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File: 30 KB, 500x500, stellar-rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5695119 No.5695119 [Reply] [Original]

Stellar has removed the SJW section of the community guidelines.


Is /pol/ satisfied now?

>> No.5695136

Pump it

>> No.5695144

Good, at least the fighting will increase volume

>> No.5695157

there was? what was written in it?

>> No.5695163

>Is /pol/ satisfied now?
fuck /pol/... what a bunch of whiny little nazi cucks. el oh el

>> No.5695173

Yes, now pls go to $3.

>> No.5695204

We're not Nazis bro

Just free market white nationalists

>> No.5695205

does the devs browse this shithole?

>> No.5695253

Even worse.

>> No.5695280

How the fuck is that worse?

We're peaceful people that want to raise prosperity for everybody.

>> No.5695300

We did it reddit

>> No.5695335

Good, now they need to be explicit that this coin's one purpose is to defeat the Jew coin Ripple.

In fact, I want that written in the community guidelines. NOW.

>> No.5695361

i must say i am very disappointed with xlm right now

>> No.5695377

No I won't be satisfied until some heads roll. People should be fired for this or I still have no faith.

>> No.5695398

Now you /pol/ fags need to buy into this coin because we're goin $5 EOY

>> No.5695414

What are you disappointed about? They just removed the SJW crap that wasn't even warranted in the first place. We don't even know if the current team has added in those retarded statements.

>> No.5695453
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An anon in another thread abbot this shit made a good point. Something like:
> even Jews would've invested in Hitler if they thought it would bring them profit.
Though that may be true, I really fucking hate SJW's and their hypocritical bullshit and wish nothing but only the finest "cultural enrichment" upon them. Hell, I think even shitskins hate SJW bullshit because it's so easy to see how fucking mentally ill and cucked they are. FUCK XLM

>> No.5695457

Honestly Fuck /pol/. Bunch of degenerate paranoid losers, annoying as fuck with their constant whinning.

>muh white genocide

It's so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.5695482

>I think even shitskins hate SJW bullshit
IDK brah, no SJW ever implied I need to be euthanized for my skin color

>> No.5695510

Degenerate hedonist.

>> No.5695520

the reddit apology was garbage let them burn

>> No.5695530

So you're saying whites aren't being displaced demographically in their home countries? That is literally genocide as define the the United Nations.

>> No.5695562

They only have 4chan twitter(hardly anymore lol) and fake fb profiles left.

They are a dying breed of people.

>> No.5695567

They didn't. Probably some intern just copied guidelines from geekfeminism wiki and called it a day

>> No.5695569

Sjw btfo
Keep pumpin boiiis

>> No.5695596

Nazis win again, faggot.

>> No.5695598

Please please do some kind of public speech about white genocide. I want to see you humiliated

>> No.5695608

oh look a shit skin celebrating white genocide.

>> No.5695628
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>IDK brah, no SJW ever implied I need to be euthanized for my skin color
Then you are not paying attention. It's fucking everywhere

>> No.5695661

white genocide is hilarious, you rat

>> No.5695671

They didn't. Probably some intern just copied guidelines from geekfeminism wiki and called it a day.

>> No.5695681

win so hard you get run out of town wherever you babies show up.

Antifascists literally demoralized you guys this year and drove you back to the internet lmao

>> No.5695695


>> No.5695699

>Then you are not paying attention. It's fucking everywhere
I'm not white. The only people who support kiling me because of my skin color are your kind...

>> No.5695706

i never know if you people are being serious. you realize he's not talking about getting rid of "white people" but only getting rid of the illogical concept of "whiteness" (racial cohesion based on skin hue even though "white people" aren't a real racial category) right?

surely you cannot be this dumb? please?

>> No.5695716
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>> No.5695723

Nope White Cuban hombre.

No one gives a shit except for shit eating degenerates who's only self worth is their skin color.

Pol is fucking pathetic.

>> No.5695749
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>White Cuban

>> No.5695753

Then why did he not say that? Why did he say whiteness and not blackness or latinoness?

Eat shit and die you fucking kike

>> No.5695764

>No one cares about genocide
I mean, you're making you lefties look fucking retarded, so sure, say that

>> No.5695769

This is why /pol/fags will never make it. Already made my 18x gains and dumped that shit.

>> No.5695784

the /pol/ invasion with FUD isn't going to do anything except expose the fucking retards for what they are
you all cry about oppression just as much as the SJWs now, you're no fucking better lmao

>> No.5695786


Genocide would need to have actual piles of dead bodies.

