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56904440 No.56904440 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56904450

> the fiat can't fall, we printed too much of it

>> No.56904463

fpbp /thread

>> No.56904508

Can't say that I do.

>> No.56904526

No, since I can’t acquire a gf I have no guilt pleasuring myself. I did SR for a year and had the biggest orgasm of my life when I relapsed.

>> No.56904548

Bitcoin will collapse because encryption will be broken by quantum computers. anyone that thinks current day security tech will last far into the future is an idiot, better sell for gold while you can
>inb4 asteroid mining
yeah it will happen but Bitcoin goes worthless way before that.

>> No.56904564

The empire didn’t fall
It just diversified its power in its colonies
Market didn’t crash, just bunch of rich people lost some money (and government paid it back with your taxes and confiscating your gold) and if you are talking about 2008, doubly so.
Kek this

>> No.56904574
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> this thread

>> No.56904643

was your hair thicker by the end of it?

>> No.56904665

No I actually shed a lot more hair. But I also quit using shampoo during that year and my scalp was itchy with dandruff so maybe that was it?

>> No.56904738

Why would your hair be thicker?

>> No.56904754

Fpbp /thread

>> No.56904789

Used to.

>> No.56904869
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That's really a thing. Interesting

>> No.56905315

The British empire peaked after WW1..

>> No.56905386

The Empire wouldn't have fallen if not for a deliberate attempt by the upper class who had Bolshevik/communist sympathies to undermine themselves at every turn, the more you read about the decline of the British Empire the more it becomes apparent that self-loathing, ethnomasochistic Europeans have been a thing for some time now.

The Titanic was potentially an inside job, look into who was on it and how the face of business and finance changed as a result of the disaster.

The banks and BTC aren't remotely similar.

>> No.56905462

by the time quantum computers come along, they will create crypto which is encrypted with quantum computers and everyone will swap to that tech

>> No.56905511

Hopefully you've invested into something blockchain agnostic, so it can seamlessly run on a quantum resistant chain

>> No.56905565
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I don't masturbate

>> No.56905580

Fiat is real though and backed by the military and labor

>> No.56905604

*military and taxes

>> No.56905621
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>the market can't explode to the upside, it's too subdued

>> No.56905737

>print money to fund military
>use military to back up money
Infinite money glitch?

>> No.56905820

not really, i mostly feel gross. it's a bad habit

>> No.56906731

Basically. Everyone is too weak to oppose the USD

>> No.56906847

I feel guilty immedeatly after I cum in girls that I suspect love me when I don't love them back. Masturbating is a victimless crime.

>> No.56906900

>robbing at gunpoint: infinite money glitch?

>> No.56906933

I actually just got done unironically enough and I feel great and idk how but I can even breathe clearly through both nostrils instead of the usual one right after I jizz and its just a glorious feel everytime

>> No.56907305
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It's a grave sin anon, repent.

>> No.56907451

i can go to the bank and exchange my dollars for the equivalent value in military and labor?
because that's what "backed" means

>> No.56907456

I don't, I literally stopped doing it 22 days ago, I'm not planning on doing it anymore, and it cleared my mind entirely, I now see that getting into beoble is what I was meant to do

>> No.56907457

Why is the 2017 guy some sort of wizard/cultist?

>> No.56907476

Nigger what does that have to do with you not masterdebating kek

>> No.56907505

You will relapse. From my experience on SR for a year, my libido came in waves. It would drop, peak, drop, peak, etc. You also will eventually have a wet dream.

>> No.56907775

Finally someone with brain in here

>> No.56907778

That's an awful thing to say, God forbid that actually happens

>> No.56907786
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Based, redpilled and musclefilled

>> No.56907834

No because I only masterbate to swimsuit / panty models, solo vaginal / clit masturbation and the odd lesbian 69 / closeup pussy eating scenes

you only feel guilty if you're jerking it to fucked shit

>> No.56907865

You are a worthless faggot and I hope your mother gets raped by a pack of feral niggers
Do you even know what kyber or krystals-dilithium is you pathetic cocksucking retard?

