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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56953360 No.56953360 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56953371

This dumb bitch pretended to be an Indian to get into Harvard and advance her law career

>> No.56953399
File: 59 KB, 615x567, Shadowy Super Coders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine that you are are leftist in 2023. 24 hours a day you beam fear images and narratives in your head about evil nazis and evil christians and scary viruses and scary climate disasters. The world of tech you cheered on 20 years ago is now literally out of control and decentralizing and mutating at an ever increasing rate of speed. Since you are so scared by your phone you don't exercise get fresh air and you eat like shit and are loaded up to your gills on drugs legal and illegal. Because of this you live in a depressing confusing brain fog which guarantees that you cannot grasp and adapt to the technological, social and economic change happening around you. So in order to give you some sense of stability you grasp onto political solutions that you think will slow down and order the world. Of course mere laws in one country are not able to do it. In fact the laws just increase the chaos and speed up the change around you.

>> No.56953423
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>> No.56953629

Pretty based desu.

>> No.56953645


>> No.56953657
File: 110 KB, 1079x975, 20231212_081911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warren sisters, our response?

>> No.56953911

>elected official is completely useless yet still has a job

>> No.56953917

She has a fat pussy hair bulge. Gross. I take fully shaved only

>> No.56953925

Ultra bullish
Excellent shakeout fud

>> No.56953946
File: 199 KB, 1170x1278, The Anti-Crypto Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56953973
File: 350 KB, 628x420, Pelacaras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accelerate tech. Accelerate AI. Accelerate crypto. Accelerate space exploration. Accelerate energy. Accelerate life-extension. Accelerate consciousness expansion.

>> No.56953989

Take out "of speed" and it's a perfect *smacks fingers* pasta. Mama mia

>> No.56953995

Ahh. The system works.

>> No.56954033
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I walk past her. My dexscreener investments are undetectable, my gains are secured in a trezor and the tax man won't ever find me because im currently in the process to moving to Andorra. I won, feds

>> No.56954043

Even Bernie managed to pass some bills (mind you they were worthless shit like renaming some post offices in Vermont after commies), what's Warren's problem?

>> No.56954186

- Brother it's called crypto yeah, it's going to change the world, bro.
- Nation states can't control it, it can't be manipulated, it's your freedom, bro.
- it's the perfect store of value, bro, it's a hedge against inflation, trust me on this one, okay.
- Brother this is a once in a century event, maybe rarer, it's a total reform of the global economic system, it's like the real estate boom x1000, bro.
- No nation state can stop it, when the collapse comes the USA will balkanize, and people will sell their souls to get a satoshi in return, brother.
- Let me tell you about alt-coins, brother.
- It's p2p digital gold which means peer to peer, did you know it brother?
- Tokenized master books, unbreakable encryption, totally secure.
- Yes brother, there are a lot of non-digital currency uses, that's what alt-coins are about.
- Everyone needs to be monetized, don't ask me why brother, I buy them you should too!
- Everything will be tokenized bro, it's not just a database.
- When everything is tokenized everything will be monetized brother.

>> No.56954237
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Does she know that if she causes a collapse on crypto, the entire indian economy will collapse because scamming will be more difficult/less profitable?
Is she doing it on purpose because she hate indians?

>> No.56954254

Red skin indians, not jeets, retard

>> No.56954279

half this board will be forced to sell the village cow if crypto scamming stop being profitable.

>> No.56954713

Sergeant Smackdown reporting for duty sir

>> No.56954985

She's controlled opposition, she was a
conservative republican until the mid 90s and then flip flopped to the other side because there's less competition. After seeing the trump shitshow I'm sure she doesn't regret it one bit.

>> No.56955011

Doesnt affect me, i own bitcoin & its in my cold wallet B^)

>> No.56955039

the worst thing about her is that she's just so fucking ugly
so incredibly fucking ugly

>> No.56955057

and? what are you some kind of boy scout

>> No.56955190

>I take fully shaved only
The last time you got any pussy was when you came out of your mom.

>> No.56955337

Warren was a diehard conservative for most of her life. She gave a standing ovation when Trump said the USA will never be socialist. She is only a democrat because she is an opportunist and will do whatever advances her career. There is no left-wing representation in US politics at the national level.

>> No.56955393
File: 237 KB, 487x669, more than you'll ever have.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds hate too see a successful woman
You guys are so pathetic lmao

>> No.56955406

Out me for Jewish thinking, but wouldn't the goal be like Elizabeth Warren? Being a ruthless cunt has only benefited her in the long run

>> No.56955441

>There is no left-wing representation in US politics at the national level.
It is laughable that people actually believe this. There is no right wing in America or any other western country. Any government that just lets everybody vote, no questions asked, regardless of merit or qualifications, can never be right wing. America has always been a "left-wing" country: we overthrew a monarchy. Stop letting modern discourse and the ever-degrading overton window shape your worldview

>> No.56955509

This is ridiculous cope, no other ideological faction is more represented by the USA's institutions. You're some bernie bro low IQ fool who hasn't figured out yet that your views are for manufacturing consent for neolibs to perpetually expand their power. Current day clown world is the consequence of such stupid views as left wingers hold. Why do you think an opportunist like Warren joined democrats? Because it was easier to join the more powerful side that is in lockstep with every bureaucrat deep state agency in Washington DC. The dipshit lift winger's every impulse is to grow the size and scope of government power, so of course they have zero reason to fear you. They just use you like the naive cattle that you are. It's trivial to manufacturer an American left winger's consent more than any other group, and that is reflected in polls showing that lefties trust institutions like the corporate legacy media more than righties. Lefties trust every single institution other than the supreme court, more than righties and libertarians. That's because their views are being relatively more reflected by them.

>> No.56955513

Crypto qween or crypto Jew?

>> No.56955624
File: 182 KB, 563x528, Death by decel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56955649

So who profits from this that holds crypto? What currencies are immune to this

>> No.56955667

the more centralized and the fewer nodes the better

>> No.56955690

>It is laughable that people actually believe this.

The personal mythology of the leftist is that they are on the outside, rebels fighting the evil capitalist christian dominants. when in realty their ideology controls every node and fulcrum of power and is the dominant ideology in every institution public and private. This may be in part due to the fact that their worldview is frozen in time 20-40 in the past (REAGAN! TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS!) or is just could be massive denial / cope about the facts of reality. As they watch reality de-evolve and destruct around them in real time they deny they are in power because that would mean they are responsible for this clown hellworld.

>> No.56955712

Nobody has village cattle anymore it always comes from goymart they might sell their car but bullish no stopping it

>> No.56955725

Might be denial kicking in but wouldn't this be immensely profitable for DeFi in the short term