>> No.5695788

he did, you just didn't read it because you didn't look past the 4chan picture like a true political visionary, i'll quote it for you :)

"It is not fair skin that makes people white; it is fair skin in a certain kind of society, one that attaches social importance to skin color. When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category."

>> No.5695795
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Hey holmes I'm a White Puerto Rican.

>> No.5695797

>muh post-irony
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.5695809

Why is it OK for "blackness" or "coloredness" to be promoted then?

>> No.5695819

How could insane shit like this happen in the first place? They either share this ridiculous beliefs or they didn't even read what they copy-pasted (the favorite narrative of the XLM shills right now). Both is totally unprofessional and unacceptable. If there is no sort of "quality control" or at least a four-eyes principle implemented, I don't see the company succeed as a business.
Inb4 shills try to downplay this - if a company would publish that drivel with reversed race/gender, declaring harassment against blacks and women acceptable, they would be in the news already and we had Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook organizing mass boycotts.
We only care for profit, fine. But this shit is really not raising trust in this project and the professional attitude (or lack thereof) of the involved people.

>> No.5695823

>its cool bro, he just wants to destroy the "social construct" by bashing whites incessantly
>I mean he doesn't literally want to murder you so suck it up faggot
Kill yourself.

>> No.5695825

Not according to the UN definition of genocide

>> No.5695826

>Tfw already made it
;^) I've seen more rich "Ebil natseas" than rich basement dwellers, arent 92% of sjws unemployed or some shit?

>> No.5695831

>> even Jews would've invested in Hitler if they thought it would bring them profit.
They did you moron. Please graduate middle school before you start posting.

>> No.5695832

no one gives a shit exactly because it's not genocide, all that's happening is that white people are having sex with brown people and making slightly less white babies by their own volition, it literally does not matter at all to anyone who isn't retarded

>> No.5695843
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>> No.5695869

>Necklacing doesnt exist
Zimbabwe has been burning white people in tires for 20 fucking years, what are you on about?

>> No.5695876

is cuba a nice country to live in?

>> No.5695897

when did I say it was? he's still wrong and he's obviously the SJW type, but he's no the (((evil jew trying to kill the whites))) that pol warned you about, that guy doesn't exist

you might benefit from reading this too because with an iq that low you won't figure it out yourself

wait till this guy finds out 99% of the population is not a nazi and simultaneously not an SJW

>> No.5695931

ok, maybe white genocide in Zimbabwe is a serious issue, my apologies. I should have specified "in the west".

>> No.5695935

>Whites down from 90% of the US population to <60% in less than a generation

Oh yeah it's because of race mixing and has nothing to do with an influx of non white immigrants, many of whom are illegal. I can smell your dirty rat face from here, kike.

>> No.5695937

I wish 99% of people were sane and sensible, they arent and its sad

>> No.5695945
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>> No.5695958

they probably gave some sjw control of the page and didn't realize what they'd put there

I'm glad to know stellar does not support white genocide, I was about to sell it all for ripple

>> No.5695962

Puerto Ricans are White desu.

>> No.5695964

I'd wager that both my IQ and my bank account are a lot higher than yours faggot.

>> No.5695975

Colonials and their descendants arent people so idc

>> No.5695979

they're certainly not sane and sensible, they're just not political radicals of that particular kind. those positions are very unpopular

>> No.5695985

in the west its still an issue because of culture displacement, immigration is one thing, 10 million at once is just retarded, if people want to come to a country they should actually want it, there should be stops etc, though I dont care nearly as much about that

>> No.5696007
File: 183 KB, 1524x854, 1450153269477-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people constantly trying to gaslight us? WHY?

Non-whites are constantly celebrating white demographic decline, yet you keep telling us to just lie down and take it. Fuck you.

>> No.5696016

God damn imagine how hard life is for these fucking cucks. Everyday they wake up in fear of other races bc the internet makes them feel sad.

Pathetic. You'll never be a success /pol/

>> No.5696018


Also Cuban. You are a disgrace my hermano

>> No.5696037

>Oh yeah it's because of race mixing and has nothing to do with an influx of non white immigrants, many of whom are illegal

what influence has this had on the ABSOLUTE number of white people? lol

>I can smell your dirty rat face from here, kike
way to prove me right, you're too conspiratorial m8, I'm more of a pure aryan than you are, would bet my portfolio on it

you are wrong about IQ, and probably wrong about bank account too

>> No.5696058

Yet, can you explain if it was really the team today that is responsible for such actions in writing these statements in the guidelines? I mean, they did correct it based on how the community reacted to it. I assume this because of how quickly responsive they are when it was posted on Reddit earlier today. I said earlier that the marketing was lackluster, and there was not much provision in leading the site, let alone the guidelines. I'm not a shill, so it's your decision if you think the team is incompetent in their work.

