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File: 429 KB, 960x812, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56946019 No.56946019 [Reply] [Original]

The United States of America will finally save the world from the evils of cryptocurrencies.


Apologize. And sell while you (still) can.

>> No.56946039

It’s over bros. Guess I gotta look at who donates to her

>> No.56946047

not a burger so it won't affect me

>> No.56946052

haven’t they been trying to do this for years now?

>> No.56946076

It cracks down on money laundering via crypto, which is a genuine problem. Crypto can continue to exist.

>> No.56946091

Letting woman vote and hold jobs meant for men has been the destruction of our society

>> No.56946098


>> No.56946110

Is this why so many cryptos are dropping in price now?

>> No.56946139

You know that what pumps your bags is money laundering right?

>> No.56946145
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The crack down on tech and innovation bill. Enjoy the bugs Americans.

>> No.56946148

That bill is from last summer and it has no chance of ever passing the senate, let alone the house.

>> No.56946156

this bitch is shorting on Kucoin, I just know it

>> No.56946167

Is that inside trading bitch? When we will lock her up boys?

>> No.56946171

Based Warren. Wish she was president rn.

>> No.56946181

This whore again?

kys imbecile when the usa landed on the moon the biggest cash in circulation was the 10k usd bill worth 400k usd today inflation adjusted.

Imagine that one bill worth 400k usd, money laundering is a commie term

>> No.56946182

I'm the hacker known as 4chin and I'm going to use my dogbutt token to take over the world

>> No.56946187

She's right. I would much rather our financial system be in the hands of the honest, good-natured politicians in Washington than be controlled by people who know how to code

>> No.56946198

moon landings are fake

>> No.56946256

Good luck Warren. You're gonna need it.

>> No.56946271

She has legendary bad breath, but I’ll be damned - no links exist on Google or Bing anymore about it.

>> No.56946276

>Can't even crack down dollar laundering.
What's the point of this bill? She mad that she got priced out?

>> No.56946283

Moon landings being fake is more communist propaganda, like money laundering is a designed term by communists to crush velocity of money and demand for forex, moon landings being faked is designed to demoralize western civilization greatest achievement.

>> No.56946295
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>> No.56946318
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The lunatic communist like Warren want to abolish private banks and obviously private currencies because in a CBDC panopticon crypto would allow to escape fiat.

They are insane if they think they can control this but being a leftist and on top of that a femoid makes for this type of retarded laws.

Like in the eu, laggarde burning the 500 eur cash bills when it enters banks because muh money laundering due to high denomination bills only for demand for euros to crash worldwide after they started to do that.

>> No.56946319
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This is the worst case scenario they tried to warn us about

>> No.56946369

>First they laugh at you.
>Then they fight you
you are here
>Then you win

China banned BTC outright in 2018 btw

>> No.56946394

I will never understand anyone under 60 voting for anyone associated with this horrible woman.

>> No.56946395

Correct answer

>> No.56946508
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Good luck, Mrs. Warren.

>> No.56946517

Warren has only ever passed one bill.

>> No.56946601

I'm voting republican all the way after this shit. Fuck democrats. I want America back. I've been paying more and more attention to the democratic agenda and it sickens me how blind I was to it. Fuck democrats. Vote republican all the way. My eyes are open.

>> No.56946684

Senator Warren did nothing wrong

>> No.56946809

I'm the only person itt who read the bill.
it just says KYC all crypto. less importantly,
FINCEN finalizes rules for crypto in 1 year.
DEA provides list of drug dealer wallets in 1 year.
SEC & CFTC will give a report 2 years later on if KYC has been successful and if people are following the law.
the bill has no teeth. which is unfortunate.

>> No.56946849

this plus are they going to ban internet or what?

>> No.56946881

This ugly bitch is Lindsay Graham in drag, it has to be some kind of Mrs Doubtfire shit

>> No.56946888

(d) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—Not later than 18
24 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Finan25 cial Crimes Enforcement Network shall promulgate regu-
SIL23929 MN7 S.L.C.
1 lations that require United States persons with greater
2 than $10,000 in digital assets in 1 or more accounts out3 side of the United States to file a report described in sec4 tion 1010.350 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations,
5 using the form described in that section, in accordance
6 with section 5314 of title 31, United States Code.

Not fond of that at all. They're going after the whole market rather than just exchanges. They're now targeting (You).

>> No.56946889
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>oligarchs still don't get it
Bitcoin is an immune response by the superorganism Economy to the infection of fiat, BTC short circuits the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism, there is no way to stop or even slow hyperbitcoinization.

