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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56917662 No.56917662 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56917675

its fucking over vax bros. i unironically have covid right now. i never even caught it until after i got the jab. how do i profit from this

>> No.56917682

>Twitter screencap
>but it's even worse, taken from a cell phone, at an angle, without source
Yeah I'm thinking this is legit

>> No.56917686

Someone post the meme. You know the one.

>> No.56917691

I know what I hold, not selling. Add two more zeros science cucks.

>> No.56917700

If somebody tells me that is unvaccinated I instantly acknowledge that it's a friendless virgin. There was a time that you were not allowed to enter bars, concerts, gyms or even work without getting the vaccine

So these people managed to avoid it all because they used to not leave their mom's basement

>> No.56917738


>> No.56917748
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>Never vaxxed
>never tested
>(havent been to a doctor in over 20 years)
>never had covid
>not even a flu shot
>get sick once every 3-7 years (oh but its bad when it hits)
>Im ready to cooooooommmmm!
Where do I have to go to profit from this? I need clear, concise directions. Where do I need to go? Who do I need to talk to? How do we get this ball (or these balls) rolling?

>> No.56917755

bros... these are my peers. how do i unvax... please save me

>> No.56917758

>Vaxcuck cope
Write another diary entry about how you cucked to the government and offered your body up for untested science juice for a flu with 99.99% survival rate because you were too weak willed to ignore the NPC hivemind pls

>> No.56917766
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>There are people on this board that actually took the vaccine.

>> No.56917771

If only I wasn’t a manlet. Sperm from a man under 6’1 is worthless to a sperm bank in nearly any situation

>> No.56917774

fake news, nobody wants the sperm of an unfuckable neckbeard incel

>> No.56917775

Sounds like blood clot cope.

Do you know how easy it was to print off a fake vaccine passport nigger?

You're going to die.

>> No.56917787

If it makes a difference Im white with green eyes and a red beard and blond hair. Think Olliver Anthony but better looking. How much should I expect to make?

>> No.56917788

>There was a time that you were not allowed to enter bars, concerts, gyms or even work without getting the vaccine
Maybe in your shithole. I continued through life just fine. The only time I noticed is when my boss seethed that I wouldn’t get it and when I had to wear a mask at the airport.

>> No.56917806

i dont regret much. but this one stings

>> No.56917810

I'm not going to take it

I KNOW... I KNOW!! hahaha

I'm just not going to take it. hahaha

>> No.56917839
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An actual moneyshot

>> No.56917856

I just know you're not American

>> No.56917861

Same here. I changed absolutely nothing about my lifestyle. I masked up for like the first 3 months only when going out until the dancing nurses thing happened.
>videos of people going into empty hospitals
>nurses having the time to rehearse dance routines
Took the mask off immediately after that, didnt engage in any more of the foolishness. I might have got some dirty looks but I couldnt tell because I mind my business and they were too cowardly to say anything. There was no boss seething in my construction job, the foreman mentioned the upper offices might be floating the idea about vax mandate and me and everybody else talking amongst ourselves about walking out if they tried that bullshit. It never happened though. Vaxxies are pushovers and cowards

>> No.56917868

All the unvaxxed people I know are dumb normalfags and boomers, which is ironic since it was boomers who overwhelmingly died from this shit.

>> No.56917887

>tfw you see an antivaxxchad's moire pattern
Bros I unironically feel sick

>> No.56917890

Does 4chan tell the future? Are we always right or is it we literally create reality around our memes?

>> No.56917905
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>they can't survive a little shot
What are you, a fourth grader? Grow up.
I suppose you think your genes are too weak to survive it.

>> No.56917928

I am.

My boss tried to force everyone to get it because a few of our customers were government facilities, which required vaccination to enter. The women, the owners nephew, and the foreign guys cucked. Myself and another engineer never did.

>> No.56917957

Good on you brother

>> No.56918049


>> No.56918110

Lost my job over it, but got a better job as a result.
Also I don't have to worry about having a stroke so that's pretty cool too.

>> No.56918123

don't drink
bad idea. https://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss
pushups, pullups, home weights, hike outside. it's free.

>> No.56918127

doing great, thanks.

>> No.56918130

>biggest psyop in history
Not really, it was just blind hysterics for the most part. Radium water was a bigger psyop if anything. Just because everyone today is a retard with the attention span of a cocker spaniel with downs hooked up on an IV of adderall doesn’t mean much. The entire thing was a blatant farce from the beginning. Honestly people being massive clowns about it did more to make me not take the shot than anything else, I’m not going to listen to “people” who were tearing each other to shreds over toilet paper just because they faced some slight discomfort.

>> No.56918148
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collective debate. maybe you've seen the cap about how good ideas survive. we have no identities here so it's only our arguments.

>> No.56918154


>> No.56918197
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tfw I took one shot because I was gonna get fired and almost died so I didnt get the second shot and I ended up not getting fired for being not “fully vaccinated” and I will live a few years longer than my co workers that got 2 or three doses who will get turbo cancer and heart failure

>> No.56918230

Feels pretty good but kinda lonely not being able to join in on all the "what's wrong with me" and "my doctor said" talk along with all the injected people.