>> No.5696061

Most of them are white too, they congratulate themselves on how not racist they are all while willfully ignoring what happens in every country after whites become a minority.
Nah, I'm right about both unless you happen to have more than 8 million.

>> No.5696072

sure, but it has nothing to do with genocide

I'm whiter than you, you ugly fucking retard. do not speak to me like that again

>> No.5696088

You're a fucking idiot. You will stay poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.5696098

just bought 100k to fund the future of the white race

>> No.5696104

>Nah, I'm right about both unless you happen to have more than 8 million.
well, you said so online, so it must be true. are you saying 8 million USD or 8 million IQ? wouldn't doubt that you'd make either of those claims :)

>> No.5696131

No one cares gusano.

>> No.5696155

>he thinks $8 million has to be a LARP
Get off my board poorfag.

>> No.5696159
File: 29 KB, 733x474, DJXPJ4VUIAAMr-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr you're afraid of having your country ruined by 3rd world subhumans

>what influence has this had on the ABSOLUTE number of white people? lol
>what are voting rights
Are you retarded?

>> No.5696192

yep, that's exactly what genocide is, people on twitter hurting your feelings

>> No.5696203

no, your 8 million usd is actually more likely than you having a higher IQ. if you had a high IQ you'd recognize that there are more LARPers here than actual millionaires, so statistically speaking you'd have to understand why I lean towards that side.

but of course, you do not have a high iq

>> No.5696209


>> No.5696218

>i just want to end whiteness by importing millions of third worlders to replace the population of all white nations

>> No.5696229

It has almost certainly had a negative affect on the absolute number, but that's not the issue.

The issue is the preservation of my country, culture, and government, which will almost certainly be forever changed if we continue to be displaced demographically by third worlders. These people do not share the same values and beliefs as I do. I do not want to live in a socialist/communist shit hole.

>> No.5696240


So so so pathetic. Absolutely hilarious. Please stay on the internet cletus lmao

>> No.5696241

it went up after they removed that garbage

>> No.5696243

Statistically speaking there's more millionaires than LARPers and only the poorfags think that most are LARPing. You're both low IQ and poor.

>> No.5696244

>>what influence has this had on the ABSOLUTE number of white people? lol
wait, where in this graph am I supposed to look for the white body count?
or are you just going to try to tell me that minorities tend to be left-wingers, and less educated ones at that? wow! didn't know, thx for info

>> No.5696248

Yes because its always someone elses fault that white people refuse to breed with eachother. Dindu nuffin.

>> No.5696271

if you love capitalism so much move to Bangledesh and work in a sweatshop

>> No.5696275

>White Cuban

Why do latinos think they're white? I don't fucking get it.

>> No.5696320
File: 20 KB, 560x340, japan_demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has an incredibly low birthrate, yet they don't have to worry about being replaced. Yet, reasonable immigration policies are considered racist if white people do it

>> No.5696327

XLM will be successful with or without a handful of butthurt anons. Q1 2018 pink wojacks will be posted.

>> No.5696352

the millionaires don't post about it online as much as the fakers you fuck

>> No.5696375
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>complaining about capitalism on /biz/

>> No.5696390

uh no its not because its reasonable its because they are literally being spearheaded by unfounded fear and a voting base that wants to blame their heroine addiction and no jobs on brown people.

Please please please OD on an opiate or something cletus

>> No.5696420

This place has been infested with communist redditors. I swear I don't see a single thread these days without some retard shitting on capitalism.

>> No.5696423

KILL yourself

>> No.5696426

Capitalism in the current context is a broken system that can always be improved with safety nets for the vulnerable classes.

Yes even those poor white coal miners would benefit from a safety net so they wouldnt just off themselves with opiates alll day long

>> No.5696437

>if white people want reasonable immigration policies it's racist
California is becoming a sanctuary state tomorrow.
You liberals are fucking lunatics that hate white people so much you demand more non-whites are imported to white countries regardless of consequence. Do people exist who demand the same for Japan? Of course not.

>> No.5696438


I'm Cuban as well, and I care.

>> No.5696458

Again, how is this someone else's fault that white men and white women aren't sleeping with eachother? Sounds like you have some underlying issues that you're just trying to resolve with this "white genocide" crap.

