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56953933 No.56953933 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I had talent.

>> No.56953961

What do you mean by that?
Do you wish you were a top 0.1% child prodigy or something?
Or do you just feel like you're so incompetent on a base level that you could never develop a useful skill?

>> No.56953988

Both. I'm fucking useless.

>> No.56954023

How much time have you spent trying to get good at something?

>> No.56954029

I have no one to blame but myself, I'm weak.

>> No.56954092

You know, regardless of where you fall on any distribution, your judgment that your position is bad is subjective. I know, I know: I won't convince you, you are "absolutely convinced", I don't understand, it is very important to have a better position than yours, how can I not see it, and so on and so forth. It's fine, it is what it is.
Despite how convincing all of these arguments might seem to you, and I do know that they seem very convincing: that they seem convincing is part of a deception that your own mind runs on you due to, ultimately, self-loathing, which comes down to a negative self-image you have of yourself. Your mind, which is very powerful, subsequently makes up a pretty convincing story about why you should loathe yourself, and that story is immune to almost any counterargument one could present to you. Jesus Christ and all his angels could come down from heaven and give you their stamp of approval personally, and your mind wouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to concoct some explanation on why they are all wrong.
But if surely, it is more realistic a goal to change what ultimately really is just a negative self-image you have, i.e. some cognition going on in your mind, than to become Mozart of whatever - and also consider that you'd still think of yourself as a talentless hack even if you DID become Mozart, so what's the point of wishing for anything like that, really? Once again: your mind just bullshits you that you're talentless, no matter how much talent you objectively possess.

>> No.56954099

You need to work harder faggot. Talent is a meme.

>> No.56954180

I'm sorry.

>> No.56954205

You and me, we are the same

>> No.56954207

Same here. Some people just aren't meant to make it in life, that's the hard truth nobody wants to say. We can't all be winners otherwise there wouldn't be any. It is depressing.

>> No.56954215
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Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks.

>> No.56954220

Also were you raised by a single mother or deadbeat/absent father?

>> No.56954259

You didn't fail at anything, anon, there's no need to be sorry. Your problem isn't that you're talentless, but that you're depressed, and it's the depression which convinces you that you're talentless. Those are two different things. You are suffering from an ailment which clouds your mind, thus you can't trust your own judgment on this matter.

>> No.56954298

Umm.. so what should somebody who finds himself in this situation do? Asking for a friend.

>> No.56954316
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talent is just an excuse, people who want to achieve something make an effort, prepare themselves and achieve it. find a self-help group, join beoble, find a mentor, just stop being lazy and start making sense of your life.

>> No.56954326

I agree, leaving aside true geniuses, talent is only an affinity for a specific task.

>> No.56954329

it's not about time, it's about perseverance and learning with awareness.

>> No.56954334
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There is no wish..there is just do or perish..it’s the natural order of things

>> No.56954407

I've got no super-quick fixes, I'm afraid, but those are illusory and just make the situation worse, since one then blames himself for them not working.
I've been trying to work out a theory there and the best I have currently is that of the mind being a partly biological and partly informational system (like a computer program). If you're willing to bear with me for a minute here: depression seems to be caused by inflammation, with the evolutionary rationale being that it helps the organism to conserve energy when it's fighting off an infection. Imagine the stereotypical "hunter-gatherer 100K years ago" with no access to hospitals: if he's ill, he really needs to stay put, because either the immune system fixes him up or he dies.
However, this mechanism relies on inflammation, not on actual infection, so if something just causes persistent inflammation, it will still make the person depressed, even though there's nothing to fight off.
If that's the case, then one can try some low-risk interventions like increased exposure to sunlight, decreasing sugar-intake, fasting, and sleeping on one's side or belly as opposed to one's back (has to do with cerebrospinal fluid washing out metabolic waste; sounds weird, I know, but there's studies).
If that helps: great.
On the informational front, it's a bit more complicated, since the intervention amounts to debugging the actual human mind, of which we have no theory. CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) does help a bit, but it really is just a form of ritualized talking about stuff, not magic. The issue is roughly that people have an incorrect model of the world in their heads, which causes dissatisfaction to fire constantly:
>I need to have the house/car/10/10 woman or I'm worthless
This seems like a completely reasonable statement, but there's a whole lot of assumptions baked in there:
>what is "need"?
>what is "worth"?

>> No.56954438
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>> No.56954479

How old are you?
I takes about 10000 hours of work put into something to achieve mastery.
Talent means you might be able to shave off some hundred or few thousand that is all.
If you are young you can work towards something still, if you are like 40 then sorry but you will be an old fuck before you get near mastery and you should have thought about it sooner.

