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56948845 No.56948845 [Reply] [Original]

>COPA has to prove he's NOT Satoshi

Good fucking luck lmao.

>> No.56949104

prove I’m not satoshi dumbass

>> No.56949157

You guys realize it's over right? Calvin and creg are no longer a team, Calvin pulled out. The show is basically over.

>> No.56949536

Based retard.

Calvin is still vocally supporting Craig.

>> No.56949569

What will our irrelevant personality cult win from this? I guess we will feel less like losers for bagholding BSV.

>> No.56949651

>copyright author's legitimacy is upheld by a high court
>how does this benefit BSV bagholders

Seriously, nigger? It means any further legal challenges to the copyright are finished and CSW can freely enforce copyright over the Bitcoin brand. This is happening at a time where BTC is about to split again. The resulting chains likely won't even be allowed to have the word "Bitcoin" in the name.

Also it goes without saying the ETF is gone. Blackrock specifically outlines this trial in their filings. To say this is the trial of the century isn't an overstatement.

>> No.56949702

>Atheists has to prove God isn't real

The burden of proof lies entirely on the claimant

>> No.56949746
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Which in this case is literally COPA.

>Verification not required.

>> No.56949797

Satoshi isn’t a pseudonym it’s the name of the actual person. Satoshi Nakamoto is a real person.

>> No.56949812
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And his name is Craig Wright.

>> No.56949829

Sorry pal, the code was written by a Japanese guy who is 5’5 and 150 lbs soaking wet holding a cinder block.

>> No.56949851

>Smeggy Creg has to prove he’s not wasting the court’s time
Good fucking luck lmao.

>> No.56950012
File: 64 KB, 796x505, Gnight_creg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect you may find there be a preliminary trial, In Which creg Shall Have To Prove (or not) He Isnt Actually A Lying Fraudulent Piece Of Excrement First:
Protip: The Answers are (2) No, (3) Yes and (4) Yes. And (3+4) = New Case With Extra Bonus Criminal Charges. Play dumb games, etc.

>> No.56950131

A stupid boomer judge doesn't decide anything for a decentralized network that needs no copyqueer laws. You're desperately clinging onto whatever narratives you can cobble together as FUD. Go write a fiction novel about this shit.

A split isn't likely just because you have been stupidly spamming threads which say so.

>> No.56950218

Seems pretty simple if he provides no evidence to the contrary.

>> No.56950407
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Not COPA, nor has anyone been compelled as of this time. If he is he will.

Nigger, law isn't thrown out the window because muh decentralized networks and sheeeeit. Copyright is absolutely enforceable. If it wasn't the CoreDevs would still have the Whitepaper on their site. Further, BTC has choke points. They're called miners and exchanges, which can and will be compelled by men with guns.

Your shit chain is absolutely going to split. Core must fork to prevent Ordinals, they will rush the fork, there will be unforeseen consequences. Ordinal camp will not fork and hold on to the current protocol.

>> No.56950460
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Kill yourself. You have been proven wrong 800 fucking times in these shit shill threads. But please continue. We have to make sure the lurking newfags get fresh education on bsv running on a fucking laptop because the chain can't keep up. How it was 51% attacked. How the transactions are not paid. and finally, how craig is nothing but a used wornout cocksleve.

>> No.56950484

>bsv running on a fucking laptop
Good luck with that, queerboi.

>> No.56950496
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I don't need the luck. I'm not the one with the problem, faggot.

>> No.56950703

>thinks 4 million transactions is big
>doesn't know that BSV literally holds the world record for transactions done in a 24 hour period of 128 Million
>doesn't know BSV holds the world record for data onchain as well as data in a single block, a single transaction or block mined
>thinks xrp is at all like the technology being discussed in this thread or created by Satoshi

If it's not BARE MINNIMUM public and PoW it isn't relevant. At least with BTCers there is some semblance of understanding, but with you shitcoiners it's beyond the pale stupid. Now fuck off.

>> No.56950722

You sound pretty mad at being exposed. don't like it? Stiff. Keep bitching. Fucking bitcoin cash outperforms b-shit-version in every way too.

