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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56942102 No.56942102 [Reply] [Original]

Just broke 6 figure hell. Even if it’s just for a moment

>> No.56942115


>> No.56942131

Friend 100k isn’t shit I won’t celebrate until 3 million

>> No.56942147

You won't get that holding fucking chainlink retard

>> No.56942156

Pool is closed fuddie

>> No.56942155

I will with G Revolution and Everest

>> No.56942163

Wym broke it you barely dipped your toes in it

>> No.56942165

What do you need that costs more than 100.000?

>> No.56942170

Wrong words meant to say broke into

>> No.56943353
File: 297 KB, 512x512, 1701933535642646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo why aren't you taking in profits and buying in again but with half of your gains or something? You can just farm the other half or put it on a down payment for a house or some other value storage asset like that. Based nonetheless I'm not selling till 3 million AND till Blocklords drops so vidya kino can be back on the menu for us shitcoin nocoin chads.

>> No.56943374
File: 265 KB, 1135x1145, 1701711573362347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just redeem and go to some tax free safe haven third world country and buy a house in the mountains for like 20k or whatever. the us is fucking doomed. in what world is 3 million fucking dollars 'barely making it' and the only cause worthy of celebration. jesus.

>> No.56943375

After tax you'd be looking at like 500k or so, so not too far from op. Check mate burger!

>> No.56943378
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1514861349906870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy an ad you brown fuck

>> No.56943387

i hope you are completely wrong and web3 never makes a comeback, ever. what a bunch of fucking cancer. legit opened my eyes at how shameless lizard tech ceos and celebrities can get. literally anyone with money and/or fame is a souless, void husk of a human being that seeks more wealth for no particular reason. it's like a mental illness or a extreme fetish. it's truly disgusting.

>> No.56943416

>reporting crypto """tax""" (literally tipping the state most of your wealth for nigger-supporting garbage programs where 90% of the money gets stolen anyway)

>> No.56943434

Congratulations anon, you officially passed level 1. Now you have to sell your soul to the devil to get over 7 figures.

>> No.56943444

everyone's economy is different, maybe anon lives in a third world country where the average monthly salary is 200-300 bucks.

>> No.56943451

this would be feasible if the market were more regular, it is a constant risk and the idea of investing for such a long term is not a smart thing to do.

>> No.56943455

taxes? we were using crypto for a reason. fuck the government and their fucking taxes.

>> No.56943463

pools are closed in link, there are many better alternatives than them. LTC and DoT also have pools so you better shut your mouth.

>> No.56943475

in fact it is not going to achieve anything, before the end of the year chainlink will make rugpull and everyone will cry like whores.

>> No.56943479

I really wish India was range banned from this board.

>> No.56943488
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that this is the reality for some people does not mean that in the world market 100k is still not enough money, you always have to aspire to more regardless of your position.

>> No.56943489


>> No.56943495
File: 102 KB, 513x674, 1701017306762007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are going to hold down to 0 aren't you.

>> No.56943496

that was pretty xenophobic

>> No.56943499

Enjoy jail you XMR larper cunt. Hope you are actually stupid enough to fuck with the IRS with no influence behind you for support.

>> No.56943509

162% what the actual fuck? how come nobody has ever talked about this gem?

>> No.56943518

it's my damn wallet and portfolio and I'm going to celebrate whenever I damn well please.