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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56905864 No.56905864 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, now what? I was planning on staking during general access but now not even a day has passed after they opened early access staking and its fucking filled. Why does this happen to me? I just miss out on build rewards now? They arent going to add more room after early access is over for the general access people?

Fuck this shit fuck this gay token and fuck you if you are reading this.

>> No.56905868

Now, we go outside.

>> No.56905873

Stop being a bitch they will expand the pool, but for now it's closed

>> No.56905884
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Investor: "Why would I buy this now?"

Non-retard: "You wouldn't."

>> No.56905895

The pool filling in 6 hours is just absurd, so I would not be surprised if we see Chainlink talking about v0.3 imminently to increase the pool size.

>> No.56905903

pools closed...it's joever

>> No.56905905
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Kill your jewish child OP for moloch that’s what’s next

>> No.56905913

They'll expand to ~60M next year this time. Set up wallets from now that meet the requirements and make sure you are prepared. Remember the community staking pool is planned to cap at a max of 75M. You'll have your second chance.

>> No.56905950

Is there any way to get notified if someone withdraw as their LINK from the pool?

>> No.56905977

The sdl priority pool will somehow snipe that with chainlink functions

>> No.56906000

Dude we're all staking at least 15k, your peasant tears do nothing for us

>> No.56906003

>Remember the community staking pool is planned to cap at a max of 75M
Is this confirmed or just speculation?

>> No.56906039

> Fuck this shit fuck this gay token and fuck you if you are reading this.

>> No.56906041
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>> No.56906047


Making me dig up this shit.

Thank you.

>> No.56906051

its a fucking beta who cares

>> No.56906059

I only staked 2/3 of my stack because I decided I want to stake some profits next bull run. Kinda regretting it tbqh but w/e

>> No.56906076

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
Staking really is going to be our ticket to the citadel. One day people will be amazed that we actually managed to get in the community staking pool.

>> No.56906088

I bet they will increase staking alottment before rampup period expires so people will have to reset their ramp up period again.

>> No.56906122

This sounds like they planned to maybe expand v0.1 to 75m if there was enough demand and like the door is open for an even larger community pool than 75m in v1.0 and beyond if it is used for other data feeds and oracle services.

>> No.56906137
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Legacy priority pool members will be the oligarch trust-fund babies of web3

>> No.56906140

I staked it all, I doubt link will moon and crash within the next 90 days so why not, by then I'll be fully ramped up and there is no penalty to taking some out.

>> No.56906185

But it takes a month to get it out. Either way I staked enough to yield a lot of link so w/e

>> No.56906208

>They arent going to add more room after early access is over for the general access people?
They will, next year. Hopefully we can at least get some decent price action this time around.

>> No.56906214

I earn 2000 link a year

>> No.56906308

removing the principle takes time. removing staking rewards is instant

>> No.56906435

>you’ll get your second chance don’t worry :)

This was the second chance. I’m sure other pools will open for other chains to secure but in all honesty I believe the ETH feed will be the only one that will ever truly matter. It may actually be over if you didn’t steak at least 1000 LINK in v0.2. Unironically, many such cases

>> No.56906473

1000 is the minimum to be a neet node operator.

>> No.56906490

After edging for what seems like an eternity, you are now allowed to orgasm.

>> No.56906732

you can still get into general access with stake.link priority pool, it automatically takes all the space when it opens

>> No.56906766
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>> No.56906789

Heh.. pools closed kid. Better luck next time!

>> No.56906927

And he will get a 3rd and potentially 4th as they release new iterations to reach the planned version of staking with the features they described last year.

Remember, your tokens were supposed to be locked for 24 months, It was because of the backlash they reduced it to 12 months. We're still on track for the 75M pool.

>> No.56907558


>> No.56907659

What's absurd is this price action given the demand that 0.2 revealed.

>> No.56907668

Obviously your only chance is to hold Link so you get in the next early access.

>> No.56907691

I earn 43

>> No.56907728
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>> No.56907804

what 4% will do when Pusianin SirGay rugpulls?
keked on linkleds