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56942253 No.56942253 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some financial blackpills?

>> No.56942274

You had more chances to become wealthy and scale positions in society during the middle age than in the so called "modern liberal democracies".

>> No.56942279

For real? I thought what caste you were born into was it

>> No.56942280
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>> No.56942330

unironically this
I would add that its not just shitcoins you need to look for. There are certain events that move the markets massively. be brave during these events, use leverage but only if its some rare event or a rare chance. capitalize on everything you can: an example is the chatgpt hype in january, with NVDA calls you could have made a 20x

"Diversification may preserve wealth, but concentration builds wealth."

Time in the market beats timing the market is bullshit for the cattle because they dont have time and brain for critical thinking.

>> No.56942351

AI isn’t done anon. It’s just getting started. Welcome to the new normal.

>> No.56942353
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>There are certain events that move the markets massively. be brave during these events, use leverage but only if its some rare event or a rare chance
since 2020 we have been living in clown world and in clown world these events are relatively common
they go both ways tho

>> No.56943972

its never enough and the higher your portfolio goes the more paranoid you will become about maintaining the wealth or gaining more of it

>> No.56944155

niggers tongue your anus and jews tax you for it

>> No.56944157

You could walk up to any piece of land and work it
That's tough year round work, but it hardens your body like the 80k years of evolution prepared humans for and once it is going your lord and commune would be natural to you
If you were cunning you could easily speak good ideas to your higher ups that could be considered and implemented, you would be rewarded with a warm life
Now we just have a brown slave service economy shuffling paper or paper food for the ultra white psycho prescription class
The only difference is that now you can have any girl you want, as if the choice matters when they are all disgusting by the age of 25

>> No.56944169

KKK in the market beats niggers in the market

>> No.56944264
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it's no secret that those of that era are to blame for us being so desperate for money to the point of creating an artificial currency, realizing that I pray to marie rose to keep the SPX going up has made me realize that I've hit rock bottom

>> No.56944276
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>I pray to marie rose
That's weird? i pray to rei ayanami

>> No.56944287


>> No.56944599

>You could walk up to any piece of land and work it
After the war of independence, my British ancestor fled to Canada. He was given a land grant by the king which has since been lost to others over the generations since the 1700s. That small piece of land that he was given, for free, is now worth millions. Imagine the government giving anyone land for free today.
Going all in on coinbase calls leading up to the Halvening and ETF approvals. Also all in on Bitcoin, Eth, and a few other coins.

Unrelated to the other posts is this. The real financial blackpill: the amount required to make it in America is well over one million dollars now. A house in even a mid tier city can cost upwards of a million. A 4% safe withdrawal rate in 2 million is 80k per year pre-tax, which isn’t enough to provide for a wife and kids too. Making it is so insanely out of reach that you’re better off just welfare maxing and enjoying what little time you get on this earth. Money can’t buy time. And time is your most precious resource. Most people don’t realize it until it’s too late. Most zoomers don’t get why life extension technology is so big with the elites, but this is it.

>> No.56944616

the more money you have the less happy you are because its all you think about

>> No.56944625

All I think about is how I need more money

>> No.56944640

This isn’t necessarily true. But I have heard once you are wealthy you worry a lot about maintaining your wealth. The thing is you can maintain wealth through pretty low risk investments and just live easy.

>> No.56945058

corporate equities are now memecoins. and lame memecoins at that.

SPX6900 > SPX500

>> No.56945280

>longing goybase
that's pretty retarded.
and not in an ironic clown world retarded.
it's like a guy with down syndrome masturbating in a public space retarded.

