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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56954442 No.56954442 [Reply] [Original]

Why is crude DUMPING?

>> No.56954489

because the economy is broken and we are all going to die

>> No.56954587
File: 203 KB, 1602x901, 40k eoy 150k 2025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market is a meme, buy btc/eth!

>> No.56954607

By law, in 2030 half of all vehicles sold in the US will be electric. Oil is a declining market.

>> No.56954618

It literally flows out of the ground for free. They just collect it in barrels and sell it to retards who think its scarce.

>> No.56955267

Because American crude production is at all time highs and Chinese economy/demand is slumping. Also brazil and venezuela are producing more now. This leaves one option, and that is Saudis might flood the market and tank it further to eliminate smaller shale producers. Do some fucking research before you post

>> No.56955301

This year I've only heard of OPEC cutting and planning to cut more next year. Doesn't line up with Saudis flooding the market or Venezuela producing more.
I'm starting to believe the Chinese slump is the biggest factor in all of this.

>> No.56955368
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putler is finished.

>> No.56955373

No matter how much the media and department of commerce work with the DNC to create propoganda that the economy is fine, the market knows we're in a recession.

>> No.56955722

American production is the biggest factor. Its at record highs.

>> No.56955894
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>> No.56957446
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I hope so, because at least if I can't take advantage of the black gold then no one else will, I will watch the disaster from my XOR tower, fucking communists

>> No.56957684

good actually. i sold my car and will never buy a new one again,

>> No.56957750

It's at an average price level. With crude it's mostly a supply story. Movement within a typical range = DUMPING, lol
Forecasted demand of >100 million barrels a day for the next 20 years isn't a massive fuck oil moment. Everyone is expecting the oil business to decline, but no one is pricing in the end of oil in the year 2000 (add 23).

>> No.56957790


Low future demand.

>> No.56957793

>By law, in 2030 half of all vehicles sold in the US will be electric. Oil is a declining market.
And where does electricity come from? Windmills?

>> No.56958129


You're on 4chan. Don't expect an intelligent and decent conversation on here.

>> No.56958259

The economy is stagnating despite what the they're saying. Demand for oil goes down during a recession

>> No.56958314
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Right out of the fucking ground!

>> No.56958961

>where does electricity come from?
certainly not from burning oil, that's one of the most expensive energy sources out there.

>> No.56959232

this misleading graphic starts right in the middle of the 2020 pandemic, what a fucking jewry.

>> No.56959245

Demand destruction. They are crashing the economy.

>> No.56959254

EU is trying to impose only electric cars for 2030. Which is a fucking joke isnce europe would have to build hundreds of nuclear reactors to power the equivalent of today's automobile park. The other option is that cars will be forbidden to the masses and reserved to the oligarchy while the rest of the population will be restricted to medieval "low emission" zones.
That's the WEF Soros plan for europeans