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File: 29 KB, 929x523, jamiedimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56901754 No.56901754 [Reply] [Original]


Digital assets facilitate illegal activities and should be banned, Jamie Dimon says

Cryptocurrencies should be outlawed, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said at the US Senate Banking Committee’s annual Wall Street oversight hearing on Wednesday.

According to Dimon, who has a long history of criticizing digital currencies, the “only true use case” for cryptocurrencies is criminal activity, from drug trafficking and money laundering to tax avoidance.

Dimon and several other industry chiefs, including Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan, said the crypto market must follow the same anti-money-laundering rules as traditional financial institutions.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who led the hearing, called on the US Congress to update crypto regulations.

“When it comes to banking policy, I am not usually holding hands with the CEOs of multibillion-dollar banks, but this is a matter of national security,” she said. “Terrorists, drug traffickers and rogue nations should be barred from using crypto for their dangerous activities.”


Dimon made at least 16 trips to the White House and met at least three times with Obama — a bond that allowed the president to appear business-friendly. The New York Times in 2009 called Dimon Obama's “favorite banker.”

>> No.56901773

"Those mean cryptobros are stealing our business of money laundering. PLEASE DO SOEMTHING!!"

>> No.56901776

how often was he on the island?

>> No.56901794

Didn’t this company already had a crypto called JPM? So this bitch literally want to deny access to non-bank coins?
His problem is not with crypto, it’s with crypto that he can’t control

>> No.56901817

old man yells at clouds

>> No.56901831

obvious pump suppression. they are still buying

>> No.56901839

JPM paid 75 million to end the epstein process. he is a filthy kike child diddler.

>> No.56901863
File: 119 KB, 600x464, 46d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kike, I hate other kikes so dam much.

>> No.56901870
File: 51 KB, 822x363, jpmcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about JPM coin then? is it a dead project?

>> No.56901916
File: 3.62 MB, 404x720, d07f8a35-88ba-4256-9fa9-37b5d64de964(1)(1)(1)_compressed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jig is up. Your magic internet money is done for, and hon. senator Warren with the support of other stalwart protectors of democracy such as Jamie Dimon will make sure all Qanon online hackers including the hacker known as 4chan himself will finally pay for engaging in illicit cryptobucks transactions financing Hamas and Putin's evil regime.

You reap what you sow. If you wanted to afford property, you should've done it the right way, and taken a 30 year loan at 5%, like all financially responsible citizens. Back in my day, the rates were up to 20%. If you just made your coffee at home, you wouldn't be naively propping up internet ransomware terrorist money.

>> No.56902113

>Wants to destroy crypto
>Invests bigly in Ethereum shell corp, Consensys.


>> No.56902189

My roommate -- who is also rent collector, to whom I've paid the last few months worth of rent & utilities to entirely in LINK -- mentioned how that stupid faggot (Jamie Dimon) want to "shut down crypto." This came up while I was telling him about staking. He wasted about an hour of my time hemming & hawing over if he should stake, if it's safe to stake, and alla that jazz.

Anyway, that last point is moot -- the way the pool's filling up, he won't be able to stake at all. :/ That's okay. I staked about half a thousand stinky LINKies on another wallet I have which was also confirmed for v0.1, just in case he or someone else wants to buy such a vanishingly rare item for an eyewateringly high price.

>> No.56902301

>Senator Elizabeth Warren, who led the hearing, called on the US Congress to update crypto regulations.

>“When it comes to banking policy, I am not usually holding hands with the CEOs of multibillion-dollar banks, but this is a matter of national security,” she said. “Terrorists, drug traffickers and rogue nations should be barred from using crypto for their dangerous activities.”

Lie within a lie within a lie within a lie within a lie. Now I understand bolsheviks.

>> No.56902313

There is no bigger demented geriatric boomer cloud yeller jack how do I open this PDF snake liar than E Warren. Holy shit. She is worse than AOC and Joe Biden

>> No.56902467

JPM paid 75 million to end the epstein process. he is a filthy kike child diddler.
>JPM paid 75 million to end the epstein process. he is a filthy kike child diddler.
JPM paid 75 million to end the epstein process. he is a filthy kike child diddler.

>> No.56902477

Why do Massholes/Massachusetts give us the absolute slimiest politicians? Not just Pocahontas, but also environmental extremist Ed Markey, Mrs Alopecia undercover-Black Panther Ayanna Pressley, and quite a few others from the past that were just rotten.

Oh, and Dave Portnoy ("conservative" hero but he's just another "center" wing bro like Rogan) is cheerleading for Nikki Haley, and he's also a masshole. And Mass also has Harvard, which is the epicenter heart of America's cultural marxism outside of California's bay area.