>> No.5696481

>Do people exist who demand the same for Japan? Of course not.
They do actually. The cancer has spread to Japan but its still a small group currently.

>> No.5696530

White people only reproduce when they feel comfortable economically and socially in their homelands. Importing millions of third worlders who openly hate white people coupled with a media that openly hates white people does not make illicit a feeling of comfort in white people, ergo they do not reproduce.

>> No.5696532
File: 71 KB, 666x664, accredited_investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dumb fuck, America is barely capitalist.
The rich rigged the system with help from progressives to make sure poor people cannot elevate themselves out of poverty by joining the investor class.
They make sure the poor has to compete with illegal immigrants that are paid below the very minimum wage they demand.
Progressives hate poor people through and through.

>> No.5696538

cool from where? Pinar Del Rio? Camaguey? Havana? My families from all three.

Or are you just some exile descendent who's grandma likes to whine about how fidel took her pony away rofl

>> No.5696565
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>hurr it's all in your head, you're just making it up
Kill yourself.

White people can't afford to breed, retard. We're forced to subsidize shitskins who hate us (like you).

>> No.5696572

>its not real capitalism


>> No.5696589

what then, send both our children together on the same school. fuck off piece of shit

>> No.5696595


I just wanted to prove you wrong when you think that nobody cares :)

>> No.5696596

Because politicians set the fucking immigration quotes you retard!

Here's a hint
When there is a surplus of labor the rich benefit because they can threaten to fire their workers. Thus they pay workers substandard wages. When there is a surplus of work that needs labor, the employers must compete for employees because they can easily change jobs.

Is it no surprise at all that "progressives" demand millions of immigrants so that employers no longer need to compete over labor?

>> No.5696606
File: 256 KB, 1200x1535, George_Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>though that may be true,
No anon above is wrong. He's a bad goyem.

>> No.5696637

Listen senpai, coal town USA across the country is a third world nightmare. Blame your government for not protecting the working class and demolishing your freedom.

Otherwise you are a joke.

>> No.5696640

tfw Jeb McCabe spouts commie ideology to get wymyn to drop their panties

how many women is this guy fuckin ATM?

>> No.5696651

I have it confirmed on good authority (my friends on a private /pol/ approved discord channel) that XLM (Stellar Lumens) is a literal anti-white pro-whitegenocide coin

Furthermore, they told me that literally every single XLM you buy pays for one (1) tire and one (1) litre of petrol to be sent to a radicalized anti-white pro-BLM pro-antifa family in South Africa with a handwritten note written by Jed McCaleb which states "NECKLACE ALL WHITE PEOPLE, WHITE GENOCIDE NOW"

>> No.5696655

>i support the working class
>we need open borders so employers can always have labor available to work for cheap

>> No.5696656

Wow these mental gymnastics are really reaching a whole new level

>Immigrants hate white people
>They risk their lives to get a better life in white countries
>This makes white people not want to have kids

You know, you can just go ahead and admit that you're a cuck who's mad that all the white women are going for black guys but instead you go through mental gymnastics trying to explain that white people aren't reproducing because of spiteful media/poor immigrants.

>> No.5696706

Thats not why progressives bring people over you dolt, and where does the fault lay? oh right with the companies that destroy unions and are willing to shill low wages so poor white people think they have to compete against poor POC.

Dude you are joke from all angles. I will be laughing at you guys for the rest of my life lmao

>> No.5696709
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>risk their lives to be paid gibs
Why don't you people just plain admit you hate white people?

>> No.5696719

>white women going for blacks

but that's literally not happening you dumb kike
jesus it's infuriating trying to argue with you straw manning kikes

>> No.5696746
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If they didn't hate us, they wouldn't come to our countries to rape and murder us at extremely disproportionate rates, faggot.

>> No.5696762

No the fault lies with the progressives who push for those immigration policies while simultaneously calling everyone who doesn't support them racist.

>> No.5696793

> oh right with the companies that destroy unions and are willing to shill low wages so poor white people think they have to compete against poor POC.

You lack all capability for critical thinking.
>progressives support open borders that brings in a surplus of labor
>surplus of labor lowers wages
>progressives raise minimum wage, but let illegal immigrants work below minimum wage
>progressives then claim they support the working class
Just admit you hate white people.

>> No.5696843

yeah, let's ignore the selection bias that comes with posting on a taiwanese carpet cleaning forum, you low iq moron

>It has almost certainly had a negative affect on the absolute number, but that's not the issue
I suppose, if you care that white people made babies with hispanic, black and asian people.