>> No.56918404

Yeah that's exactly what I did to not take it

>> No.56918465

400% of what?
I've seen posts like this a hundred times. There is never a dollar amount.
Tell me precisely how much I make to go into the clinic and jack off into a cup.

>> No.56918481
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>> No.56919080

Oh ye, just hysterics, with the power of government

>> No.56919188

all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'TAKE IT!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.”

>> No.56919198

>2 kids
>all unvaxxed
>earned 250k in 2023 just from t-bill interest

~70% of americans got vaccinated, a vast majority.

now would you say that the vast majority of americans are intelligent people who make smart, educated decisions in alignment with notoriously big brained celebrities? think about your peer group frens.

>> No.56919208

Never selling my sperm so not applicable

>> No.56919230

You will pass away soon, and I’m very sorry but until that happens I can’t have you mouthing off like this - you need to go back and get more boosters to end your misery

>> No.56919247

Your ovaries are now the property of Pfizer

>> No.56919271

So do you really want us to believe that you have like 7 million dollars? If you said 50k everybody would believe but 250k man, be careful with your larp next time

>> No.56919333

>7 million
t-bills paid an average of 2%/mo

>> No.56919733

Dumb post of the day award goes to you my guy.

>> No.56920101

There are no unvaxxed people. They put vaxx in the food but told you get it only by injection.
Imagine believing the MSM. /pol/ got psyoped

>> No.56920118

do you not know that chainlink was 28 cents when it was shilled here the heaviest?
not everyone is a newfaggot like you

>> No.56920156

im friendless because they took the vax, only 2 dead though

>> No.56920157

Says the low six figures

>> No.56920228

fuck it feels GOOD to be a pure blood.

>> No.56920364

>tfw only took 2 years to go from bottom of totem pole to literal x5 premium platinum grade breeder material
>70-80% of supply immediately burnt
>Social Darwinism, Stacey. That'll be $5000.

>> No.56920370

You're still short and ugly and mentally ill though, 0/10 sperm

>> No.56920945

Life insurance. Your family will cash in.

>> No.56920958

if you've ever sat next to or eaten food cooked by a vaxxie you're fucked, sorry

>> No.56921199
File: 131 KB, 1051x559, unvaxxed incels on suicide watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this. and if you're a manlet under 5'7" they'll reject you in a heartbeat. if your BMI is over a pound, they'll reject you. if you get your unvaxed foot in the door, incels would likely get $15 whole foods (hint, hint) gift certificates. only 6 foot, unvaxxed college chads who are gymbros every day, eat healthy, don't drink or do drugs will get top dollar, like a steady monthly check of $400 or more. 99.7% of /biz/ is ngmi

>> No.56921209

hello sirs, you hurt by vax? visit pfizer.com/refunds I got refund of $10,000 to gamble on new moons in bullrun!

>> No.56921270

didn't read, never selling

>> No.56921289

They pay 5% per year you fucking retard

>> No.56921346

Literally eugenics

>> No.56921377
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We are 2 years into the aftermath of global vaxx. I've already told my wife about the spiking demand and is all for it.

6 foot tall, 8 inches long, blue eyes, brown hair, normal BMI, no history of physical illness, no history of mental illness.

In 3 years, my minimum offer is $25,000 per dose before inflation in my asset of choice.

Seethe all you want Becky, but mandates are over. I've already won simply by being dissuaded by the rushed roll-out, no other factor, and you get no refunds for following herd mentality.

>> No.56921400

400% of what price?

>> No.56921418
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yep. modern natural selection. the future is female. that's why, as a manlet, i don't mind dying alone. don't care to spread my seed in a world that doesn't want it, although manlets typically outlive tall men. even paris hilton can't be bothered to get pregnant. she just hires some surrogate meathole to make her baby for her. all i see for men like me is extinction anyway. techfags will create realistic robots for us to fuck until we all die out and won't be missed

>> No.56921470
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>tfw I never took the vax not because I thought it was gonna kill me but because I didn’t give a fuck

I don’t consider myself smarter for not having gotten vaxxed, are people you know dropping like flies from it? Everybody I know who either got it or didnt is basically fine now

>> No.56921478

You didn't get the injection but you are still vaxxed, they literally put it in the food

>> No.56921480

Well I guess I’ll be seeing you and everyone in hell real soon

>> No.56921535

My midwest state passed covid rules, but with absolutely no enforcement mechanism or consequences, so I too just did whatever I wanted and did not get the "vaccine". The worst we had to deal with was Menards kicking people out of the store for not wearing a mask, but that was just a corporate policy and not even a state requirement.

>> No.56921553

>bad idea. >www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/noise-induced-hearing-loss
I've only been to like 5 concerts in my entire life and after leaving each one my ears were numb and ringing for 45 minutes afterwards. Fuck concerts.

>> No.56921570

>he fell for it

>> No.56921573
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Same. Also, conspiracy aside, I don't entirely trust a turbo rushed vaccine to be entirely safe or effective. And have worked in pharma r&d.

