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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56938360 No.56938360 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56938370
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>> No.56939214

I'll take taht as a yes

>> No.56939332

How many times do I have to tell you, old man? Token not needed.

>> No.56939343

Should I buy GME now?

>> No.56939361

stopped reading there

>> No.56939405
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Mmm...That $162 trillion worth of GME that must be settled at market is looking real thicc and mature. She'll be ripe and ready for squeezing in less than 2 weeks.

>> No.56939483

Yeah man, Everyone still totally buys physical media

>> No.56939493

do I have time to DSR

>> No.56939507

>2 more weeks!

>> No.56939588
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Can someone please translate this to retard? I understsnd that a bunch of jews shorted gamestop (meaning they entered a deal to deliver gamestop shares, expecting the price to go low, or otherwise pay the difference).
then a bunch of incels bought it up.

And I guess there are not enough shares for the jews to deliver? What does it mean that the short position is "collateralized to the equity swap"? Whats was swapped in this case, the performance of the short position vs some bond or something?

Hasn't the original short position already come due (like, wasnt this old news)?? I really really want to understand.

>> No.56939677

Bumping for a response

>> No.56939933

You've got the short-short equity swap (aka regular shorts, Archegos formed and spearheadee, legal aside from defrauding counterparties, the government and DTCC software about how much he could take out), then synthetic naked shorts (aka shares made from thin air, Citadel/market maker, illegal).

Due to the opaqueness of the U.S. market, submitting the presense of a basket swap is required but reporting whats in it is on a need-to-know basis, but it is gathered it entaled the majority of memed stocks, such as Blackberry, GME, BBBY, Blockbuster, AMC, ect and a few other random tickers, such as something similar to XTL to memory, which is an index reported to have +11m% short interest which would explain the "off-trade" of if everyone is betting for a drop in price of the basket.

Credit Suisse was supposed to close on maturity while the liabilities were in their possession but rolled them over (can kicked). A few months later, they were out of business.

>> No.56939958

The original short positions were made when GME was $1-$4 pre-split, the shorts have come due many times and are rolled over each time, perhaps with the least painful of them being closed. But they can't all be closed at the same time and realizing the losses all at once will bankrupt any firm on God's green earth.

>> No.56940034

Sorry, what does it mean for them to be rolled over? When they reach maturity, isnt that it? Why would the other party allow them to be rolled over?

>> No.56940044

Rolling over incurs maintenance fees on the position, effectively an income stream for the other party.

>> No.56940099

With swaps, there's the option for the establishing party to "roll over" the swap for a later maturity date or simply let it expire for a re-establishment cost relative to the position. This can have advantages for a number of different reasons, such as more fees generated by the counterparties or in cases where it would not be beneficial to buy back and physically deliver the shares on maturity date, such as in the case of having to buy $162 trillion worth of the basket, or simply not being able to roll them over anymore due to reestablishment cost factors.

>> No.56940240
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when it happens, it wont be on a date that anyone will know about


my lil jew gonna gamba us to the top

tick tock

>> No.56940284

XRP is not crypto. Never was, never will be.

>> No.56940367

What XRP has to do with it tho?

>> No.56940888

Yeah nah , xrp will be the final curtains
What GameStop was to stocks
Is what xrp is to crypto
Just a warning.

>> No.56941024

Das rite, its a currency. A judge said so.

>> No.56941254

I can’t wait until god destroys these fucking kikes…

>> No.56941303

>Wiki says nothing of GME influence on archegos and credit suisse crash
Then it is the truth. 15/12/2023 gonna be fun.

>> No.56942335

wasnt it Xi margin calling his christian ass?

>> No.56942341

>XRP reset

>> No.56942381

how is people still into xrp, yeah ofc get it, it was big in 2017/2018 but feels like it lost the momentum what almost like 6 years ago

>> No.56942626

Archegos was heavily leveraged.
Gamestop did not trigger liquidations. Various longs did.
Nothing about this situation bankrupted CS.
Total losses to banks weren't chump change but weren't holy shit red alert tier at all.
UBS is not the biggest bank in the world.
>UBS bailout funds going into gamestop shareholder equity
Lol, lmao even.
Why are gamestoppers so fucking stupid? There was one play, it was a good play, but it's seriously not that deep.
>genuinely believing anyone on the planet was ever remotely close to $1Tn short on a retail video game store
Oh my god, it's so dumb I almost can't stand it
At least this delulu circus echoes hard enough to provide a nice bubbly gamble

>> No.56942670
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Xrp the standard

>> No.56942740

GME bros explain yourselves I’m interested

>> No.56942781

You cant deny something really radioactive was in those books which are now ubs problem
Not looking good for helvete or the franc, think they'll use the crisis to force the eu/euro on them and end swiss indepence after 6 centuries

>> No.56942950

If you own XRP you not only got scammed by a literal Jew but you will also be eliminated as a traitor when the day of the rope comes.