>The issue is the preservation of my country, culture, and government
Culture always changes, your culture was NEVER going to stay the same forever, and you don't have to approve of the culture of your descendants, it's not really your business

>These people do not share the same values and beliefs as I do. I do not want to live in a socialist/communist shit hole.
good thing the US is the most stubborn anti-socialist country in the world then. unfortunately for you though, it's actually young whites that are starting to open up to the idea of democratic socialism.

how does that get rid of the whites?

>> No.5696853

No argument nice.

ok im out i have gains to watch. I dont even have a huge hold on this coin

>> No.5696890

>import foreigners
>they vote to import more foreigners
>indigenous people lose control
Again, why is it that this only happens to white countries and not countries like Japan?

>> No.5696896

It's a fucking joke dumbass

>> No.5696915

>yeah, let's ignore the selection bias that comes with posting on a taiwanese carpet cleaning forum, you low iq moron
You mean the selection bias of hundred of people who got into BTC at under $100? Yeah, not sure why you're ignoring that.

>> No.5696934

love how this is colored from white (0%) to borderline black in the "most muslim infested countries" but it only goes as high as 15-20 in most countries, and it's claiming to be the worst case scenario 30+ years from now

falling for this is pure brainletry

>> No.5696952

Sure thing faggot.

When the Chinese government tries to change the demographic composition of Tibet through mass immigration, what do leftists like you call it? GENOCIDE.

>> No.5696993

It doesn't include non-Muslim Africans, retard.

>> No.5696995
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They had it so right...

>> No.5697026
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Yet the vast majority of economists agree that immigrants actually improve the economy. Hmmm, who will I listen to, a brain-dead high school dropout on /biz/, or an expert in economics with degrees to prove it?

It's the reason every single cuck on /pol/ wants to genocide black people.

Poor Cletus had a crush on Stacy since he was a kid, and after months of mustering up courage, big black Chad grabs Stacy by the butt and fucks her the same day he sees her.

Now Cletus spends all his time saying "fuck niggers" on the Internet to make him feel better, what better way to release pent-up sexual frustration huh?

Wrong, immigrants do not increase crime rates

>The academic literature provides mixed findings for the relationship between immigration and crime worldwide, but finds for the United States that immigration either has no impact on the crime rate or that it reduces the crime rate.


>> No.5697049

Japans indigenous population isn't choosing to import any foreigners. And here's what's "funny": the Japanese are actually going to die out. They're not breeding.

Do you not realize that in the current demographic state, if "white people" actually wanted to they could effectively put a halt to all immigration? Problem is, /pol/ doesn't speak for white people. I'm as white as white can be, and I don't give a shit. I'm certainly not "pro-immigration", let alone the illegal kind, but I don't care about it a whole lot either because I don't have a problem with brown people, and could not care less if future Westerners are less "racially pure"

>> No.5697072
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Their punishment must be more severe!

>> No.5697095

>being this delusional
yeah dude, no newfags here at all. ever look at portfolio threads? you'd think people with big portfolios would be more incentivized to post in those, yet... well, look for yourself

>> No.5697107


>> No.5697111

Good. Reward them with buys goys.

>> No.5697134

>the Japanese are actually going to die out.
>a population decline means that the population will go extinct
>trends never reverse
>their current per capita population being in excess of most countries is irrelevant
Can you walk and breathe at the same time or do you have to stop every couple of steps to inhale and exhale?

>> No.5697140

>When the Chinese government tries to change the demographic composition of Tibet through mass immigration, what do leftists like you call it? GENOCIDE.
I'm not a leftist, and also don't think that is genocide lol

oh true, those are a big problem over here, they're all over the place.. ecks dee

>> No.5697156

I heard doge has a good hold of value

>> No.5697193

>trends never reverse
now apply this logic to the west, dumbass

oh wait, (((they))) are going to prevent it, aren't they

>> No.5697265

The only way for the trend in the west to reverse is mass deportation because mass immigration caused it. I'm fully in favor of mass deportation though and I'm glad that you agree its possible.

>> No.5697338

>improve the economy
Isn't it funny how progressives claim the top 1% gain the most, yet simultaneously they import the very cheap labor that they desire?
In all honestly calling progressives just "anti-white" is too kind. Progressives want to genocide every single race/culture on Earth in favor of one single mixed master race/culture.
>It's the reason every single cuck on /pol/ wants to genocide black people.
In reality I don't want to deal with Africa at all. They should be able to do what they want. Look at Progressive Obama taking out Gadaffi who supported the African Union. Now Libya is a slave state.