>> No.56945612

My honest opinions (28, ~$350k salary, grew up poor as shit):
- If you make less than $100k per year, it's best to live off of welfare, leech as much as possible, and spend your time educating yourself/starting a business/doing whatever you find enjoyable. Less than 20% of the population are net+ contributors, and that remaining 80%+ are doing whatever the fuck they want while leeching.
- You don't really feel rich until you hit ~$500k yearly consistent income. Even at $350k I just feel generally more comfortable than at $100k, but I don't make enough to take crazy luxury vacations or retire my family members.
- There are no real gimmicks. The best way to make money is to find a niche and lean into your strengths. Don't try and make money doing something that feels unnatural or gimmicky. I have wasted a lot of time doing this, only to realize I could've stuck to my plan and been way wealthier.
- Money doesn't attract women, competence does. Money typically follows competence, though.

>> No.56945646

Oh, and an addition: The way that boomers/gen X made money from stocks is long dead. Obviously Netflix, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla were going to explode in value, and anyone with 1/10th of a brain in the 1980s-2000s could've made TONS on stocks. The way that investing in these types of companies works now basically prohibits you from creating this type of easy wealth from the stock market. You're fucked, outside of hard-earned wealth, inheritance, and maybe crypto.

>> No.56945720

A severe depression WILL come and it will be extremely brutal. This isn't doomer posting, it will 100% happen in our lifetime.

>> No.56945786

hard work doesnt pay off
its all about luck
its all about the cards you were dealt with
making money is impossible
all pains no gains
you simply cannot win
heres why you will never make a dime:
1. competition
2. saturation
3. lowballers
4. chargebacks
5. scammers
6. narcissists
7. everyone is egocentric with their knowledge. no one will share anything with you
8. working spikes cortisol
9. nothings easy. theres always a catch
10. 70-80% of businesses fail. the systems rigged against the little guy
there are always 2 types of people who will try to give you advice on making money:
1. a millionaire who inherited everything from their parents
2. a mcdonalds cashier larping online
if you were born into a low class family, you will remain low class
if you were born into a middle class family, you will remain middle class
if you were born into a high class family, you will remain high class

>> No.56945934

>weak hands typed this

>> No.56945950

I dont believe that but I do believe the sense of community and spirit back then dwarfs the shit we live in now

>> No.56945988
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Also here are some black pills I like

>> No.56946089

>Don't try and make money doing something that feels unnatural or gimmicky.
You know well but this isn't right. You can make a porn patreon right now if you spend 50 hours in blender. You could launch a crypto. Green energy is all a joke. ESG scores etc etc..

>> No.56946149

In my opinion, money that you gain fast is lost fast. Money that you gain immortally will corrupt you. And, frankly, doing something that you're not a natural at will make it much more difficult.

That's my opinion, based on my life experiences. But I understand that not everyone is like me, and I am blessed that my natural inclinations are very profitable.

>> No.56946191

If you believe this type of stuff, you are schizo and lack life experience. Humans are leaky and stupid. There is no world in which this type of grand conspiracy can exist, and the same applies to all other grand conspiracies.

>> No.56946211

Listen to this, the song explains everything

>> No.56946236

99% of you can't make money by trading.

>> No.56946272

I can see this being true. Is there a solution, like do you need to develop a monk's mindset by the time you're rich?

>> No.56946279

Being middle class is more about a series of zip codes, the way you say words and how you eat food than it is money and you can own more by behaving right and dressing right around the right people than you can by being the best coder in the world.

>> No.56946290

What was Epstein island, in your eyes?

>> No.56946314

Yes. Wealth and social class are two different things. Burgers often don't understand this.

>> No.56946390

no way
people just need to stop listening to the whole "go to college by any means necessary" propoganda and avoid debt like the plague.
I know a ton of people who have very comfortable lives making mid 6 figures a year because they learned a trade after school and started their own businesses.

Even small scale construction companies doing $1 million in total revenue are making $300k net every year, and if you scale that up to $10 million, you're making $1 million per year no problem.
We just need to reject this narrative that simply spending 4 years in college is going to automatically provide you with an upper middle class income.
It's only making the banks and universities wealthy, and, news flash, bankers and professors hate your guts.

>> No.56946422

I dunno I see a lot of Euros with the same misunderstanding. But if you think the new movement in art is AI, you're probably lower class and if you think it's dimensions on canvas you're probably middle class and if you think it's the price people are paying at Christies you're probably upper class.

