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56908825 No.56908825 [Reply] [Original]

just some thoughts/questions Ive had recently.
the founding fathers brought some sort of cult with them.
where did they GET this cult? this “freemasonry” or whatever you want to call it.
I look at the Washington monument and the pyramid on the dollar, and its apparent that whatever it is, it originated in Egypt.
Now there was said to be “9 orders of witchcraft came upon the Earth. 8 of them went to Egypt.”.
Wtf was this magic?
Moses knew this magic, whatever it was, because he performed it for the pharoah.
Which makes me think
that when the Jews exodus from egypt, they took it with them.
And you can see this today, with the “all seeing eye” symbology so predominant in the entertainment industry (ran by jews).

What was/is this magic? And why are its fingerprints found all over the world throughout history?

>> No.56908828

wrong fuckin board. sigh.

>> No.56908956
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You are on the correct board fren. This is /link/.

Moses did not do magic. God did miracles through him like an instrument. The all seeing eye is supposed to represent God's omniscience and divine providence, however like always the devil who is the ape of God has stolen Catholic symbols and co-opted them. Basically these symbols were stolen by judeo-masonry.

>> No.56908967

The founding fathers were a mix of freemasons and protestants. Freemasons follow the jewish Kabbalah which is a type of pagan gnosticism.

The jewish rabbis got/corrupt their traditions from all the race mixing and idolatry they did throughout the years they betrayed God over and over again, especially when captured in the Babylonian Empire.

>> No.56908995
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All pagan beliefs originate from the devil and his angels. Whether they brought this knowledge (gnosis) to the offspring of Adam and Noah through physical offspring or spiritual and other physical means is not important. What is important is that all these false religions have similarities. These are due to the limited information satan and his angels had. They knew the Incarnation of Christ would be a thing, they knew there would be a virgin birth. This is why you see these concepts in false religions, and also Noah's flood. Now modern paganism disguised as 'science' will tell you that the earth is millions and billions of years old, this was made up by freemasons (as was evolution), the reality is that the earth is around 6000-10000 years old, evolution is fake, and the earth is stationary and the centre of the world. Science has never been able to measure the earth's movement. Really makes you think.

>> No.56909284

no this is definitely the right board lmao

>> No.56909842

Op better come back.