>> No.56954480

When you look at these, what you subjectively experience (you can just try it) is "well it... it just is, ok?"
This seems, to you, 100%, totally, completely unquestionable. It's actually a form of bullshit, but you don't have full access to the content of your own mind, which is like a computer program, ultimately. Imagine a "need"-function getting encoded, and it telling you its output. It is just some pattern, you don't actually "need" anything in the ultimate sense; your conscious mind is simply obeying some random pattern it learned. This was always there in a primitive form at least, but nowadays, marketing has a lot to do with that - gotta juice consumption somehow, and the best way of doing that is to make the "I need ..."-circuitry constantly fire in people's minds.
Reading these words doesn't instantly undo that pattern, but taking this into account loosens it over time. People naturally do not consider that their mind is a product of what goes on in their brains; they just think that whatever they feel is some "ultimate, unquestionable reality that just IS this way, end of", it's the same with me, but that "ultimate, unquestionable reality" might just be the output of some small neural subnetwork. In a sense, the conscious mind is the victim of the unconscious mind.
In general, whenever you encounter any of these "unquestionable"-things, the actual reality is that your mind just isn't telling you that it's computing something. These are the kinds of things people get upset about when you question them, precisely because they actually cannot justify them. E.g. what is "worth", really? What's "worth" made of? Can I measure it?
In reality, it's nothing; it's naturally the output of our in-built social programming, you know, self-estimation in pecking orders and all of that, evolved system.

>> No.56954518

I feel this way. 33 yo and have literally no skills. Wish I could create art or a business but I don’t even know where to start.

>> No.56954533

You gotta kinda "unfocus your eyes" a bit mentally here and read what I'm saying in more of an impressionist way (this is because "trying to understand" engages the wrong brain-regions and reduces the efficiency of your computation by orders of magnitude). Also thanks if you even bother to read!
Nowadays, to get back to the topic, our built-in systems receive "wrong" signals because we don't live in the kind of environment in which we evolved, which would be some steppe where we know 100-200 people. But even so, we're not completely helpless victims because "that's just what evolution says, aw shucks, gotta obey evolution for no reason". The brain is actually a fairly generic computational matrix that you can retrain like you can retrain a neural network - neural networks are actually toy examples of human brains. As to how to do this... that's a bit of a challenging task, but I have found that really trying to "loosen one's thinking" or "opening one's mind" helps a lot.
I'm putting all these phrases in quotes because it does actually help to imagine someone waving his hands or making finger-quotes when saying this, since it engages this more exploratory thinking.

So not a complete answer, sadly, but then again, our brains don't rewire themselves instantly the moment we read what is technically a complete answer; it's more of an exercise than some textbook-style "understanding".

>> No.56954536

you can now, with ai

>> No.56954559

>if you are like 40 then sorry but you will be an old fuck before you get near mastery and you should have thought about it sooner.
Your post got me curious about this, so I started doing the math. Assuming you spent 6 hours on something every single day, that would be around 2190 hours of experience after one year. So after doing something for 6 hours a day, 4 years straight, you'd expect to be a master at it. Sounds about right to me.
Just do it, faggot. You're going to waste your life anyway at this rate, you might as well spend some of your time being creative and making stuff even if it's difficult at first

>> No.56954802
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You dont need talent to make it in life. You just need to stomp your face against the wall enough times that you dont feel the pain. Eventually you'll make it. I stopped caring about morals or anything while investing, made 30k last week on RAMP. Same thing with LINK, i stopped caring about the fudd and actually learned what the token is for. Im on my way to make it G

>> No.56955003

Thanks, Anon. I read it all. Seems to make sense and might actually be helpful.

>> No.56955207

Absolutely based anon. I'm sure this helped a lot of people (me included). Thank you bro.

>> No.56955281

I wish I had a higher IQ so I could do very well on standardized tests. I am horrible at standardized testing. SAT etc

>> No.56955802
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Thanks a lot, anons, I'm very honored that you found my words helpful.

>> No.56955889

If I could wish, I would wish to be a super skilled engineer that that could build a robot or something in his garage, become the Henry Ford of robotics.

>> No.56955924

You have a real talent for words, anon. 10/10 read, and I will save it to read it again one day.

>> No.56956351
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>> No.56956364

How do I go about just doing it? Do I try to master one thing at a time? I failed out of college and have no idea how to structure learning. I have made $2 million in the markets tho, so I want to put my money to use and find a purpose in my life.

>> No.56958147

have a goal and works towards it, fix problems on the way by trying different angles or through conviction. Know you dont have to make progress everyday but you should try everyday, which will help to gain experience.