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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5692962 No.5692962 [Reply] [Original]

how are you guys getting over BTC's high fees when trying to day trade alt coins?

right now i'm thinking:
>sell alts into BTC
>convert BTC into BCH
>transfer BCH to different exchange
>convert BCH to BTC
>buy alts


>> No.5692998

I do the same but with LTC.

BCH can suck my dick.

>> No.5693031

I just started using ETH or LTC. No point in using BTC for transferring coins with fees this high.

>> No.5693055

I use ETH. Also you can trade ETH for alts directly on Bittrex.

>> No.5693071

I'm using ETH it's fast as fuck since the crypto shitties ponzi died out.

>> No.5693074

>BCH can suck my dick.
This is also true.

>> No.5693078

Did the same with ETH when it wasn't congested with cryptokittes & other game shit
Basically the standard method for transferring coins between exchanges&persons.

>> No.5693118

Buy a lot of ethereum, keep in an offlines wallet
send to exchanges whenever you want

>> No.5693193

>he day trades cryptos

At best, I make swing trades, but for the most part, I HODL.

>> No.5693334

you're retarded

>> No.5693418

I remember when that big "correction" happened, a lot of /biz/ was freaking out. Pink wojaks galore. Screenshots of people who sold the bottom. I bet there were even suicides.
At the time, there were a lot of naysayers who claimed that the dream was dead.
"Bitcoin will never recover" they said. "The bubble has popped, and we have nowhere to go but down."
Where are you now, naysayers?
Now that BTC is recovering? Now that alts are mooning? Now that the percentages are green as a spring meadow, and profits are as easily picked as flowers from a field?
Where are you now, you skeptics?
Whining from the sidelines, spreading your FUD, watching enviously as those of us who genuinely believed are reaping the rewards of our fidelity--that's where.
You said BTC was an antiquated technology that would needs be dethroned by something better.
You pointed to the hundreds of thousands of unconfirmed transactions, the high fees, the massive amounts of electricity the BTC network is using, and you said, "Look, look! This coin shall surely perish!"
But guess what?
BTC did not perish.
The market has recovered, and is aimed at the sky.
Just as it was before.
Just as it was prophesied.
There will be no crash.
Only green wojaks. Only increasing gains.
We are back on track. We are going to the moon.
We have finally
>returned to normal

>> No.5693911

Eth for everything.

>> No.5693930

why hate BCH?

>> No.5694218

1) BCH shills act like fucking cultists.
2) They also behave like obnoxious 13 y.o. 3rd worlders.
3) They probably are mostly 13 y.o. 3rd worlders.
4) Roger Ver
5) Jihan Wu
6) Fuck BCH so much.

>> No.5694282

>bitcoiners constantly forgetting ETH exists and already has plenty of markets to trade alts in
what do they mean by this?

>> No.5694302

whiny victim-complex braindead fucks. just watch literally any video of roger ver, such a sad boy for someone so rich

>> No.5694398

This. If you're buying alts why the fuck would you still buy/trade in bitcoin? Just buy and trade with ETH, less fees and faster transactions.