>> No.56946438

This is only half true. You absolutely can earn an upper-middle class and save enough to maintain that lifestyle through traditional, diversified investments. But its also true a lot of people get rich more quickly through aggressive investment.

>> No.56946616

True that "Hard work" is meaningless without results, but being smarter does, its not all about luck. Luck is a factor, but you can basically guarantee making it if you are smart enough and in a western country, Luck is more a matter of how long it takes you.

Absolutely retarded. No one gives a fuck about your zipcode or "how you eat food," lol

>> No.56946692

You talk with your mouth full? Don't you.
Nobody wants to go to lunch with a guy whose ideas are muffled by his sandwich. It's unpleasant to sit across from a guy who chews with his mouth open.

>> No.56946828
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once you die you restart from 0

>> No.56946863

>In a solvency-oriented society, enterprises grow by earning cash profits, which - in competitive conditions - are a good proxy for superior objective resource management and information processing capacity. Good stewards increase the total productive capacity under their care, and thus become more influential over time.
This is not how the world works anymore. It's now a world of perpetually rolled-over debt and instability, because whenever an industry fails together (e.g. because the business model was socially worthless), the rest of us are forced to bail it out.

>the old world has been overthrown by a class of debtor-aristocrats, and society converted en masse into a debtor aristocracy


>> No.56946921

You can't build long term logistical operations on debt, all you can do is glorified daytrading of glorified penny stocks. You aren't gonna supplant Ford on hyped up speeches and edgy tweets.

>> No.56946930

>debtor aristocracy
the biggest jews took the biggest loans, and guess what, they didn't pay them back LMAOOO

>> No.56946976

You don't need money to fuck good looking women.

Women won't truly love you.

Jews are indeed mostly in control of stuff.

>> No.56946993

There are three gateways to success: hard word, talent, and luck. You can get by on any one of them. If you have two, you can win the game. If you have all three, you're famous.

But you asked about finance. The simple truth is that anything that pays you is an asset, and anything that costs you is a liability. Your car, your home, your possessions--these are all liabilities. Start collecting assets instead of liabilities.

>> No.56947021

based thread

>> No.56947037

>You can't build long term logistical operations on debt
I may be doing a bad job of summarizing the essay, but you can. Cheap, perpetually-rolled-over debt is a great help to someone trying to build a business -- whether a genuinely productive business or a parasitic one.

>it is most likely that when a large corporate pharmacy is driving its competition out of business, this is not on account of its superior profitability and efficiency. Instead, publicly traded corporations are able to pay more than private competitors for leases and talent and charge consumers less because they have access to cheap capital, and are optimizing not for profits, but for growth.

>> No.56947060

>Cheap, perpetually-rolled-over debt is a great help to someone trying to build a business
You're forgetting faking your death

>> No.56947106

incels would have gathered and said; "fuck this shit, to arms faggots!" and steal a nice piece of land
today you can't do that

>> No.56947118

Entire economic system is a Talmudic dark magik scheme in which the Jews harvest the soul energy of the goyim

>> No.56947145

Bitch your soap company isn't gonna be as big as Unilever no matter how much debt you use

>> No.56947232

If Unilever's cost of capital is 5% and mine is 0.1% because I'm part of the debtor aristocracy and Unilever isn't, I can absolutely compete with Unilever. It may take a while to grow to Unilever's level, but I can do it. I can hire away their employees. I can sell equivalent products more cheaply. I can pay more for scarce materials.

>> No.56947417

you will never be wealthy
you will never be a woman
you will die a nobody

>> No.56947774


>> No.56947813

Its already here for most of the world
US is quickly heading for 3rd world status

>> No.56947910

Thanks, anon.

>> No.56947965

She looks like she does scat porn

>> No.56949493

the worst part about it? It will almost certainly make him a lot of money.

>> No.56950352


It's not an unknown fact but again:

Banks are the doom of the economy.