>> No.5697388

So let me get this straight

>White population growing in the US

>Japanese population decreasing in Japan
>Perfectly what we need!

And you're asking others if they can breathe and walk at the same time? Nice projection.

>> No.5697428


Hey cockbag, when you throw the words white and genocide together like that I see you, I know who you are and all your kind. You're the ones promoting the genocide of white people and when I flip the words to point out your traitorous subversion, you call me the bad guy? Jokes on you, I'm an American Indian.

I can't wait to see you racemix yourself out of existance.

>> No.5697455

Populations ebb and flow, that's entirely natural. White birth rate being below replacement rate, like Japanese birth rate is, would be completely fine if we weren't importing millions of non-whites to replace us.

Also I don't care as much about the US because its non-white anyways.

>> No.5697456

>The only way for the trend in the west to reverse is mass deportation because mass immigration caused it. I'm fully in favor of mass deportation though and I'm glad that you agree its possible.

sure I agree it's possible, I just think it's a dumb thing to do

>In all honestly calling progressives just "anti-white" is too kind. Progressives want to genocide every single race/culture on Earth in favor of one single mixed master race/culture.
here's my position: I don't care about race, whether or not my offspring 20 generations from now is as white as I am or half brown or whatever does not matter one bit. I also don't think this "mixed race" thing is preferable to pure whiteness, I just could not give less of a shit.

>> No.5697492

People with big portfolios don't post because it immediately leads to people begging or being told you're larping. So we just sit back and laugh at the retards going "I have $300 in LINK, am I going to make it bros?"

>> No.5697504

>would be completely fine
completely untrue we have any aging population in the west people have had too few white children and it's fucked we unironically need other people to come in to do some jobs as there aren't enough youngsters to do it here

>> No.5697524

/pol/tards need to get genocided.

>> No.5697539

>japanese remain majority in japan
Basically America is gonna balkanize because of retards like you. Look at California, it's literally nullifying federal immigration law.

>> No.5697557

it's good to know that when there are 50 people left in japan, at least there will be only one foreigner, how thrilling

>> No.5697575
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the joke's on them. i'll donate my stellar gains to the trump 2020 campaign

>> No.5697632

>I don't care about race, whether or not my offspring 20 generations from now is as white as I am or half brown or whatever does not matter one bit. I also don't think this "mixed race" thing is preferable to pure whiteness, I just could not give less of a shit.
Try some critical thinking.
If the "Cletus" you hate thinks only in racial terms, do you think there won't be the "Cletus" equivalent in all races? After all, if you think all races are equal, then clearly they will have their equivalents.

So the society you're pushing for will ultimately be all sorts of different racial supremacists vying for supremacy.

>> No.5697643

>would be completely fine

Actually not really. The Japanese population is literally decreasing, from 2011 to 2015, Japan's population decreased by 1 million. Japan has the highest age expectancy in the world and it is going to be so catastrophic for Japan when in 20 years the vast majority of the population will be over 50 years old and incapable of working, with the smaller population of young Japanese also incapable of supporting the drain that is the older Japanese population.

By that moment, Japan will be wishing it did like the US to maintain steady population growth. Yeah, sure Japan will stay 99% Japanese, but at what cost? Oh right, complete economic and social crash. No such thing will happen in the US, or in Europe though.

Basic demographics, learn about it.

>> No.5697667

These things hit cycles, future generations would have more children. You're throwing away centuries of history all in the sake of looking for a quick fix.

>> No.5697736

>Japan's population decreased by 1 million!!!
>aren't you shocked?
>Isn't this horrible?!
No. They still have a very high population density.
>But the economy will shrink a bit
And it'll grow later, there is no need for infinite growth and it is not sustainable.

>> No.5697765


>> No.5697814
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>"Deliberate misgendering or use of ‘dead’ or rejected names (e.g., purposefully calling a trans* woman “he”)"

These tranny-pandering faggots better keep making me rich.

>> No.5697843

I absolutely agree the same type of person exists in every racial group. I'm not the guy who was saying all the "Cletus" stuff btw, and I'm not necessarily even sold on the idea that all races are "equal" - which imo has no bearing on whether or not we should treat all races equally.

what you seem to be missing here is that just like most whites aren't white supremacists and white supremacists are a fringe movement, the same is true for other races. the separatists and supremacists are on the fringes where they don't cause any real damage, there's no reason to think otherwise.

>> No.5697857

>White women going for black guys.
White women getting raped by black guys who live off our tax dollars.

