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File: 365 KB, 1595x1074, BuyXRPforShego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56911876 No.56911876 [Reply] [Original]

Shego heard someone here posted a risque pic of Kim Possible to shill ICP COIN.

Shego thinks this is bullshit, she knows that REAL MEN BUY XRP COIN AND MAKE BANK DURING THIS BULL RUN CYCLE.

Which way will you steer? Towards the shrivled up, flaccid ICP, or will you buy XRP for your gothy-green waifu?

>> No.56911914

kek baggie

>> No.56911926
File: 253 KB, 970x719, BuySeePee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i posted this one last week and since then ICP has went up 7.54%

lets see how high we can take xrp

>> No.56912403
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this/biz/nessman may be onto something.


>> No.56912452

This guy seems dangerous
No, I'm gonna stop you right there.

>> No.56912611
File: 62 KB, 749x435, IMG_2938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Alright and welcome back to crypto hulk AAAUGHHH AUUGHHH *snorts pound of mucus* *swallows* augghhh auughh crack head vitalik buterin auughh auughh got this bullet manhatton cocktail I’ll do a review *ice sounds* ahhhh… it’s pretty good AAUUGHH *snorts alcohol flem* AUGH AUGH little twerp Gary gensler all you hear from his mouth is “*blblblblblbl* for your own safety blah blah blah blah blah blah blah” AUGH AUGH oh and I forgot before I start the show this is not financial advice I am not a financial advisor I don’t know what I’m talking about if you follow me you’re a fuckin dumbass and deserve to lose all your money ok glad we got that out of the way AUGH AUGH AUGH yeah that’s a good point Brendan see I’ve been around these people I know exactly how they think, these little rats in our government they don’t want you to get rich they hate free speech *deletes comment calling him out for deleting comments when he’s pro free speech* you don’t see anyone else talking about xrp I’m the only one *decade old info* you want real news follow crypto hulk AUGH alright I’m gonna go hit this workout and I’ll be back later for another show

>> No.56912801

ITT: Bagholder gooners.

>> No.56912861

I agree with you on this. I couldn't handle watching this guy because he'd cough shit up and claim total fallacious bullshit.

>> No.56912951

I think it’s low body fat from roids causing a weak immune system. Either way he needs his ego to cover up the fact he’s a loser