>> No.56942970

I hold GME and BBBY. I'm fine. more than, in fact.

>> No.56943012

does it even matter if you DSR?

>> No.56943199

Perfect storm of events that would, on their own, individually help the stock price go exponential are happening. Direct register some shares through Computershare.

t. 1,XXX holder

>> No.56943317

How much is needed? Whats the suicide stack for GME?

>> No.56943341

For me, it's XRP. The fastest cryptocurrency. I even ask for help with a new crypto project I'm working on and David Schwartz is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for a fast transaction and they finished it in three seconds practically for free. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three seconds. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local ripple partnered financial institution, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want to send money that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even send money to strangers online using xrp, it's fantastic! What a great cryptocurrency.

>> No.56943581

This. QRD please? I'll throw a few hundred at XRP and see what sticks.

>> No.56944325
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>> No.56944386

Retard here. Why would a financial backend need to leverage a publicly accessible block chain? That's the only way a publicly available token would be of any value, right? If not, why so?

>> No.56944447

Interoperability. If you have a financial backend and you want to connect it with other backends, you'd need a bit of code for every other backend you want to connect to. But if you both plug into a blockchain you only both need one bit of code to connect to the blockchain for any other backend also connected in this way. Disclaimer: I don't think XRP is it at all, but the concept is sound.

>> No.56944474

That's all well and good, but why does it need to be the publicly available block chain? Why can't the government just mandate a 'financial sector' instance of the xrp block chain to utilize?

>> No.56944481

Transparency is nice, but fundamentally it is not required, which is why I don't think XRP is it.

>> No.56944624

xrp has private ledgers

>> No.56944686

So the idea is that because the financial sector will be using a private version of the tech for their backend that makes tokens on public versions of (possibly, but likely not entirely) similar tech valuable?

>> No.56944707

well you still need xrp in the process of making the private ledgers or transferring between ledgers within the network and to create new wallets and adding trustlines
so the coin itself would have value

>> No.56944778

>you still need xrp in the process of making the private ledgers or transferring between ledgers within the network and to create new wallets and adding trustlines
The financial sector backend needs the public facing blockchain to operate? How so?

>> No.56944828

that's how the ledger was designed

>> No.56944870
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In a word, trust. It's designed to be used by entities who can't trust each other. Like when you have to sign a contract holding you to a set of terms.

>> No.56945036
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I bought this rumor, and will sell the news. Hoka-Hey!

>> No.56945092

>entities who can't trust each other
Who specifically? Aren't there enough financial institutions that could set up their own backend nodes under the oversight of a central financial authority?

>> No.56945380

china and russia could use it and not feel like it's some us government backdoor

>> No.56945995

This is the most logical argument I've ever heard for it.

>> No.56946111

So why is the west building this system out to replace SWIFT if it's supposed to keep the western financial hegemony in place?

>> No.56946231

A joke?

>> No.56946325

ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill.
there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything
Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos.
BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol.
Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

>> No.56946426

I am afraid of becoming schizophrenic if I buy $XRP

>> No.56946551

locks out jewish middlemen around the world
every jewish finanancial structure that gets money by adding friction to the system is removed instantaneously

it'd be like a giant cleaning of the financial system

>> No.56947951

Probably, check Bo Polny on rumble bitchute as he studies Biblical Cycles, and is calling something substantial coming. Check ghostezraq on twatter , things are lining up for sure.

>> No.56949314


so will XRP finally reach 589? finally?

>> No.56949417

1 XRP will equal 1 XRP.
Or 37,000,000 nuUSD

>> No.56949611
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Consider the following:
Various CBDCs will use various methods, ledgers, coins and private or public blockchains, be Ripple tech or other.
But to facilitate the exchange of a digital USD for a digital euro for example, there has to be a cross-border settlement currency to facilitate and provide liquidity for the trade, such as XRP, which is a public ledger.
It's why Link and XRP turf feuds don't make sense because they do different things.
See attached pic for a visual representation.