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56918071 No.56918071 [Reply] [Original]

>boomer coworkers are talking about crypto again
time to sell already?

>> No.56918292

Depends. Are they talking about how much they own or "muh Bitcoin is in the news"? Once mine mention that they actually own some, I'm selling.

>> No.56918313

yes its time to sell. we need to go higher without these normie niggers.

>> No.56918338

World governments were buying crypto last cycle moron, you think boomer coworkers are still a top signal?

>> No.56918459

This is cope. They want to destroy crypto, a good way of doing that would be causing the mother of all dumps. You have Jamie Dimon coming out saying he'd ban crypto immediately. Same way they rig the precious metals markets, they own most of it but they can cause trader liquidations at will. Literal bogging. Regular people will be their exit liquidity before the really hard times.

>> No.56918486

However, this is just my opinion as someone who manages risk for a living. Your decision if you want to take the risk of it going to zero overnight and outside of your control.

>> No.56918655

I actually did this with a teenager I know. When he said he got out of crypto I got it. It was literally, and I mean literally the bottom. Basically the shoeshine boy in the Rockefeller story.

For the unaware JD Rockefeller said he sold right before the big crash because as shoe shine boy, urchin, had bought stocks. Market tanked and Rockefeller became uber rich.

>> No.56918675
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>1 pbtid
Glowing CIA faggot.
These hyper bullish threads are stupid. The rest of the world is preparing for WW3, only crypto bros think they're about to get rich.

>> No.56918730

the jew money laundering system is over. no more central banking faggots shorting our coins. the future has arrived, enjoy it lads. it's been a pleasure shitposting with you all. only up, dollar is fucked.
>you can't cash out