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File: 450 KB, 702x691, A8B4E536BFEE4EF3857E596B2C587BE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56908491 No.56908491 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from the vast amounts of excrement exiting European bowels on a daily basis?

>> No.56908505

Balkan niggas need more fiber, gawt damn

>> No.56908665

1 chads report in

>> No.56908688

55? who the fuck shits 8 times in a day?

>> No.56908720

Based Italians

>> No.56908750
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>> No.56908778

the only way a business can profit in the EU is from government contracts so youll have to sell porta pottys to city governments for all the homeless migrants they're importing.

>> No.56908835
File: 50 KB, 720x730, relaxed cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obviously fake, you don't shit only once a week unless you're a malnourished African.

>> No.56908855
File: 510 KB, 882x1024, india poop frequency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your actually serious about breaking into the market, I would suggest you focus on India instead of europe....

>> No.56908873
File: 9 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56908880

Me in Germany after I eat too much kimchi at the Korean bbq

>> No.56908892

154 is basically just a constant stream of shit from your asshole

>> No.56908894

And to think all of that ends up in the street or on the beach...

>> No.56908899

>he thinks euros aren't just lying to have 30 breaks per day when you include smoke breaks, coffee breaks, shit breaks, piss breaks, 5 daily calls to pray

>> No.56908920

This is a chart of cups of coffee per week not shits you pervert freak. Also this thread was on /pol/ earlier today so please fuck off with this stupid thread.

>> No.56908926

the one in munich?

yea....thats why they smell so bad

>> No.56908959

>people shit 22 times per day
this is funny i'll have to make up maps like this at some point and present it as factual

>> No.56908982

Methane processing, I guess?

I used to shit only a couple of times at most when I was a kid. At the time, I'd shit big ass, dry stools. I have stomach issues and have to take Omeprazole, and didn't know at the time. Omeprazole helps me have more normal shitting sessions now.

>> No.56908987

Theres dozens in every palatinate.
Hell, frankfurt has probably the best one.

>> No.56908998

*a couple of times per week

>> No.56909002

>germany 46
made that as a tourist once in a day, as my menu was only wheat beers for days flushing down varieties of suasages, duck or pork resulting me shitting the shit out of me literally it ended up all the colors disappearing and shitting just clear semi-solid slime... never again

>> No.56909011

40-ish % of Italians are lactose intolerant, have you seen their food?

>> No.56909063
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I shit once a day. Sometimes 2 if I have booty problem.

How the fuck can you shit 4+ times a day?

t. White American Mutt

>> No.56909087

>mozzarella and parmigiano everywhere
>have you seen their food
i'm sure you haven't

>> No.56909151

Now that's a shitpost

>> No.56909175

quite sure >>56909087 missed the point
ANYWAYS the italian cheeses are not really causing problems for some reason, my bet would be all that
>wheat in pizza, breads, pastries, pasta

>> No.56909235

I don't believe anyone shits more than 14ish times a week AT MOST.

>> No.56909306

No shit this map is fake.
Every chart without source on 4chan should at first be treated as made up.

>> No.56909318

I refuse to believe this. If this is an average then that means have the population of these countries is shitting more than 8 times a day. I refuse to believe that half of the population is shitting every 90 minutes they are awake.

>> No.56909345

I'm amazed these maps are getting so many anons here and in /pol/ to even consider them being real. Are you all baiting or really below 70 IQ?

>> No.56909351

>t. Americans who have never left their home state
Maybe if you traveled more you would realize there is no shame in regular bowel movements. As a German, I can tell you this map is true and is the reason public restrooms are plentiful. We even have restrooms in all of our public transportation. We call it the überschokoladenkotspender.

>> No.56909384

Someone should do a US version of this map

>> No.56909409
File: 75 KB, 800x744, 26c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I shit 16 times a day and nobody polled me...