>> No.5697896

>No. They still have a very high population density.

Japan is ranked 38 and isn't even densely populated considering that a good portion of the population lives in a few cities (with Tokyo alone have 10 million people in it). Much of Japan is sparsely populated.

>And it'll grow later,

It'll grow after it crashes, who would've guessed Sherlock, I totally thought it would crash to a 0 value of GDP and never recover. Sigh...

>there is no need for infinite growth and it is not sustainable.

But it IS sustainable, as we've seen with the US. Japan and Korea are having their economic miracles but will crash due to birth-rates, when that happens everybody will be laughing at the retarded nazi betas that thought immigration wasn't worth it when economists said it was.

>> No.5697985

That's extremely high for a first world economy. India is 33rd for comparison.
>But it IS sustainable, as we've seen with the US.
The US is a laughing stock and it can't fall apart fast enough as far as I'm concerned. I give it 20 years tops.

>> No.5698025



>> No.5698060

>falling for such obvious bait
Hi, welcome to 4chan :^)

>> No.5698128
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Nope, white women willingly come to black men because they are more alpha. Meanwhile you scrawny nazi virgins stay in the back and take care of black Chad's kids.

>That's extremely high for a first world economy.

I explained why, Japan has an insane amount of people concentrated in a few spots. Tokyo is literally the largest city in the world in terms of population, that's how concentrated the population is.

To call all of the islands "densely populated" is just wrong.

>The US is a laughing stock

The US is still #1 and the American economy is still doing well, both under Obama and Trump. Even supposedly "over-populated" China is facing a demographic crisis since it's population is aging the most rapidly in the entire world and needs younger people to maintain the economy. Immigration is factually beneficial, I don't see why you still deny this. If you're talking about unvetted immigration, then I will agree that it's bad, but vetted immigration and proper screening is good and allows a country to grow.

>> No.5698194

>Japan has an insane amount of people concentrated in a few spots. Tokyo is literally the largest city in the world in terms of population, that's how concentrated the population is.
The statistics are based off of total landmass, not the most populous city so this is utterly irrelevant. Also most of their islands literally cannot support a high population so of course they're sparsely populated you idiot.

>muh USA numbah 1

kek, nice to have it confirmed that I'm dealing with an utter retard. You enjoying your freedumbs pal?

>> No.5698214
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>"they are a dying breed of people"
>haha how is white genocide even real ur just so TRIGGERED at the thought of the country your ancestors built being replaced by muhammad
was every white pre 1960s a 'triggered poltard' because they wanted their country to stay white? kill yourself my dude
How does the cock cage fit?
>Antifascists literally demoralized you guys this year and drove you back to the internet lmao
>what is charlottesville
demander harris went and cried like a little bitch blackboi because he got beat up after attacking a guy with a baton and then got 150,000 in donations
holy shit this is some college indoctrination mental gymnastics

What the fuck is wrong with your diseased mind?
>race isn't real but whites are oppressors so 'whiteness' needs to be destroyed but its not bashing whites because there's no such thing as whites as a race and we need to celebrate diversity by promoting multiculturalism but only in white countries

>90% of whites before 1960 were shit eating degenerates who only care about their skin color
would it be justified if I moved millions of Haitians into Cuba? for diversity?
>lol it's your fault guys
>now accept another 1 million migrants or you'll get sanctioned
the MAJORITY of ehite Americans admit that 'white people face discrimination' in the US.
Are over 50% of white people just TRIGGERED Nazis?
We're 90% of white Americans in the 60s 'sad cucks' because they opposed forced integration?

get your narrative straight, boi
lol isn't it pandas fault for not wanting to breed with each other? they should just all die out lol. we have other bears
>He literally receives his knowledge of race and relationships from porn
lol I can smell your projection from here, blackboi

You do realize that WFBM couples are one of the LEAST likely statistically, right?

>> No.5698345

>harassment includes
>Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like “*hug*” or “*backrub*”) without consent and/or after a request to stop

This shit is so faggy its hilarious

>> No.5698401

Yeah, good luck finding any workplace on earth that says touching people without their permission is k. Fucking jobless autist.

>> No.5698405

The people who unironically use white genocide are the biggest symptoms of it, dead ends who don't procreate but whine all day on japanese imageboards accomplishing nothing.

>> No.5698459

Holy shit, didn't read. Obviously butthurt whiteboy detected. Tyrone fuck your precious Becky in high school or something?

>> No.5698492

His point is that someone typing *hugs* without consent being construed as harassment is pretty funny. Not that you should be able to grope a coworker without permission.