>> No.56907896

how did that worked in argentina, venezuela, and more

>> No.56907907

they can't stop bitcoin

>> No.56907913

guilty about what? i blow a load and move on, whats there to feel guilty about?

>> No.56908039


>> No.56908048
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No. I feel a little guilty afterwards but what am I supposed to do?

>> No.56908456


>> No.56908495

I have no idea what came over me but I masturbates three times in one day this week. Normally I don’t at all. I felt like a fucking slug after the third time. Complete brain death. I couldn’t do anything. It wasn’t guilt just sloth. Actually felt disgusting. A firm reminder that I’m not meant to be a coomer.

>> No.56908663
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I feel guilty knowing that Changpeng Zhao is going to trial and there's nothing I can do but buy more $CZ to pay his bail and also making it on this market

>> No.56908764

If you have enough of it yeah

>> No.56908886

3 times in one day is ridiculous. I edge so I blow one big load that satisfies me. Always fap at night after I get all my shit done. Feels fucking great. No guilt at all.

>> No.56909805

>backed by the military
yes but in ways I dont think you understand.

>> No.56909813

Lmao pathetic incel kys pussy is the easiest thing to get if you aren’t absolute shit

>> No.56909816

not exactly. world governments keep each others reserve banks in check and watch how much money they print.

its why venezuela or wherever it was had those trillion dollar notes. they thought they were being clever lol.

>> No.56909821

>I now see that getting into beoble is what I was meant to do
beoble is a fucking data collecting scam.

>> No.56909825

i thought the bible doesn't actually say anything about maths debating

>> No.56909834

when you're young you can do that. but as you get older you need to use semen for energy.

>> No.56909854

i want to become a weapons dealer

>> No.56910086

I was getting super into degrading and humiliating porn like femdom and forced bi stuff and I could not understand why I was having all these borderline gay thoughts and having this extreme sensation of uncontrollable lust to the point where I had almost no impulse control. It was extremely depressing and I thought something was wrong with me but then I read a thread on /x/ about parasites and antiparasitic treatments and some of the symptoms perfectly described my own experience for the last year or so.

Turns out I had parasites and after I took the antiparasitic medication all those thoughts went away completely and I now look back in absolute disgust at those fetishes and thoughts.

Anyway the point of this is to tell people to get checked for parasites because most people alive today are infected and this explains all the degeneracy everywhere.

>> No.56910202

wtf? What kind of parasites are we talking about here

>> No.56910214
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>crypto bad because Titanic sank

>> No.56910233

DHT spike after fap, you can tell if your scalp is itchy.

>> No.56910737

Damn I thought it was just me. This is my greatest motivator for keeping fapping minimal - Keep my good hairline even though I'm in my 30s

>> No.56910801

>OP can't die a virgin, there are too many women out there

>> No.56910810

>Do you feel guilty when you masturbate?
no, I'm not a christcuck or circumcised mutt cattle.
fapping to me is the same as taking a shit or pissing.

>> No.56910814

They always tell me to put my dick back in. Maybe I should do some chit chat before I blatantly pull him out. What do you think?

>> No.56910842

Every time. Going on month 5 of nofap. Wish me luck

>> No.56910850
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As a side note. I get hit on all of the time. I'm just not really interested in most women, especially coworkers, because it causes drama. I just had a coworker give me her number last week. And now another coworker wants to date me.

It's just hard to talk to them because they're so awkward. The one is a 20 year old college sophomore. She's cute, but her whole damn family works at my place and I don't like her family really. They're all full of drama and all they do is bitch about other coworkers.

>> No.56911113
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Depends on your interpretation, story of onan is thought by some to condemn masturbation. Irregardlessly, chronic masturbation especially while viewing pornography means you constantly live in a state of lust and its impossible for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.

>> No.56911269

Depends on what I masturbated to.

>> No.56911505

100% truth
I’m no conspiracy theorist but it was VERY convenient for some people that the Titanic sank

>> No.56911638
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Only if crank out out less than three loads a day.

