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File: 803 KB, 4000x2667, 105710130-1548884128761powell (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56950295 No.56950295 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going to turn the money printer back on until you pathetic little manchildren grow the fuck up and start having kids. Any questions?

>> No.56950304 [DELETED] 

18, my dad was 30 when he had his first kid and grandpa and grandma were both almost 40 when they had my dad. Probably why he behaves like such an aspie, as women shouldn’t be having kids that late.

>> No.56950316

No one wants your shitty 30 yr Tbills

>> No.56950327

Fuck you powell

>> No.56950346

Print me up a harem of trad waifus and I can make it happen big daddy P.

>> No.56950362

The only way to achieve that is to crash asset price valuations so people under 35 can actually afford to buy into society. The way society is currently structured is that boomers have bought up all the equity in housing and in the stock market, and can now plunder them with high prices in monopolistic markets. Additionally, boomers brought forward decades of demand by running the national debt up to 35 trillion dollars, which the millenials and zoomers will have to pay for, but not benefit from. The boomers have strip-mined the younger generations.

>> No.56950370

But we need you to print to afford a family Jerome. Is there somewhere in the middle we can meet here?

>> No.56950398

How do the nigs and beans do it? I'm always shocked to see them with a harem of children meanwhile everybody else is struggling just to maintain thier own life.

>> No.56950416

Simple, by the redistribution of wealth from the productive to them (the unproductive). God I “love” communism! https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets

>> No.56950490

Its more like they just dont give a shit. A white person would shudder in fear at the thought of living in relative squalor, for other races its all they know. Also kids actually make them money

>> No.56950516

Low expectations and a multi-generational history of failure and bad decisions.

What makes this present time unique is that many white millenials and zoomers who were brought up in functional families in decent neighborhoods are seeing the real chance of their lives being worse than their parents.

People who have done everything "right" but are fucked through no fault of their own. And they saw how good things were for their greatest gen/silent gen grandparents and boomer/gen x parents.

But the boomers have strip-mined the country so thoroughly that they have captured the entire economic output of the younger generations through housing, the stock market, and pulled forward demand of a high national debt.

>> No.56950558

Hes printed the least of all of them. Hes brought central banking to near collapse

>> No.56950573


>> No.56950589

low expectations, and a lack of sufficient intelligence to be risk-averse
for anyone who's under 90 IQ, they basically just stumble around through life and see what happens
it's not a lifestyle any self-respecting individual wants, and they're usually in credit card debt or similar. thankfully for them, we have EBT cards, subsidized housing, medicaid, etc.

>> No.56950605

>>56950516 isn't that far off either.
also, when you're on the low end of earnings, there's really low incentives to work harder and earn more (because you lose subsidies) until you're making at least 50-60k or so.
once you're over that hump, you don't give up many subsidies by earning more.

>> No.56950617

cope faggot stop blaming your problems on someone else and go do something about it, you're not the first faggot in history to struggle a little

>> No.56950627

>not having millions of dollar inheritance from boomer parents
zoomer spotted

being a Millennial feels so good right now and we can also have option to diversify into crypto

>> No.56951653
File: 96 KB, 464x435, RentvsIncome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone have kids? The cost of living is too high to begin with, let alone trying to support a kid/kids too.

>> No.56952695

>forgetting covid

>> No.56953236


>> No.56953757

Bills aren't 30 years you uneducated retard.

>> No.56953774

You're as bad as they are. Spend time learning before running your fat mouth.

>> No.56953796

I'm becoming convinced powell hates the fed, the banking system at large plus all zombie corps and is there to fuck it all up

>> No.56953927
File: 83 KB, 280x307, 1624721639307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jerome, im going to fucking make it in this bullrun and (YOU) are going to cope, try to close cex like dexscreener because you will flag them as satanic or something and then im going to watch in awe as you seethe over the mass adoption of crypto.

>> No.56955551

Yes anon. Just wait for <unprecedented economic event> to force moar QE