>> No.5698515

>race isn't real but whites are oppressors so 'whiteness' needs to be destroyed but its not bashing whites because there's no such thing as whites as a race and we need to celebrate diversity by promoting multiculturalism but only in white countries
please don't ascribe beliefs to me that I do not hold

>We're 90% of white Americans in the 60s 'sad cucks' because they opposed forced integration?
were 90% of white Americans in the 1800s wrong to support slavery? no matter which way you answer, it will be very telling

also you keep talking about immigration as if it's something that's being done TO you. who is the perpetrator of this? inb4 hart-cellar xD

>the MAJORITY of ehite Americans admit that 'white people face discrimination' in the US.
Are over 50% of white people just TRIGGERED Nazis?
wat? why would that make them triggered nazis? it's objectively true that in some minor areas, white people face discrimination in the US. not nearly as much as any other ethnic group besides asians though. what does this have to do with them being nazis?

>> No.5698537

die white boy die!!! ahaha

>> No.5698539

Its textual description, dumbass, it implies typing
*HUG* without your consent is akin to rape

Learn to read, fuckface

>> No.5698790

This thread just wrecked the /pol/tards completely. No arguments aside from appealing to feelings and memes.

>> No.5698804
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You do realize those numbers are like that because of the elderly whites still in those countries?

40% of children under 5 in Germany are muslim
>LOL WHY should you have control over the future for your descendants? Just accept the brown tide and die already
lol more "muh dik" from blackboi

if anyone is doing the race mixing, it's white men.
Blacks got triggered when they saw Obama's daughter kissing a white guy
Just because you don't care about the future doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't. you're just justifying arguments with nihilist hedonism
according to polls, the majority of white people America must preserve its 'white European heritage

that is not a "white supremacist" sentiment. I have no problem with Africans wanting to stay African or Asians wanting to stay asian. But where is the 'diversity if everyone looks the same?

you literally get your logic information from porn. maybe step outside and get some fresh air sweetie :^)

ause you are insecure enough to have a cuckolding fetish doesn't mean everybody else does.

>> No.5698858

Prove that 90% of Americans were in favor of slavery in the 1800s

You fucking kikes are the biggest strawmanning fallacy spouting fucks on earth. No wonder hitler gased you faggots.

>> No.5698924

>You do realize those numbers are like that because of the elderly whites still in those countries?
>40% of children under 5 in Germany are muslim
So you're saying the chart is wrong? Don't you know that even muslims reproduce at the same rate as whites after one degeneration.

>> No.5698980

Jokes on you. All /pol/ taught me is how jewy i am.

>> No.5699080
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>unfounded fear

>> No.5699087

>were 90% of white Americans in the 1800s wrong to support slavery?
I wish. Then maybe we wouldn't have wild apes like you running amok.

>> No.5699111

theres a thread on ribbit

>> No.5699125

>Do people exist who demand the same for Japan? Of course not.
Yes, and his name is Shlomo Goldberg.

>> No.5699163

Cry more cryptojew.

>> No.5699177

Correct, real capitalism was present in America until the 1950s.

>> No.5699223
File: 264 KB, 720x890, Screenshot_20171231-193541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol when Tyrone getting obese roasties Nothing of value is lost. Your demented mind is so fixated on studio porn that you ignore reality because it doesn't fit your cuck fantasies.

I've been with a few black women and every one of them told me "I dont date black guys anymore"

stay mad :^)
The Americans that wanted to end slavery also wanted to send blacks back to africa*

>not nearly as much as any other ethnic group
please elude to me how being 5x more likely to be accepted into uni due to diversity quotas is oppression

>> No.5699235

Lol didn't expect there to be so many butthurt fags because of this lol. Stellar made the right move, business is business.

>> No.5699293

black nationalist here

you sound like the lying jew

>> No.5699390

Joke or not this chart turned me on to black women years ago

>> No.5699762

>tfw can't figure out a good reason for the masses of economic migrants being let into europe
>tfw agree with the premises and arguments but not the conclusion of "industrialized society and its future"
>tfw lumped in with /pol/ because classic liberal
>tfw called white even tho gook
we should be glad it's gone because that SJW stuff is a sickness and way too hot. americans are getting wise to it slowly too. I'm kinda glad the website cut that shit out because it'd probably hurt them
>Asia doesn't give a fuck
>The people they're allegedly trying to serve wouldn't give a shit
>The people they were pandering to won't invest anyway

>> No.5700038

>democratic socialism
Gen Z is majority right wing libertarian.