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56898476 No.56898476 [Reply] [Original]

Was anyone else literally psychic as a kid? I could literally predict the future and read people's minds. I lost the ability really after I turned 17 years old

>> No.56898484

No, but I used to be to get way more women to go on dates when I was 25 and younger. The issue was that I couldn't seal the deal consistently. Now that I can, it's a lot harder for me to get a date.

>> No.56898488

I am psychic today.

>> No.56898498

Not psychic but I could make women lactate if I wanted, stopped working when I was 13 but I just stared really hard at their boobs and made milk come out I could see it come out like little wet patches appearing

>> No.56898514

Yes, but for nothing useful. Like I knew when my aunt was dropping by for a suprise visit because I could see a picture of her in my mind for one or two days before. Precognition, but not recognised as such until after the event. So, not useful at all

>> No.56898523

I think you spelled psycho wrong.

>> No.56898539

I swear I had the ability to crawl under doors as an infant. The memories are so fucking vivid.

>> No.56898540

Nah just autism since I was twelve

>> No.56898578

this, I was always ladies man but couldn't close, now I can close but not ladies man, don't turn 30 y'all, it's over

>> No.56898729

Ditto. I could do the same thing. What does it mean?

>> No.56899036

When I was a teen, about half the time I could predict the next song in my iPods playlist out of 200+ songs on shuffle (it was an iPod mini). Now as an adult I think I may have been just slightly autistic enough to subconsciously understand the shuffle algorithm.

I did have premonition dreams before where I'd see something, know it was a dream, and then see some event in real life afterwards that I experienced in the dream. And this is not déjà vu. The one I'll never forget is when I was about 17. The dream I had was I was riding home on my bike and I hid a glass bottle tall boy of Heineken behind a tree outside my parents house. No other context in the dream. I worked as a dishwasher with a sketchy cook. Sometimes after work we'd take his friends car to get cigarettes, he'd give me one on the way there and we'd chat about whatever. One time I asked him if he could buy me a beer. He agreed. I figured he'd just get me something cheap like a Miller (he decided to pay even though I was fully willing to pay him). He bought the exact glass bottle tall boy in my dream. When I got home it was in my coat pocket, I intended to go get it after everyone was asleep. But my dad found it. He didn't confiscate it, just left it in my dresser drawer with a note. Per the dream I should have left it outside and grabbed it later. That's the most vivid dream premonition I've had.

>> No.56899091

Slight premonition, I would suddenly turn my head and look at something 5-10 seconds before it happens and watch it happen, even when there is absolutely no evidence It was about to happen.
Now I am just mentally ill lol.

>> No.56899154

No but I was molested.

>> No.56899171

>I lost the ability really after I turned 17 years old
*after you've been put on medication in the psych ward

>> No.56899188

>predict the next song in my iPods playlist
This used to happen to me also. I have no explanation.
I have some fucked up dreams hopefully those are not a reflection on reality

>> No.56899199

I don’t use alarm clocks, I just think when I need to wake up the next morning and I always wake up on time.
I also know when food is about to be done cooking. I don’t think it’s psychic though just a strong subconscious.

>> No.56899205

Tell us more. We will masturbate.

>> No.56899224

>That's the most vivid dream premonition I've had.
it's just a coincidence. you were a teen, already thinking of drinking beer, you dreamt about a popular beer bottle and having to hide it because of your parents. and then one day you were in a situation with that popular beer bottle in your hands and having to hide it from your parents.

>> No.56899394

Yes, but I still have some traces on it. This will sound weird but I can predict the winners of random draws if I’m in the room and in the right mood.
>At wife’s Christmas party
>Theyre doing random draws for prizes
>Point at woman across table
>”Youre next”
>She laughs
>They draw her name
>Twenty minutes later
>Another draw about to happen
>Tell my wife she is going to win
>She does
I have done this so many times it’s strange. When I was a kid though I’d have premonition dreams about arbitrary things and they’d happen, like running into someone at work, etc.

>> No.56899412

Have you ever been to a hometown buffet? They usually have a mascot in a bee costume. Well that's who molested me in the bathroom of hometown buffet.

>> No.56899454
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how many fingers am I holding up?

>> No.56899471

two, your pinky and ring finger

>> No.56899482

I see the future in my dreams sometimes, however it's always vague and I never really realize it until it's actually happening, then my brain just clicks and remembers the dream. So it's not really useful as a money making scheme or anything. It only happens when I'm seeking the Lord through fasting and prayer though, I'm 100% sure that heaven is real and jesus is real because of this.

>> No.56899483

I still have the ability to predict the future.
I sold everything today.

>> No.56899500

It means you're all liers because you would've had precognitions about BTC hitting $69k in 2021 and would've gotten as much BTC as possible as soon as it came out

>> No.56899516

i still can. I will meet someone and know things about them intuitively that I should not know. Even being autistic, everyone likes me and is nice to me. Which I find odd. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal for strangers to also tell you deeply personal stuff. I was hanging out in a group recently and a guy I didn’t know, first time meeting me, was telling me strange personal stuff about him after I “guessed” several things in a row about him (his current job, what he wanted to be growing up, the sports he played, etc) and his gf keeps interrupting as he’s saying the unrelated personal stuff “you’ve never told me that!”.

I have really weird dreams about people i’ve never met before where i get a lot of info on them and when I look them up, they are always real people and the dreams are accurate. Happens with places too. I have dreams constantly where things happen and I can feel sun on skin, wind in hair, smell, etc and then they happen in real life. I also know when other people have this gift. You can “feel” someone else’s presence in your mind.

I’ve used this in business to judge my ability to get away with stuff - eg I know this person won’t retaliate or snitch. And to pick stocks.

>> No.56899521

Jannies on / pol are faggets

>> No.56899796

It means that time is not linear. It means that an event that triggers strong emotion creates a 'ripple' that can be detected before the event. How, I don't know. Newton knew the apple fell due to a force but he didn't understand how it worked. You and I understand that precognition is real, but don't understand how it works. My advice is don't try, just accept it

>> No.56899818

Nah, I was never a schizo.

>> No.56899909

Does it work at a distance, anon? Can you tell something about me?

>> No.56899943

Did you literally do all of that, literally?

>> No.56901151

Boomp for interest