>> No.56950758

>just makes shit up


>> No.56950776

I knew you'd keep bitching. Its the only thing you're good at.

The transactions are fucking spoofed weather data, useless, and paid for out of pocket to encourage miners to process useless transactions on a useless chain.

I'm not the one making up useless retarded shit. Like I told you. I'm not the one with problem. Going to keep bitching?

>> No.56950779
File: 80 KB, 419x480, bigCruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satoshi still has to prove he IS satoshi

kek. also, DELISTED

>> No.56950791

Rippltits, pls.

Cope however you like, won't land a COPA victory.

>> No.56950803

Not like I give a fuck, if he is, nice, if he's not, that means nothing and will not affect my BTC, what I do know is I don't want niggers to try to rent my NFTs using IQ lmao

>> No.56950810

He's not, it's all manipulation lmao

>> No.56950814

>spoofed weather data
Still using this stale argument. The weather stuff is a fraction of the total data being stored on chain. Not only that, storing weather data on a public blockchain for all eternity is a pretty good use case.

>> No.56950827

Some of us can't afford something better

>> No.56950834

Then stfu and get out faggot

>> No.56950835

I don't think we asked, kys

>> No.56950861

> Storing weather data on a public blockchain for
for what? For your cope? For propping up false metrics for a scam? I can't imagine how retarded you must think other people are to watch you eat this shit and still think you can lie about it and its not obvious.

>> No.56950906

>why would data every be valuable

idk ask Mark Zuckerburg why he's suing Craig and maybe you'll get your answer, dimwitted niggerfaggot.

>> No.56950942

no worries bro, Craig will produce hard evidence this time that he is satoshi.

>> No.56950948

>my weather data is all we have be proud of, please no bully us mr. internet man
yeah, we get it. worthless data for a worthless chain, but I'm sure from your perspective the ambient temperate of Moscow during the winter is very very important to you because you relate to it being about the same as your IQ. Going to keep bitching?

>> No.56951002
File: 9 KB, 300x168, hole in the sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is not Satoshi, but how do you prove it? Satoshi is a NSA scam, and he know it.

>> No.56951012

Read the OP again, slowly until you understand it.

There is simply no getting through to you retards lmao. Please buy more xrp.

>> No.56951061
File: 33 KB, 801x280, B-shit-vision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Please buy more xrp.
Still somehow less centralized with RPCA than B-shit-version with its 14 mining pools.

>> No.56951077
File: 18 KB, 586x578, rarted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you retard, the trial is not set up the way you think it is setup. if copa doesn't prove he isn't satoshi, that doesn't magically make him officially satoshi. all we will get is dumb threads like this and more pointless lawsuits from Craig for as long as he can financially support it

>> No.56951125
File: 11 KB, 300x168, steers and queers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know XRP is a scam right? One of the founders was involved in Mt Gok. Jed McCaleb stole 650k BTC, but ripple fags will trust him with their money.

>> No.56951142
File: 49 KB, 715x780, 1589719025319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Function of a minority chain. I understand all of this. It doesn't matter once it has majority hash.

>that doesn't magically make him officially satoshi
That isn't what I said. What I said was it'll give him freedom to enforce the Copyright without further challenge. Meaning anyone passing their shit off as Bitcoin gets btfo'd.

>You do know XRP is a scam right?
I know, see >>56950703

>> No.56951185

>I understand all of this. It doesn't matter once it has majority hash.
You don't understand, and the proof that you don't is that you think the chain should be swamped with shit like weather data, because you think every single bit of data ever generated is worthy of being stored on the chain.

>> No.56951233
File: 70 KB, 600x400, 9207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think the chain should be swamped with shit like weather data

Really getting bogged down here!

>> No.56951248

>>why would data every be valuable

Start arguing with yourself. Not me. It'll be good practice for you.

>> No.56951297

Any perceived inconsistencies are due to your low IQ.

Data has value, data takes infrastructure, which already exists and is sophisticated.