DeFi is the salvation

>> No.56950471

>I pray to marie rose

Based af

>> No.56950514
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The NYFed and the Jewish central banking cartel own the world’s debts and thus own the world. There is hope in Jesus and through the truly decentralized currency, Bitcoin.

>> No.56950518

Money is fake and gay

>> No.56950527

>basically prohibits you from creating this type of easy wealth from the stock market. You're fucked, outside of hard-earned wealth, inheritance, and maybe crypto.

he says, while the nasdaq 100 is up like 60% for the year and individual components like NVDA are up more than bitcoin YTD

>> No.56950550

until you have at least $100k liquid investable capital you can't afford to play anything safe. Do everything you can between either working 24/7 and/or full time shitcoining to get to $100k as fast as possible, only then can you begin to diversify and think about preservation and not pure growth of capital at all costs

even then you need like $500k for a 4% dividend yielding portfolio to pay you 20k/yr while still growing at a respectable rate

>> No.56950587

Nothing new here. I've never felt like the day I moved most of my life savings from banks to my spool vault.

A big chunk, all at once, no questions asked.... That's fucking freedom

>> No.56950665

The absolute vast majority of people cannot handle debt.

Your parents are most likely finically illiterate people and you should avoid their advice at all costs

2MM-3MM is now the threshold, the absolute bare minimum, to be able to retire in America safely and securely (4% high interest savings); this will be out of reach for 90% of people living in this country and that includes traditional white collar sector jobs

>> No.56950679

Exactly, you have too much. Become homeless and only worry about your next meal :)

>> No.56950694

there were rich people during the depression, and guess what? they will buy up all the cheapies while your friends and family starve on the streets, you can thank capitalism for that

>> No.56950855
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Of course, it doesn't have to be that way
The choice is yours, anon...

>> No.56950880

When everyone believes that a recession occurs, it will happen. Biden just spent billions to prop the economy up with the Inflation Reduction Act.
Blackpill: "Based" Libertarians like Milei are ZOG affiliates and you will never get an outsider in charge unless you take it by force. Couldn't even get rid of the Central Bank LMAO. He put in an ex JPM banker as the head.

>> No.56950939


>> No.56950949

>You don't really feel rich until you hit ~$500k yearly consistent income
LMAOOOOOO you've got an unbelievably kiked mindset. bro i live in my mums house (all paid for) and I feel rich as fuck because I save 100% of my income (aud100k) and have all the free time in the world. I live like a literal prince and have no wants or desires. I'm investing with my brother and we're rolling along in the construction sector but even then, most of the gains I make I reinvest straight away into a new plot/build because I literally do not care about having more money. The only way what you're saying makes sense is if you need bullshit luxury goods like 7 star hotel holidays, gucci handbags and at least 2 lexus' in the garage (which ironically isn't a display of wealth but retardation).

>> No.56950953

your name is scum

>> No.56950983

Tsk tsk tsk, how pitiful.
Look how the sheep reflexively come to their master's defense. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.56951097

Yeah bro every communist society every didn't have a very few elites who slaughtered citizens by the millions. Again, KYS.

>> No.56951115

Using debt to consumerism will net you a overall better life than living frugally until your too old to enjoy the money.

Investing is a multigenerational venture for most unless your a top g businessman

>> No.56951395

>Hey guys this capitalism thing is really bad
>So let's adopt a political system where we're all slaves to the government, that'll fix everything!

People need to understand what the hegelian dialectic is

>> No.56951485

>Why suffer being poor when you can starve relatively quickly

>> No.56951487
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Spend your money while it's still worth something.

>> No.56951528

Best post itt

>> No.56951750

>cz gets into court
>think this is it time to short
>crypto pumps

>> No.56951834

Lol only because your soap company can never use a fraction of the debt Unilever does

>> No.56951844

>it's no secret that those of that era are to blame for us being so desperate for money
No, they are not.

>> No.56952031

Amara gtfo biz wtf r u doing here