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56922830 No.56922830 [Reply] [Original]

Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity

Linkies will stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Denounce Chainlink and ask for forgiveness for all the evil you have already committed.

Apologize to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent anons you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the Great Reset which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands

>> No.56923054
File: 56 KB, 632x756, 17b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you)s guaranteed!

>> No.56923099

LINK is the /pol coin. LINK holders are best suited to prevent globalhomo.

>> No.56923121

Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity

Linkies will stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Denounce Chainlink and ask for forgiveness for all the evil you have already committed.

Apologize to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent anons you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the Great Reset which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands

>> No.56923157

press x to doubt

>> No.56923370
File: 134 KB, 421x510, 1699889636691789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to cry?

>> No.56923782
