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56920048 No.56920048 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56920115
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What does it feel like to be a link holder?

>> No.56920123

Go to bed

>> No.56920125

What does it feel like to be a link holder?

>> No.56920186

It feels like being tied down naked to a bed. Then a stranger fuckin' yank all the hairs out of my scrotum with pair of tweezers. Thats how it fucking feels.

>> No.56920194

Sounds like you’ve lost faith, pray to your obese god

>> No.56920198

>pain is sharp but temporary and in the end you become a stronger man and you also get a nice smooth scrotum
i agree

>> No.56920209

what it feels anon?

>> No.56920354

Don't worry friend. Just hold. Sergey will literally make us all filthy rich. LINK will hit $1k in 2024 and thats a pessimistic prediction too.

>> No.56920393

>up 3.3x in 4 months
yeah sounds like suffering for sure

>> No.56920873

Don't care, didn't ask.