>> No.56946917

>people who know how to code
>white trash and nigerian devs who launch honeypot after honeypot

>> No.56946968

Speaking on behalf of all of us, thank you Liz. I can now sleep soundly knowing the crypto bro menace has been tamed.

>> No.56946996

without burgers, who's gonna be retarded enough to buy your bags?

>> No.56947001
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But she must be one of us!

>> No.56947029

- Brother it's called crypto yeah, it's going to change the world, bro.
-nation states can't control it, it can't be manipulated, it's your freedom, bro.
-it's the perfect store of value, bro, it's a hedge against inflation, trust me on this one, okay.
- Brother this is a once in a century event, maybe rarer, it's a total reform of the global economic system, it's like the real estate boom x1000, brother.
- No nation state can stop it, when the collapse comes the USA will balkanize, and people will sell their souls to get a satoshi in return, brother.
- Let me tell you about alt-coins, brother.
- It's p2p digital gold which means peer to peer, did you know it bro?
- Tokenized master books, unbreakable encryption, totally secure.
- Yes brother, there are a lot of non-digital currency uses, that's what alt-coins are about.
- Everyone needs to be monetized, don't ask me why brother, I buy them you should too!
- everything will be tokenized bro, it's not just a database.
- when everything is tokenized everything will be monetized, brother.

>> No.56947035
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Regulation is bullish. What's keeping wally world out of crypto is that they don't want to touch the grey area shit soup and get toasted. With clear rules, they're likely to come in. That's why there's such a premium on bitcoiny stocks, the pressure is clearly there but there isn't a good way to get spot exposure. I want that wall st money dammit.
This bill isn't even substantial
>if enacted, you will make some rules
>foreign accounts
You must report to the IRS that you have an interest in a foreign financial account. This already applies for everything else, and it really isn't coming after me, I don't keep anything offshore

>> No.56947052

damn that bitch can CHUG

>> No.56947073

Literally unenforceable, how do you implement KYC on open source wallets or decentralized systems when you can just fork it and remove the offending code? All crypto companies just need to do is be offshore and they're untouchable and amerimutts just need to use VPNs and "regulation" doesn't exist anymore lmao. Banning crypto is like banning piracy, it doesn't work.

>> No.56947074

Lol. Republicans are more of the same (but slowly). Who do you think allowed so much "progressive" bullshit through? Republican presidents, republican congressional majorities, republican supreme court justices. At best they do nothing when they have power.

>> No.56947101

the United States owns the world, so yes it will.

>> No.56947112

>FINCEN finalizes rules for crypto in 1 year.
This is actually extremely bullish. USA viz Gensler has been letting crypto exchanges guess (always incorrectly) what the rules are without saying it. Clear regulation is needed desperately (and that rat kike Gensler knows it).

>> No.56947218
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Imagine that you are are leftist in 2023. 24 hours a day you beam fear images and narratives in your head about evil nazis and evil christians and scary viruses and scary climate disasters. The world of tech you cheered on 20 years ago is now literally out of control and decentralizing and mutating at an ever increasing rate of speed. Since you are so scared by your phone you don't exercise get fresh air and you eat like shit and are loaded up to your gills on drugs legal and illegal. Because of this you live in a depressing confusing brain fog which guarantees that you cannot grasp and adapt to the technological, social and economic change happening around you. So in order to give you grasp onto political solutions that you think will slow down and order the world. Of course some mere laws in one country are able to do it. In fact. The laws just increase the chaos and rate on change around them.

>> No.56947335
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yes I've been reading this fud since 2017 about the SEC, SCTF, FINcen, IMF, IRS, treasury, ECB, FTAC, FAP, SHIT, PISS BRAPPPPPTPFFFFFSSSTRRRPSSSSS and many other organizations, they are all fucking do nothing bitches, nothing they can do to stop bitcoin or even most shitcoins

>> No.56947450

Hate to say it because I’m a woman (sorta) but it’s true

>> No.56947468

>I’m a woman (sorta)
quit porn and start lifting weights. Be the man that you are.

>> No.56947562

You must be new here. Republicans are the same coin, different side. Trump asked Mnuchin to ban Bitcoin. These people exist to strip Americans of wealth and prosperity for total control.

>> No.56947579
File: 50 KB, 943x103, trump mnuchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump asked Mnuchin to ban Bitcoin
kek I remember this

>> No.56947602


>> No.56947618

Wtf is that bitch’s problem?

