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56928336 No.56928336 [Reply] [Original]

How do I move millions of dollars worth of silver across multiple national borders and through airports without it being noticed?

If I were to travel with lets say 5 million dollars worth of silver and go through multiple countries on my journey and these countries require you declare any valuables you bring with you and some even have import taxes on silver. How can I travel with silver equivalent to this much money without it being detected and having to tell the government authorities in each country that I'm in possession of it?

I was thinking I and those I travel with, including our pets, would conceal the silver within our bodies. But we would have to make many trips to bring it all with us - we can't fit all the silver inside ourselves in one trip. And it would still be detected by the scanners and metal detectors, especially at airports.

I'm really bummed out over this. I'm at a total loss on how to solve this dilemma.

>> No.56928349

you dont
its easier to travel with machine guns

>> No.56928389
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Crypto doesn't have that problem.

>> No.56928409

$5 Million silver =6220Kg
Good luck with that faggot
Your a larper or you would know just to ship it with Brinks

>> No.56928805

Sell it at source country for cash, buy btc or xmr and buyback at dest.

>> No.56928855

5million dollars in silver would be literal tons of silver. Good luck.

>> No.56929087

>go through multiple countries on my journey
Yeah this is why owning silver is better in North America than Europe.

>> No.56929098

BTC Can be sent anywhere, near instantly, for only a couple of hundred dollars.

>> No.56929105

6.677 metric tons. Or 214,684.41 troy ounces. That's almost 430 monster boxes. OP is a LARP.

>> No.56929110

doesnt change the fact that you bought useless rocks that dont even outpace inflation, much less yield anything. in exemplary fashion, you prove the point of "my possessions own me."

>> No.56929118

now this is the most retarded thing you could do after dumping all that deadweight. imagine a bird going back into its bird cage after just being freed. that is your mentality.

>> No.56929195
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It's price is suppressed by on-paper silver. When it collapses the gains will be enormous. Physical silver is a necessity to everyones portfolio, but only few kilos as an insurance policy. Not more than you can easily move. Gold is more practical size to value ratio wise.

>> No.56929270

>the gains will be
so ur bound to worthless rock just for the gains that will never come? you are retarded. just admit it. somebody sold you on this shit and you fell for it. any retard that buys rocks deserves to be robbed of them.

>> No.56929941

bro you sound like you are planning to stuff silver coins up your dogs ass just to smuggle some metal.
what is the fucking matter with you? is there really no better way my man, think, please

>> No.56930232
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>any retard that buys rocks deserves to be robbed of them.
>they're worthless
>but someone will risk their life to steal them
You're bad at your job.

>> No.56930382

Sooo in other words since OP "must" be a LARPer, what you're effectively saying is silver stackers can't be millionaires.

>> No.56931140

within the schengen area you do not have to declare your silver.
Only cash and gold above 10k.
Silver is exempt.
If you do get stopped, you need to have proof of ownership though.

.t asked a friend who works at the border control of an EU country.

>> No.56931245

you sell it and buy bitcoin lol

>> No.56931287

dont be attached to silver. its an investment vehicle.

sell it and re-buy.

if you have as much as you say you do then go straight to that nations largest precious metal dealer and make a deal with them.

>> No.56931373

No they can't, ever looked at their general?

Diversify into gold and real estate.

>> No.56931654


>> No.56931733

We'll who the retard is. Silver is God's money.

>> No.56931745

1. God doesn't need money
2. He lives in the clouds so he would use digital money instead of heavy ass bricks

>> No.56931752

Because of VAT, silver is a horrible investment

>> No.56931857

You'll make you vat back when you sell it. Retarded take.

>> No.56931868


>> No.56931877

Someone who owned millions of dollars worth of silver wouldn't be asking this question.

>> No.56931936

Precious metals are the heaviest elements that exist. They are not well suited for transporting wealth across space. However they are excellent at transporting wealth across time.

>> No.56932048

Consult an S&P500 (Somali & Pirate 500) company to courier you in exchange for some silver. Save time by only making one voyage.

>> No.56932149

Melt them down into barbells and plates

>> No.56932476

>buys rocks that central banks are also buying hand-over-fist at record paces, while lying about how many rocks they have

>> No.56932487

you can trade silver for monero

>> No.56932500

I was thinking an "art installation", painted with some easily removed paint - maybe a portrait of George Floyd - and wrapped in Christmas lights or some dumb shit. Claim its bronze, and then melt it back down at destination country. Of course he'd lose the premium if they were actual coins.

>> No.56932510

buy a boat

>> No.56932511
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>> No.56932805
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Obviously. The entire thread is a set up for this post:

>> No.56932917
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1699732661335033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very astute and correct.

>> No.56933607

It is manipulated but if someone at the coin shop is willing to sell you a physical ounce of silver for the jew market price + some premium, its doesn't really matter if its "underpriced".

>> No.56933628

Only buy silver out of principle, or for future tech speculative plays. Probably easier to buy paper for the second one though.

>> No.56933641

Also its funny how GME cucked silverpoors out of their narrative, that was floating around in summer 2020. Thats probably where that pet food jew got the idea from.

>> No.56933690

Sir, have you considered smuggling it up your anus? I occasionally will put some silver in my anus for the medicinal benefit and it’s no problem whatsoever. The banksters have set up every sort of law they can to persecute stackers. It’s disgusting. I believe that Christ will prevail though and show you the way to move your holy asset through Satan’s legions.

>> No.56934069

>same post
Are silver stackers chads?

>> No.56935446

As jewelry, which should be gold.