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56899622 No.56899622 [Reply] [Original]

Would my life change significantly if i had say a million dollars or more than that.

>> No.56899633

maybe it depends. you would still have to put in effort but it would be significantly easier to do so

>> No.56899642

Seek first the Kingdom of God

>> No.56899650

What are some of the things that would change with a million dollars?

>> No.56899659

Im too bitter to seek God

>> No.56899705

If you lived in India, that's life changing money. If you live in the US, that's still lower class, and you can't afford a house or to send your kids to a 4-year university.

>> No.56899722

Only you can answer that question, stupid.

>> No.56899744

You absolutely could buy a house and send multiple kids to college with $1m in the vast majority of the USA. You’ll still have to wageslave afterwards, but it’s easily doable.

>> No.56899751

Highly depends where you live

For me, yes, significantly even though i live in a first world shithole

>> No.56899791

A million dollar net worth still is lower class. You need to be a multimillionaire to be middle class in the US. We're putting on a trillion in debt every 100 days at the federal level, and more at the state and local level. That's not including personal debt, either. Anyone living in the US is downright fucked.

>> No.56899839

No you need at least 10x that.

>> No.56899859

I was asking OP what he would do personally. Defining these things specifically may cause him to see that if he would only stop being a crybaby faggot some of those things are actually achievable himself.

>> No.56899947

$100k property
$50k boxable casita or other small house
$15k 15kw solar panel system with batteries and inverter
$10k septic system
$5k rainwater collection/storage/filtration/pump
$15k in ground green house for year round food
$15k lifetime supply of freeze dried meat
$40k used tesla (can charge it for free for life)
$20k starlink internet for life

that leaves you with about $700k to invest in bitcoin and other assets that will appreciate faster than dollar debasement.

you can, of course, spend more on some of these things if you want more modern comforts.

>> No.56899989

You’re a doomer faggot, we get it. In real life though, $1m could materially change your life and the life of your family for the better. If nothing else, you’re 2/3 of the way to potentially retiring.

>> No.56900137

>$40k used tesla (can charge it for free for life)
Solar panels will last 20 years at most. The batteries will expire even quicker.

>> No.56900159

You have your head up your ass, we get it. It took only a hundred days to go from $33 trillion in debt to $34 trillion in debt. We now pay more on interest (federal debt only) than we do on our entire military budget. One day you'll remove your head from your ass and understand how bad the situation is.

>> No.56900222

>a-bloo bloo bloo the world is ending for real this time
Then buy $1m worth of gold and live like a king in the shambles of what was once the US you retarded faggot.

>> No.56900654

Gold hasn't gone up in price in decades you retarded boomer. It's a massive flatline.

>> No.56900902

OP wasn't asking a question. Questions have a "?" after them.

>> No.56900968

It literally hit all time highs like 4 days ago, retard

>> No.56901202
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a million would be enough to get me into real estate, stop living with my mom, quit KFC, and finally use my XOR card decently
it would literally be a ticket out of all my bullshit

>> No.56901322

A million dollars would stop my striver mentality, I’d be comfortable with my current position at work and have fuck you money as long as I don’t blow it all on retard shit

>> No.56901573

And now it's below what it was 30 years ago. Because it's flatter than your anime waifu.

>> No.56901716
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It’s absolutely not, you abject retard. 30 years ago it was $800/oz which is $1690/oz after inflation. A few days ago it was $2100/oz. There were a few months in 1980 where it was higher adjusted for inflation, during a time when people thought the entire currency system would collapse. If you bought at any other time, you’re up. Not to mention, your whole retarded doomer rant was complaining that $1m doesn’t mean shit because of inflation. A flat chart when adjusted for inflation is literally what you want to preserve your wealth.

>> No.56901840 [DELETED] 

The only good parts about being rich are that you don't have to work and you can healthmax. Everything else about it is either overrated or bad.

>> No.56902226

A million just parked in t bills will pay you ~$50k/yr and there's no state or local income tax on them, so maybe 38k/yr take home, indefinitely, assuming you don't have dependants. Setting up reoccurring buys of 3 month notes would yield even better returns rn.

With $1 million you can build a house on land with enough leftover to buy bonds and have a cash flow of around $2500 month after taxes. That should be enough to cover energy, food, property taxes and insurance, but ideally you'd want to grow/raise your own food and produce your own energy so you can reinvest more of your returns to stay ahead of inflation.

That's just one example though. You'd want to mix up the investments and hide a bit away in trusts in case something happens etc...but it's certainly still possible to retire on 1mil in the US provided you don't live an extravagant lifestyle.

>> No.56903424

I went from 7 to 260k in a matter of days becase I won a big lawsuit. Literally nothing changed to me, I just neet all day working from home and I still don't wash myself in months.

>> No.56903479

It would be ease for me to research if I have 3 millions in assets and generating at least 12k usd per month fr fr

>> No.56903746
File: 68 KB, 1511x859, flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s absolutely not

>> No.56903821

>gold is flat because inflation
>2.5 hours later he posts a chart of gold compared to the price of bitcoin
Please return when you have an IQ above room temperature.

>> No.56903852

Gold hasn't moved a fucking inch. It barely makes a blip and you act like it's rocketing to the moon, faggot. KYS.

>> No.56903941

Keep backpedaling, doomer retard.