>> No.56947633

I even think with the dimon fud (I would close down crypto) despite JPM sinking a ton of money into it, even having their own JPMcoin, was him just saying "Please give me regulations to follow so I don't get in trouble later"

>> No.56947705

>Takes money from Bankman
>Worried about cryptos shadowy money laundering

pick a lane woman

>> No.56947726

shes not going to fuck you, incel

>> No.56947786

she is the best legislator of all time
she has passed ZERO laws in her entire political career
the absolute best politician ever

>> No.56947795
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>> No.56947809

Why do native americans continue to rage against technological progress?

>> No.56947856

if only all legislators were so ineffective

Another reason to be grateful that slimy fuck was taken down. I wonder if some actually-competent crypto millionaire will fund her next election opponent. We need a stronger immune system against these parasites.

>> No.56947882
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>> No.56947943


no you're referring to Nancy Pelosi

>> No.56948111

I'm so glad I have a third worlder passport to trade on VPN. Zero taxes paid on it to the jewnited states. Boomercunts like this are why lol. Eat shit boomers I would vote for any candidate to eliminate medicare and social security so I can spit on them begging in front of Walmart.

>> No.56948130

I am just glad someone has the backbone to end all this fake internet money scams. This is what happens when the adults are back in charge.

>> No.56948374
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$285k salary, $67mm net worth.
What’s the math on this?

>> No.56948405

hi :)

>> No.56948415
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>> No.56948430


>> No.56948447

What is she even for? Throw her away.

>> No.56948464

The math is insider trading. That's how people get rich from Crypto and Stock.

>> No.56948548
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>We need a stronger immune system against these parasites.

Well said

>> No.56948559

This guy is such a faggot. He literally IS the state and is pivoting to using USD ffs.

>> No.56948568

You've still got a lot to learn.

>> No.56948585

lol how is landing on the moon the greatest achievement? It's useless. Putting pizza on a bagel is a greater achievement.

>> No.56948665

She was one of the lamestream media's favorite Presidential candidates in the Dem primary, and lost to shuffling corpse Biden. Such candidates are for championing the parasitic ruling class and expanding their power. Doesn't matter if she authored any legislation which passed, she is a reliable vote for the status-quo of the Washington DC parasite class. They can only pursue more money and power for themselves, that's their incentive and they decide all the incentives which allow them to get away with it.

Dumbocracy is in no way a functional system, so of course the champions it produces for itself are Warren-tier shrill idiots. The only good solution is pan-secessionism, because that position is the political equivalent of consistently advocating for decentralization. The US needs to balkanize because Washington DC is unsalvageable. The more decentralized political power is, the less you have to worry about incompetent insane evil people far away. The more local government is, the greater the odds are that it will actually reflect something in the ballpark of your own interests.

>> No.56949571 [DELETED] 
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> The US needs to balkanize because Washington DC is unsalvageable. The more decentralized political power is, the less you have to worry about incompetent insane evil people far away. The more local government is, the greater the odds are that it will actually reflect something in the ballpark of your own interests.

>> No.56949602
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>The US needs to balkanize because Washington DC is unsalvageable. The more decentralized political power is, the less you have to worry about incompetent insane evil people far away. The more local government is, the greater the odds are that it will actually reflect something in the ballpark of your own interests.
based. "but muh china!!!11!" yeah and china relies on us to consume their products. washington falls, they fall too.


>> No.56949924

Lizzy Warren had an axe

>> No.56949952

Wow, so we need more gov control and surveillance because... "terrorism," why does this sound familiar?

>> No.56949982

They already use USD.

>> No.56950524

This bitch has lived her entire life having never been right even one time.

>> No.56950707

lol pochahantas

>> No.56950813

You've lost the forest from the trees, State/politics is a memetic parasite, Hobbes's Leviathan is Meme Complexes (Dawkins), Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, the State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Fiat, the true source of Statist power, runs on weak procedural memes that can't stand scrutiny, fiat has held on because "there is no alternative", but there is now an alternative (BTC).

A real practical universal unit of account massively increases the efficiency of economic calculation, as without a fixed point of reference accurate pricing (price carries information), requires great degrees of iteration, which are economically (time and resource) expensive. Notice that bitcoin does not need to be used as common currency to produce this function, it performs this function fine as a free floating asset, as price carries information.

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical/economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for Money.

>> No.56950986

this is retarded thinking that gets absolutely crushed in practice. How about I just shoot you and take your bitcoins?

>> No.56951022

>native americans
isn't this the bitch that claimed to be a native american and later was found to be completely made up bs?

>> No.56951040

Why wont they stop tether?? 85 billion dollars backed up by what? fairy dust?