>> No.56911751

Especially for that snob, who was about to marry the girl Leo painted.

>> No.56911797

I used to but not really anymore. It's just a need, like sleeping or eating. I didn't ask to be born into a horny monkey's body. It legitimately clears my head, relieves pressure and keeps me from making bad decisions. Any time I start thinking of proposing something sexually foolish I just have a fap first.

>> No.56911919

It’s called having self control. Caving into your sexual desires is not the same as eating and sleeping, that’s just a cope. Being horny is a temporary feeling that eventually goes away for the non degen. Someone who stops what they’re doing to go masturbate at the first sign of feeling aroused will train their mind and body to accept that as being normal. I used to be that way but eventually increased the gaps between masturbating to the point where the desire to do it does not overcome me to the point where I have to do it. I simply wait it out and/or find something non related that occupies my mind until I forget about it completely.

>> No.56911956


I have perfect self control, I only do it about once a week. When I don't I'm either distractingly horny, or it's like my dick forgets to work and I get miserable and frustrated. Get a little more in tune with your body, I don't think nofap is the enlightenment you think it is.

>> No.56911998

>I have perfect self control, I only do it about once a week
that just means you have shitty health and weak libido, not that you have any more self control than someone cranking 3 times a day

>> No.56912082

It seems like you just contradicted yourself

>> No.56912115

whoa this is so cool.
rare mix of stupid and angry!

>> No.56912119


Nah. And I decided long ago to not let puritanic retards get in the way of my homeostasis either. Yes, I like naked women, I was severely hardcoded to be this way. It's fun, it's cathartic, I'm going to keep doing it, and I'm still a stable, well adjusted and high earning individual. You're just the other side of the extreme in denying a deep biological need.

>> No.56912257

>It's fun, it's cathartic
if thats true then why limit yourself to once a week? Its harmless fun, remember?

>> No.56912280


Same reason I only drink a bit on the weekend, and get donuts only a morning or two, it's moderation

>> No.56912293

but no one argues that drinking or eating donuts is good for you, or that abstaining drinking or donuts is unnatural

>> No.56912320

its backed by violence but its not real

>> No.56912372


>> No.56912462

>all of them mention the current size in static terms except btc
and they wonder why it keeps going

>> No.56912479


>> No.56912523

Except that every country in history falls apart within 200-300 years. Even if they continue with the same name, their entire system is replaced with a new one.

>> No.56912589

Imagine a fat retarded elementary schooler. In true retard fashion, it's double the size of every other kid in its class. The retard kid claims it has magic powers, and beats up everyone who disagrees, using its retard strength. That's how the USD works.

>> No.56912667

You shouldn’t feel guilty unless you’re watching porn while masturbating.

>> No.56912730

Dumb fud. Migration to quantum resistant algorithms will be something you'll have to do for all your public key cryptography, it's not BTC specific and the process will be little different. Wallets are just private keys, QR wallets will be introduced and you're need to move your coins to the new wallet, and then after a transition period the old wallets will no longer be valid. Easy peasy.

>> No.56912749

Not in the slightest. I enjoy it thoroughly and even breakdance in joy after every single ejaculation.

>> No.56912786

There were dynasties in China that lasted longer than that. But once every single person who was part of the "old" country has been dead for over 100+ years, can it really be the same anymore?

>> No.56912788


Why not? It gives me small pleasures without going overboard. Do you think the point of life is misery and frustration anon? We are briefly on this rock for 80 short years, you don't need to make it any more tedious than it already is.

>> No.56912825

Constantly groping for your next dopamine hit is the most tedious thing imaginable. Once you free yourself from addiction you no longer desire the "small pleasures" in the first place. And no, the purpose of life is not seeking pleasure.

>> No.56912854


I didn't say anything about purpose, I have other purpose. The fact that you hold something like "not masturbating" in such high regard doesn't make me think your idea of purpose is all that grandiose. It's like the fags who only drink water acting like it has elevated them to another plane of existence.

>> No.56912894

Bros serious question, better to see an escort or masturbate to pornography. My moral compass says pornography is Jewish bullshit that unironically bad for you while prostitution has been around and legal even in the Roman times.