What we DO know is that part B is correct. I've met multiple people in person who've been jabbed multiple times and are still contracting the newer strains.

The ultimate answer is we need fewer
And they need tagging a week before travel, with a temperature sensing wrist band. Kind of like that film... Logans Run.
Or its just going to get worse.

>> No.56921574

>are people you know dropping like flies from it?
what do you think pal, these people don't even go outside, they'd be the last to notice if there was some mass vaxx-death event. just look at countries like japan where >80% of people got vaccinated, if there were even a 0.001% serious vaccine injury rate it would be impossible to hide but obviously everyone is fine (until bill gates turns on the microchips in 2 more weeks, of course)

>> No.56921581
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>> No.56921586

hahaha, that made the virgins mad

>> No.56921607

>"almost died" to a shot that 99.99999% of the population, including most 90+ year olds effortlessly survived
imagine how obese and weak this user is

>> No.56921616

I finally caved in bros. I got vaxxed last month in order to start working at my current job. I held out as long as I could. I still advocate against unnecessary vaccinations even though I'm vaxxed.

>> No.56921617

RIP... You will die soon :(

>> No.56921623

larp. what kind of job requires a vaccination in late 2023?

>> No.56921659
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Not a larp. I had to bring in proof and they even scanned it into my employee file.

>> No.56921680

>live in a germ-ridden garbage dump
>subsist off slop
>worried about adverse effects from the vaccine that turned out to be entirely safe because of memes made by 103 IQ schizophrenic incels
k e k, can't make this shit up

>> No.56921708
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They're just germs bro, they're only making my immune system stronger. I live like in such deplorable conditions even though I'm sterile and clean and organized when I'm in a lab working with human pathogens.

>> No.56921709
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>he didn't have a fake covid ID
lmao thanks for playing

>> No.56921713


>> No.56921715

>performing gain-of-function research in your own piss bottles at home
i respect it

>> No.56921725

Using my molecular biology background to develop the most potent jenkem known to man. These bottles have been fermenting for maybe 2-3 months now.

>> No.56921751
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>> No.56921781

Wtf does unvaccinated sperm even mean? how can you vaccinate a sperm?

>> No.56921894
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>> No.56921911

Have you had your sixth booster yet? No wonder it's not working!

>> No.56921952

You gave in to the psyop for a job that only pays $50k, a job that requires you to work shift as well as give up your weekends? Wagie are you okay?

>> No.56922481

I work Sunday - Thursday (Friday/Saturday off) and work from 2:30PM-11:30PM and I like my schedule. I get to wake up naturally, no alarm clock needed. No rush our traffic. I get off from work and go to the gym and then spend the rest of the time playing vidya, shitposting, and cooming. Basically, I am always full of energy and feel good.

>> No.56922540

That's fair. I've done a fair bit of shift work in my time as well to be truthful and found those times pretty comfy since I seem to be a natural night owl. The only issue I've ever really had is that I found I struggled to get general life shit done outside of work. I'd always wake up too late to get the groceries and whatever else done with ample time, and then by the time I finished work everything would be closed.

>> No.56922709

>be me
>have based gf who doesn't get flu shots
>they announce vax
>she is first to say "nah I'm good I think I'll be fine"
>i hate big pharma so it was already understood I wouldn't
>the social and media pressure ramps up
>the public scrutiny ramps up
>they must have done it too fast for her because they lose her instantly (I have yet to intervene with opinions on this)
>she says "why are they trying to persuade me to get it that makes me want it less now"
>the more people ask her the less she wants to do with it
>"I don't get my flu shot I don't understand why I need to get this"
>But anons gf! don't you care about those around you?
>"no I hate people"
>Everyone around her was at one point telling her to get it including her mom and family (who otherwise would respect her no flu shot wishes)
>mfw I realize we're both gonna make it
She's an 8 but that ordeal bumped her up to wife material 10 I'll never lose her bros

>> No.56922761

>"no I hate people"

Le edgy misanthrope xD

>> No.56922762

"are you vaxxed"

simple, now go have a heart clot

>> No.56922820
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you immune system has been permanently destroyed kiddo

>> No.56922827

the latter

>> No.56922875

>There was a time that you were not allowed to enter bars, concerts, gyms or even work without getting the vaccine
only in your third world shit hole liberal cities lmao. my city (75k population, almost entirely white) never locked down and had practically non-existent covid rates.

>> No.56922908

Youre an idiot. An idiot and the schizoest of schizos. Go outside and touch some grass, jeez Louise

>> No.56922922

i got the covid for the first time two years ago. it was mild muscle aches for a little over a day then over with. haven't caught it since. my cousin's entire family are hyperliberal cuckolds and they all got 40 clot shots, then proceeded to collectively catch covid every six months for the last three years. my uncle lost his job because he took too much time off, and my aunt is now medically disabled. my cousin complains about "long covid" and how these last couple years are the worst thing that ever happened to her, but there's nothing permanently wrong with her (aside from being a liberal who fell for the propaganda)

>> No.56922928

This kills the loser. Critical hit.

>> No.56922944

most popular music (that makes it to the big venues) is trust funded / CIA funded, anyway