>> No.56951062

do you actually think they know or care to know what's going on in these bills
some guy in a suit brings a bag of money and says "make bill with words" and they do it

>> No.56951126

Tether is one of the worlds largest purchaser of US treasurey bills. They won't take kill one of their best customers. Most of tether backing is in bonds and tbills, which is why the whole "there isn't 1 dollar for every tether" argument is technically true but retarded in practice because anybody that trusts the dollar should trust bonds and tbills and they are one of the few things liquid enough to act as a reserve.

>> No.56951131

Average mutt lmao

>> No.56951254

I was wondering what Pocahontas was up to these days.

>> No.56951261

She’s clearly getting stuffed in everyhole by those ceo’s like that scene in eyes wide shut

>> No.56951290

Most bad breath is caused by people not cleaning their tonsils. As you age you develop crevices around your tonsils where food can get stuck and fester. No matter how much you brush your breath will still smell like shit if you don’t clear the tonsil stones.

>> No.56951699

how did they buy the T-bills? with tether?

>> No.56951749
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Fuck you bitch I ain’t reporting shit. Suck my sweaty ballsac.

>> No.56951765

Looking like an overgrown cabbage patch kid with down syndrome.

>> No.56951772

Why are we unable to go back?

>> No.56951825
File: 735 KB, 919x941, 7D427F79-0244-4ABE-B8D2-2BCF30C2E533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old news

>> No.56952201

Dullard. Essentially all of gold's value is of this monetary type, almost all gold, whether as bullion or jewelry, is just sitting around being a unit of account. Bitcoin is not "digital gold", bitcoin is a quantum leap forward in units of account. Gold was used because it's natural properties lent itself to the function, but that's it, it has always been the "unit of account", the monetary use, that we've wanted. Bitcoin does this function far better than gold, fixed supply, this halving less than half of gold's inflation, in 3 halvings 1/20 of gold's inflation, weightless, can be transferred globally quickly, cheaply, and securely, transparent ledger prevents rehypothecation holes from forming etc etc.

You don't understand Money, thankfully economic solutions do not require you to understand them to work.

>> No.56952223

>he's so low IQ he can't see the systemic economic value of a cryptographically fixed unit of account so believes demand for on-ramps must be fake
What's it like being a midwit?

>> No.56952225

i thought they did this already. why are they still talking about something they already did?

>> No.56952423

The moon landings were part of a ludicrously expensive pissing contest. There was never any actual reason to send people there other than to rub it in Russia's face.
We still send lots of probes and rovers around the solar system because they're useful. They're a lot more useful for a lot longer, while also being far cheaper. Humans plus support systems are fucking heavy. We don't fly supersonic passenger planes anymore either, because it never made economic sense to do. Sometimes humans do shit just because it's cool, but once you've done so it's no longer nearly as cool.

>> No.56952747

cannot be voted on untill next congress

>> No.56952763

poocahauntis is gonna come after cash next
the leftist goal is to make everyone equal through hyperinflation
no safehaven for savers, everyone will use the cbdcs and eat the bugs

she makes $400k, every month
mostly through bribes(money laundered through lobbying)
and its legal

>> No.56952769


>> No.56952785

Check out the big brain on Brett
>Doesn't understand crypto
There was an insider dump before the news broke, so SOMEONE understands it.

>> No.56952792

The United States of America ARE cryptocurrencies. It's all a big show. Warren speaks to elderly voters.

>> No.56952811
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It's not even close to passing. There is a long process to passing a bill and this has barely begun. First it needs to be passed by the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee, then it must pass the Senate, then pass the House (and if they modify it it keeps getting sent back and forth until they agree), and then finally signed by the president. Republicans seem to be generally pro-crypto and there is little political will from the democrats to do anything about it, aside from Warren and a small group. Republicans control the house right now anyway and could completely block it, even with unanimous Democratic support.

Great dip to buy imo while all the foreigners and uneducated Americans dump.

picrel govtrack estimates 2% chance it passes

>> No.56952812

>All crypto companies just need to do is be offshore and they're untouchable and amerimutts just need to use VPNs and "regulation" doesn't exist anymore lmao
Then how come CZ is getting into prison?

>> No.56953699

These are kike bankers shit posting on /biz who know most of you are too fucking stupid to understand how laws work in the USA, this has zero chance of passing the senate much less the house ever ratifying it.
On the other hand you fucking kike bankers need to be gassed for funding this cunt and being control freaks instead of just enjoying the trillions crypto can make everyone.

>> No.56953964
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Underrated post, bravo sir well done

>> No.56954461

His case was money laundering via sanctions, he also had a US exchange that co-mingled with the global one. Just mutts using your platform isn't enough to jail you because you can argue plausible deniability and pretend to ban mutts.