>> No.56951369

>Any perceived inconsistencies are due to your low IQ.
I see you're doing as I suggested and are responding to yourself. Well done.

I'm going to step in here and let everyone know, exactly why you are retarded. Blockchains are designed to be ledgers for financial transactions, not repositories for arbitrary data. Not your weather data. Not your mums birthday (it was great btw, we had a lot of fun), not the pictures you take of some other guy cucking you (it was great btw, I had a lot of fun). Its for financial transactions. That hash power, isn't for any of that. The hash power is for securing and validating wait for it. Financial. Transactions. The security is diluted when the hash is being used to validate non-essential data.

B-shit-version retards like yourself don't give a shit about that, despite it flying in the face of a genuine peer-to-peer electronic cash, because all you care about is propping up the numbers to make the scam look like its actually processing anything.

Diluting the hash power over nonessential transactions has long long term implications, security issues, performance issues, but none of the b-shit-version shills give a shit about it, because why? Because you're lying retards who just want to keep bitching. Are you going to keep bitching about how "data has value" and every fucking thing needs to be on chain so the 51% attacks can continue? Of course you will. Bitching is all you know how to do.

>> No.56951422

Dude, you're a fucking moron. Hash isn't used to literally process data and transactions. It's used to solve cryptographic hash puzzles. Miners highest input costs are the ASICs themselves, Electricity and Bandwidth. Storage is the least of on the list. Even if you are pumping out gigablocks.

>Blockchains are designed to be ledgers for financial transactions
That's only one use of them. Satoshi wouldn't have included scripting and OP_RETURN if simple A to B transaction was the only use for the technology. That's like saying the internet is only for Email.

Why am I left arguing with a fucking Ripplefaggot over blockchain? Something completely foreign to him.

>> No.56951433

fake filler transactions

>> No.56951464

>only one use
Oh Yeah, I forgot that the title of the bitcoin whitepaper was "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic weather data saving system" that you remember it being.

Splitting hairs over B-shit-version and XRP isn't the own you think it is. Its two retarded kids tying for last place. It's a testament to how low the bar for b-shit-vision really is. Still having fun bitching? How about you just make a non-transaction based weather storage data chain instead of getting other people to keep your fucking useless shit on chain to dilute it

>> No.56951488

Yeah, bro totally. Having the most secure data base known to man should only be used for trading shitcoin scams.

That's what the hash is for. Isn't that right, retard?

>> No.56951511

If Bitcoin wasn't meant to store large amounts of data, why does OP_PUSHDATA4 exist? It literally lets you push multiple gigabytes of data in a single transaction.

>> No.56951544

>should only be used for trading "shitcoin scams"
As financial transactions, those are a step up from fucking weather data and whatever the fuck you mean by "data has value" implying every fucking thing should be hashed and recorded on chain.

So yes, my retard, that IS what the hash is for. But you will, of course, sit here and continue to bitch about that because your precious weather data and everything else isn't being allowed on chains by default. For someone who follows a fork of a fork you don't seem to understand that a distributed ledger-based database could be made for these other things. But you don't care. Why? Because you don't give an actual shit about "Satoshi's vision" of a peer-to-peer cash system. You'll say "fuck that, I need ALL the fucking data to go ON CHAIN!"
>Waaa waaa its not fair, all the data should get to go on chain! waaaa
>I don't care about peer-to-peer payments!
>I don't care about financial transactions!
>I don't care about long term security or vulnerability to attacks!
>Miners should be using hash power to save my weather data!
And you will still sit here and claim you're advocating for "satoshi's vision" of a "peer-to-peer electronic cash system"
Keep bitching.

>> No.56951565

>hashed on the chain
>same thing as mining hash

I literally can't with this retard anymore.

>> No.56951607

> resources don't matter! I just want my weather data!
Yeah, I get it. You don't care about diverting resources to nonessential things at the expense of the integrity of the chain. I get it, you think scaling problems, inefficiencies, higher costs, and potential scalability issues, are all A-OK. You just want your goddamn weather data and all else can be fucked.
>I literally can't
you probably run into that issue a lot.