>> No.56912896

>theres still ships around
>theres still a stock market

theres still bitcoin and i ain't selling you fgt

>> No.56912923

i mean, at that point and time we would simply have to hardfork or you think we would simply let the blockchain die your stupid mongoloid?

>> No.56912937

>I didn't say anything about purpose
>Do you think the point of life is misery and frustration anon?

So the 'point' of life is substantially different than the 'purpose' of life? Sounds like youre having a hard time keeping this paradoxical defense of vice straight in your head

>> No.56912993


The concept of "vice" is small minded, self righteous cope. As I said, you are arbitrarily depriving yourself of relieving, intermittent simple joys, in a moderate and piecemeal way. My dad was the same way and he is not a happy person. I promise you aren't either. I understand the pitfalls of addiction, extremes, overuse, but I'm not going to get morally guilted into a lane by puritans who derive their code from a book written by manipulative Jews. That's all.

>> No.56913055
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>nothing is immoral to me, a great man above such small-minded concepts of right and wrong, legal and illegal

>> No.56913062
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>no coiners playing themselves since 2009
BTC is a fixed unit of account, Trustless Money, we can finally measure all by all, there is no way to guarantee more BTC by holding BTC. Hyperbitcoinization has already happened, the world just hasn't realized yet. There's no need to use BTC as common currency to fix systemic economic calculation, as everything can be measured against BTC, and BTC can only be acquired through voluntary trade, as such we can use the whole of global finance as our 'L2'. The magic of economic solutions is you don't need to understand why they work for them to work.

Never forget how rare BTC is, and how much other "fixed" units of account actually inflate. Gold is mined at a rate of 2% per year, for every new BTC mined today, 21 POUNDS of gold is mined, after 2024 that'll be 42lbs and so on. There exist 39lbs of gold above ground for every one of the total 21m BTC, and 5 toz of new gold mined for every one of the 21m BTC. Every year every single BTC that will ever exist gains 5 toz of gold of rarity. This halving marks the inflection point where BTC inflation (~1.7% now) fails below gold inflation, at all future points BTC will only ever be a better and better fixed unit of account. Bitcoin is an inevitability.

>> No.56913321
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yeah a bit, depends on what i masterbate to. and a caution anons, dont stay up too late (3 oclock) the moon changes men who stay awake under its gaze and im not being facetious.
the late nights will make you do find more and more depraved

>> No.56913477


please neck yourself, you're arguing about not jerking off on an online message board that 16 year olds use.

>> No.56913488

maybe, but for quite a while quantum computer tech will only be available to large corporations and government. I doubt the outright destroy Bitcoin but maybe compromise it and tell people nothing. The day you see Satoshi's coins move around you know that Quantum computers have truly arrived.

>> No.56913534

The post that has you seething so actually is not specific to masturbation at all. More on the attitude of smug atheists feeling above morality, which has been a massive problem in the west for over 200 years.

And btw, minors arent allowed on 4channel, its against the rules

>> No.56913825


>> No.56913848

Masturbate on a Jewish whore

>> No.56913893

The value is in the ledger, not the encryption

>> No.56913941
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bros. how many bag holders hero when bit pops?

>> No.56914124

This, the British empire, and most European empires, weren't toppled by organic forces but were subverted by various commie sympathizers from the inside into literally just giving up their colonies.

>> No.56915058

Again, migration to quantum resistant algorithms will be something you'll have to do for all your public key cryptography, it's not BTC specific and the process will be little different. Wallets are just private keys, QR wallets will be introduced and you're need to move your coins to the new wallet type, and then after a transition period the old wallets will no longer be valid. Easy peasy.

>> No.56915086

Even one time will take me out fully. This only started in my 30s. When I was a teenager I was a coom machine. I’d fuck my gf, go home and fap to the fucking we just did. Now if I fap once I’m brain dead and will binge on goy slop.
This is the truth no one wants to hear. Semen retention works.

>> No.56915148

are you really implying that you can't exchange your dollars for labor?