That's when things will get better.

>> No.56956806

assuming you make it that long
lots of people die in their 30's

>> No.56956832
File: 35 KB, 1129x676, IMG_20220906_150123_790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be 40 in 6 months
Just fuck my shit up

>> No.56956848


>> No.56956885

I found a beautiful white woman that is an amazing cook, has great sex, doesnt use social media, is articulate and not a brainless whore, and is unvaxxed.

her face is an 8/10 but shes a bit chubby (180lbs) but its a small price to pay for everything else

anon, find a woman you want to spend the rest of your life with and you will start to realize how young you still are. if you haven't found a partner yet 40 is getting to be old but if you find a good partner then 40 is still only the halfway point.

just dont date a roastie

>> No.56956886
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Well, I am going to be 40 in 2009.

>> No.56956894

just wait til you're gonna be 40 5 years ago. you have no clue posting that wojak

>> No.56956944

Im 42 and life is pretty good. Just broke up from a 3 year relationship with a girl that was 15 years younger than me. Getting laid frequently on first dates from dating apps. Healthy and only slightly in less shape than my 20s. Life is pretty comfy

>> No.56956952
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>my house

>> No.56956988
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>I’m gonna be 40 in 10 years
I’m gonna be 40 in 10 days

>> No.56957078

I'm gonna be 40 in a year. Life went by so quickly.

>> No.56957101
File: 114 KB, 640x788, yamamoto-tsunetomo-359754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.5 years for me.

>> No.56957155

Same. Fucking kill me.

>> No.56957162

I'm 41 I remember when I was 30, time just keeps speeding up.

>> No.56957168

I'm 40 right now bitch

>> No.56957177

I pray im not on 4channel calling people "bitch" when im 40

>> No.56957205

Kek. You're in for some treats, bieeetch.

>> No.56957330

I turned 40 about 12 days ago. It's doable, I have a full head of thick luxurious hair, girls tell me the occasional strands of gray in my goatee are sexy, and a few times a week I get training in how to break bones and kill people with a knife.

>> No.56957398

>180lbs is only “a bit chubby”
Americans, everyone.

>> No.56957428

A little more than that for, but yeah...met too, Anon. Honestly it feels good. being a snot nose brat, dealing with 22 year old girls, waking up hungover all the time. Glad thats time is over.

>> No.56957435

>what is height?
If he's dating a tall woman it's not much

>> No.56957457

I am 40 years old today

>> No.56957689

I'm sorry.
I atleast have my random hairs be the color white.

>> No.56957697


>> No.56957711
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>you being 40 in 10 years was 9 years ago.

>> No.56957724

Im going to put 100% 400k€ of my savings on BTC and hope it 3x by 2025 if not then kms im a neet now with 0 income so i need a 3x to live off dividends but by 2025 escorts may be banned so just throw the nukes

>> No.56957740
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I turned 40 5 years ago

>> No.56957754

>everyone itt will be 60+ when human longevity is “invented” and halts aging (but can’t yet reverse it)
I don’t regret growing up before the internet/phone age and had a proper childhood in the silver age of humanity (end of Cold War - 9/11) but god damn is it depressing to know I was born 15 or so years too early to settle the solar system

>> No.56957756

BTC will take years to even double.
Go for Avax.

>> No.56957758
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I’m 40 4.5 years ago. This has been the best decade by far, salary maxing and life is in extreme easy mode. All the hot bitches when I was growing up now look like used up street whores. Fuck bros I want to stay in my 40s forever.

>> No.56957785

Happy Birthday Anon

Naw, it's true what they say about women being attracted to a guy who looks like he has and can continue to survive some stuff. I've met more than a few women who think it's "distinguished" or "rugged", and quite a number of women who have daddy issues, but that gets old pretty fast. I think they're more attracted to it today because younger generations of men are so effeminate in comparison.

>> No.56957985

shes 5'9

>> No.56958012

Just accept aging. We will all get weaker and less handsome and that is okay. So long as you have children then you live on through them. If you don’t have children then RIP

>> No.56958310

I want children but I dont think I wil. Most anons are the same. I want children I van live through them, but if I cant find a good wife then theres no point. That's probably why anons are anons, we all wanted something we can't get

>> No.56958325

Which is why us under 30 are in denial bout aging, I didn't receive anything in return of my age. Lost my 20's for nothing

>> No.56958691

I've given up on children. I don't want to have a teenager when I'm in my 60s, and culture is all fucked today. I'm pretty ok with the idea of being alone in an old folks' home, at least my lack of visitation will be because of no kids, not because they exist but hate me. My sister and her husband have 3 boys who are turning out pretty cool, I play fortnite and call of duty with one of them. If I make it, I'll def help her family out and maybe I'll have nephews visit me.

>> No.56958907

I think you can still get it mate. Just get an impoverished young wife.

>> No.56958937

I will be 30 in 5 years

>> No.56959025
