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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56882920 No.56882920 [Reply] [Original]

> nyc
> free food line up
> ask a cute girl on line for her number and to take her out to dinner
> gets rejected and her bum bf comes up to me and wanted to fight

biz u fcking lied to me. money doesn't get u any dussy. fck u bz

>> No.56882933

This is the worst post in the history of 4chan. Congratulations.

>> No.56882962

You didn't see Caroline's porno?

>> No.56882969
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>free food line up

>> No.56882985

im feasting on the visual of some guy with $10000 in crypto trying to charm women at the catholic church food bank

>> No.56882992

Try when you're both over 30 and you might have some luck.

>> No.56882998

Was it Serena?

>> No.56883330

shoulda beat the fuck outta him

>> No.56883346

about 30-45 seconds ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so hard that my left leg is numb and my dick is also numb to the point where it feels weird when i have to take a piss

>> No.56883416

that's not normal at all and something is wrong with you for sure

>> No.56883432

pretty common in burgerland these days. dying empire

>> No.56883598

Buy a whore

>> No.56883621

>anon tries to hit on a homeless girl and gets FUCKED UP by a homeless Chad

>> No.56884132
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OP discovers it really is about your personality unless you want to attract vapid gold digger prostitutes kek. do it for yourself. fag. and stop listening to biz fr and go to beoble better

>> No.56884188

cope, absolute fucking cope, the personality shit is SUCH fucking cope, kys

>> No.56884207

based actually only delusional blackpillers think money does anything more than getting you whores. just buy one. easier and no heartbreak if youre gonna do that

>> No.56884209

cry about it money is the only way

>> No.56884624

you have to play in your class anon.

bums will think you're some bateman character that wants to chain them up in your basement.

>> No.56884661

>picking up a girl in the food bank line

>> No.56884764

kek - Thinking money will get you anything but a gold digger is actually a hard cope, because you can get money. The blackpill is that 80% of attraction is looks, and that you can't do much about beyond staying fit and other basic shit.

>> No.56884868

Literally girls are meant for enslavement, imagine being so stupid to fall for the states next trick brainwashing chicks who took too much LSD into making you buy them a house,a car, having children in the context of a "family", think they know everything about incomes and business from their business major and just become society provides them easy income they think everyone else isn't working hard enough
Women should be left alone to spin wool, don't fall for this give them half your assets nonsense

>> No.56884991

I don't understand what you're talking about. Men providing for women within the context of a family has been the model for thousands of years, and its proven to work. The problem is that we've had radical societal changes that have at every turn tried to undermine this model. The state wants atomized individuals who are easy to control, and broken families are perfect for that. Obviously nowadays its retarded for men to get married, you are just tying a noose around your own neck and the woman can kick the chair under you at any time she feels without any repercussions.