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56955515 No.56955515 [Reply] [Original]

Normies look down on us because we don't have a "real job"

>> No.56955523

>caring about what the poors think

>> No.56955531


>> No.56955534

all my mum's friends think im a drug dealer or something because they dont understand what crypto is

>> No.56955557

>im better than them

>> No.56955585

There aren't any good jobs. Every normie thinks that you should just slave away for 50k a year with no chance of promotion or advancement so that maybe you can buy a house when you have grey hair. It's almost insanity the level of denial they're in about contributing to a collapsed system.

>> No.56955595

you're poor and stupid

>> No.56955608

Kek found the poorfag wagie

>> No.56955623

>my real life starts when im rich

>> No.56955629

>I like being stuck in my wage cage

>> No.56955664

Yeah. I have a few people who always tell me to get a real job when I see them. Im pretty sure its just coming from a place of conformity though, where they see you getting by with not working, get jealous, but know that they don't have the drive to do the same, so they just try to shame you into joining their misery. I don't get angry at these kinds of people, I actually just feel sorry for them.

>> No.56955713

so retail doesn't count when I do it?

>> No.56955745

Ofc society should be based around getting 20 year old blue eyed blonde hairs to breed and have a safe space for their children imagine supporting society that has safe spaces for fags to talk about their anal fetish

>> No.56955776

I do have a real job. What people actually look down on me for is not playing the game. Not playing along with their stupid, farcicle, delusions of normalcy. There is nothing normal about working a full time job and still not being able to afford a house of your own or a family. That's not normal. I will not rent. All renting means is that you can't actually afford a home, and there you have the farce. I would sooner sleep in the fucking bushes outside that give one single fucking penny to a landlord ever again.

>> No.56955804


Post net worth and a breakdown of your assets

>> No.56955807

>There is nothing normal about working a full time job and still not being able to afford a house of your own or a family. That's not normal.
Well said. The system wants to game your life into slavery, game it back. Don't know why plebs conform so hard all the time, the system is literally abusing them.

>> No.56955824
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I had a "real job" for all of a year before corona hit and turned my life upside down. Apparently there was a distinct shortage of NEETs and they were in high demand, so I became one.

>> No.56955839
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I have a real job but started dumping 90% of my paychecks into crypto as of a few months ago. I can't wait to seethe on the faces of my wagie brethren when I put my two weeks in and then show up in a Lambo my last few days

>> No.56955844

>I don't get angry at these kinds of people, I actually just feel sorry for them.
nah fuck that both ways, these people are flies and wish for nothing but to see you fail miserably for not conforming. They *are* the system.

>> No.56955869

fuck the lambo, get out of there without a sound and don't let ANYONE know that you've made it. You become a fucking target, don't go screaming "HEY LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!" unless you explicitly want to be robbed and/or killed by a wagie with nothing left to lose.

>> No.56955874


buying a lambo is the first step in being forced back to the cage

>> No.56955875

>i think i have a way out so im deeply invested into fake internet money

>> No.56955891

Cash- Negative 21,000 in loans
Stocks- positive 8,300

It used to be positive 35k, but I didn't sell. Working my way back up.

>> No.56955926

I was planning on renting one, you can do it for about $600/day in my city and as a car guy it's worth it to me
Yeah they're gonna kill me at work with all those security cameras, and they're also gonna find me when I move away and change my name. Right

>> No.56955949

and they say stocks are less degenerate than us cryptoers please tell me youre on gme lmao in a way I feel connected to those retards I just hold a shitcoin called ren instead with about the same chance to fail (98)

>> No.56955950

I do. The world sucks shit because of them. Could you imagine a world in which everyone was rich? They're holding humanity back.

>> No.56956019

>I like being told when I can piss and shit
Kek wagie

>> No.56956201
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Is this the only way you can validate your way of life?

>> No.56956217

So you're poor, I assumed all these people here without jobs were actually retired. How do you acquire capital to invest without a job? How do you pay for your expenses?

>> No.56956222

>i swear mom my internet coins will make me rich in 2 weeks

>i feel superior and i react with images of cartoons

>> No.56956236

They tell you to get one of these great fucking jobs, but do nothing to help you get one except send you worthless fucking links to job postings with 200+ applicants lol

>> No.56956254 [DELETED] 

>I swear dad if I just slave away for my boss all day for 45 years more years I’ll definitely make it
Kek wagie

>> No.56956267

>I swear dad if I just slave away for my boss all day for 45 more years I’ll definitely make it
Kek wagie

>> No.56956270
File: 1.68 MB, 2048x1111, cold stone wagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagies have a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality instilled to them since they were a child.
The word "unemployed" causes disdain to them, yet they will look down upon service workers who are making less than $80 a day. Even more curious is how they flip-flop between hating "social media" celebrities that get paid 10-50x their paycheck to shill some stupid product, and worshipping them because "dude everyone loves them and they makes lots of money."
Maybe someday wagies can realize that steady employment, while better than being homeless, is nothing more than serfdom for 90% of job roles.

>> No.56956296

they look down on you because you're disabled

>> No.56956298

yes we unironically are better and superior, kys wagie

>> No.56956303

Were you here in the last two years or got back only during the last two weeks when you saw that everything is starting to pump again?

>> No.56956315

>There is nothing normal about working a full time job and still not being able to afford a house of your own or a family.
It's actually very normal. It was just way less normal for a period of about 60 years and now we're just going back to that.

>> No.56956328

I still have a real job. Have a wife, house, kids, all the usual normalfag milestones. I just also have a lot of crypto and about $1m net worth. I will keep waging for now, it's worth it to not have to cash anything out for the moment and because of the health insurance for the babies. Remote work so it's not so bad anyway. When I get to $3m I will quit. Even then I won't stop doing things though, I'll just change my hobby into a career. Instead of being a few weekends/year racecar driver I'll do it all the time.

>> No.56956330

they are revilers, slanderers, gossipers
they hate those that have god's favor
the neets will inherit the earth

>> No.56956526

>stop mom i know im 32 but ill be rich in 2 weeks


>starting to pump

>> No.56956590

Got fired from my job driving a semi because their camera caught me using a phone. Wasnt mad about it, actually a blessing. Now I'm retired living off of my BTC and gonna wait for my moonbag to rocket to 10 mill.