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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56952456 No.56952456 [Reply] [Original]

my metamask wallet just got drained. I lost everything i had my entire networth just gone

>> No.56952461

Heh nothing personal kid ;)

>> No.56952475

My ballsack just got drained. I lost everything i had my entire bloodline just gone

>> No.56952482

How? Have you checked Etherscan to see how you got got?

>> No.56952623

every time i hear aout someone getting rekt it nearly always involves metamask. QRD?

>> No.56952665
File: 109 KB, 500x629, 1218407542066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Trezor thread yesterday, OP? It was for you.

Hot Wallet for quick grabs and opportunities.
Trezor for savings and long holds.
We don't preach it for nothing.

>> No.56952679

that's a nice little watermelon you got there

>> No.56952789

Can someone explain how your metamask wallet can get drained if you're a non-retard, aka someone that doesn't open every email's attachment, doesn't accept requests in metamask that he doesn't recognize as being self-triggered, etc.?

>> No.56952817

its run by a fucking weird little nerd. hes the only dev now. its sus as fuck. im thinking about exiting metamask pretty soon

>> No.56952823

some sus stuff has been going on with the extension itself.

>> No.56952826

don't go on sketchy sites using the same browser your extensions are on
I copy-paste the URLs of every dex and tool I use from a notepad
it's that simple

>> No.56952831

Switch to rainbow

>> No.56952886

to revoke any access random old smart contracts have to tokens in your soft wallet. I think you can do this via Etherscan as well. Also as per -
Don't visit sketchy sites with the browser your soft wallet extension is on, set up a different browser you only use for crypto (metamask), bookmark the dexes/dapps you use and only navigate to those via those links, have multiple different soft wallets, etc.

>> No.56952901

Most of you faggots join and click sketchy telegram groups and links and connect your wallet to every faggot that promises airdrop. You deserve it.